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Darkside Chronicles Blog Update: Alexia's Rebirth

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  • Darkside Chronicles Blog Update: Alexia's Rebirth

    This week's blog update for The Darkside Chronicles discusses Alexia's Rebirth in detail, as well as her implementation into The Darkside Chronicles. It gives us a bit of a preview on how the CODE: Veronica chapter will play out.

    Click here for the latest Darkside Chronicles blog.
    Last edited by cvxfreak; 07-10-2009, 02:42 AM.

  • #2
    Claire and Steve follow the elusive figure of Alexia while searching the island. They hear her laughter, her footsteps, and the constant sound of her lullaby... but they never seem to be able to catch a clear look at the woman herself. The pair feels like they are chasing after a ghost.
    Awesome, Emma's going to love this.


    • #3
      Alexia’s incarnation in the Darkside Chronicles is burning hot, and she will leave you wanting more!
      Ow I bet she will she did before I think it will be safe to say she will do it again.


      • #4
        This week, I’d like to talk a bit about Alfred Ashford’s daughter, Alexia.
        Wait what?

        Nice entry, I like Alexia a lot and am glad they are going to be focusing on her a lot. She's very interesting.
        Last edited by missvalentine; 07-10-2009, 06:18 AM.


        • #5
          I think we can safely say the translator screwed up on that one.


          • #6
            great i get too put up with the crazy twins from hell again ¬_¬ i'll show them both again why i hate them with a hail of bullets and bad barry burton dialogue too boot xD


            • #7
              I wonder how many people that are reading those blog entries haven't played RECV and thus are unaware of the twist.


              • #8
                This game is sounding superb. But let's hear of some of Chris' involvement!
                Review and contributor for


                • #9
                  Yeah.. First thing I noticed; "Alfred Ashford's daughter, Alexia", Omgwtfbbq?

                  She was already great in the first game anyway and I'm sure she'll be good in this one. I want to see more in-game footage of her than just that one picture.


                  • #10
                    If they ever run low on ideas for new chapters, they can always redo the RE3 Scenario. I was very disappointed with it in UC. It should have been more true to RE3.
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                    • #11
                      That entry was kind of disappointing compared to the other ones, but I guess I can't blame them for not wanting to give a lot away (even though I really don't think they should cater to fans who haven't played RE2 and CVX). Whatever... I'm just glad we're getting more of Alexia in DSC!


                      • #12
                        Wow, I'm liking the sound of this, the addition of hearing her walking around and stuff sounds like a nice touch and adds to the whole creepiness facter. This game just keeps getting better and better.
                        Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                        I want to see more in-game footage of her than just that one picture.
                        I agree, I wish they would of at least showed concept art or something within the blog if nothing else but whatever, I'm sure we'll see more of her soon enough.


                        • #13
                          Since the Chronicles series is a gun shooting game, we have to make sure that telling the story doesn’t interfere with the tempo of the game. To accomplish this, we’ve made a lot of additions and changes to the way the story is told.
                          I guess this is expected after playing UC and knowing what the game had to offer. The original games are of course cannon and I guess some changes had to be made, but I sit like what I see so far.
                          Last edited by Stars1356; 07-11-2009, 04:39 PM.


                          • #14
                            I really like how they changed the Alexia stuff to fit in with the type of game it's going to be.


                            Alexia’s incarnation in the Darkside Chronicles is burning hot
                            Oh I see what you did there.

