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The Darkside Chronicles "Talking Evil" Blog - Veronica’s Darkness

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  • The Darkside Chronicles "Talking Evil" Blog - Veronica’s Darkness

    Once again focusing on Code: Veronica, Talking Evil blog this week talks about the atmosphere change from the American feel of the older REs to the European feel in Code: Veronica.

    The Darkside Chronicles "Talking Evil" Blog

  • #2
    That was a lovely read! Great to know they have the same music composer, I'm looking forward to hearing the updated music. I think Code Veronica has the best OST of all the RE games. Thanks for posting THIA! <3


    • #3
      I loved Alexia's Lullaby in CVX, it was my favorite theme from CVX.

      I wonder if it will feature in DSC as well, or if they will do another version of it.


      • #4
        The music in Darkside Chronicles is all original or else newly arranged
        A part of me is going "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and another part of me is glad that the same composer's on board. Most of the music I've heard is the newly arranged stuff anyway (such as the secret residence BGM). Either way, I like the discussion of Gothic horror vs. American/B-movie horror.
        Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 06-12-2009, 10:21 PM.


        • #5
          So much that I love about CODE: Veronica's score. Definitely shall remain my favorite Resident Evil score of all time. It just contains everything beautiful and haunting music should have. I can't wait to hear what some of the "remixes" sound like. I am sure they are great.


          • #6
            I'm glad they got the same composer. And I def. cannot wait to hear some of these newly arranged tracks. I am crossing my fingers so so hard for a Theme of remix or something because those were my absolute favorite tracks. ;o; I love how they go so into how the music and the atmosphere of the game work together. CV was such a great game and I love seeing them talk about it to this extent.


            • #7
              I thought Goblin were doing the score to this game???


              • #8
                That’s because we are lucky to have Takeshi Miura working as the sound director for the portions of Darkside’s music that have to do with the Veronica story. He was the composer of the original songs in Code: Veronica.
                Two Words: Hell Yes.

                That is all.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Corrin View Post
                  I thought Goblin were doing the score to this game???
                  Maybe they'll perform the end credits song.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Corrin View Post
                    I thought Goblin were doing the score to this game???
                    The Composer said that he was using them in the game(so excited for that), not that they were doing the music. If he uses Phenomena's theme in the CV section that would be awesome.


                    • #11
                      It seems that capcom is giving this game a lot of attention which is great. I think UC was rushed and just a way to make a quick buck. I sure the gameplay will be similar between the games but the environments look 10 times better in DSC.

