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SDCC 09: Resident Evil's Wesker Gone for Good

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  • #16
    The Resident Evil series really needs a reboot. Resident Evil 4 was fun but it took the series down the wrong road. I would have wished to see the series completed in the original style and then see a reboot in the form of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 after the story was completed. It is too bad the series went down this new road before the story was completed. Capcom has done this with other series as well like Mega Man. I wish each series could stay closely related to one game play style while new Resident Evil IP's take the risk of taking series down a new game play and story style.

    I think there is a lot of potential to bring the series back to life for both new and old fans of Resident Evil but I get the feeling that future Resident Evil titles will continue to adopt the new game play mechanics instead of trying to mix old with new. Maybe I'm just really old school but I have always felt the way Resident Evil played from 96'-04' had more of a potential to last longer then the new game play mechanics added from 05'-09'.


    • #17
      I though Wesker's sendoff was pretty epic. The final fight was amidst lava and fire and he was roasting in the lake before being shot with two rockets.


      • #18
        Originally posted by alf717 View Post
        Maybe I'm just really old school but I have always felt the way Resident Evil played from 96'-04' had more of a potential to last longer then the new game play mechanics added from 05'-09'.
        It already has lasted longer. Just look at the dates you posted. =P

        I still believe, however, that the reason the old style lasted so long was there were so few competitors, or to be frank, copycats. The first real contender didn't appear until, what, 1999? And that was Silent Hill. There had already been three Resident Evil games by then. I guess four if you count Survivor, or did that come out in 2000?

        Anyway, the point is that Resident Evil 4 was considered so revolutionary that, almost immediately, many other titles began drawing inspiration from its basic design and gameplay formula. A lot of elements from Resident Evil 4 are pretty much considered standard these days in any game that involves some form of gunplay. And each game that has drawn from RE4's basic formula has tweaked it, and in many cases, improved upon it.

        But when you consider that there was a year, maybe two tops, between previous entries in the Resident Evil franchise, the minor additions and changes to the formula didn't seem as problematic. But there was a time span of four years between RE4 and RE5, and many games came and went that, as I said, tweaked and improved upon RE4's set up.

        So when RE5 finally releases, and it offers nothing new, and in many ways is even a step back from what RE4 and other games of its ilk accomplished, it was inevitable that the critical reception would be lukewarm at best, and Capcom would feel the need to do another reboot. It's not so much the formula that's at fault here as it is how it was handled by the development team.

        There's still enough uniqueness there that sets it apart from other third person shooters, and it's a formula that I could see lasting for another game or two. Capcom just needs to be more willing to take some chances and experiment. They don't necessarily need to wipe the slate clean and start over from scratch again.


        • #19
          Poor Wesker. 8(


          • #20
            Let's just break this down slowly...


            Not least because if they thought it was a good thing for the story, they'd bring him back in a heartbeat. But mostly because if a different producer comes along in future (hell, even if Mikami comes back), then who is going to tell them they can't bring the series' villain back?

            Bottom line...this changes nothing with regards to Wesker. Get behind it and want to believe it all you can, but we're still where we were before.
            Last edited by Stu; 07-24-2009, 02:34 AM.


            • #21
              just watch the wesker children grow and the alice army coming into the game series to counter them in the next installment <_<


              • #22
                Ow well wesker had a good 13 years of fame in the series now it's finaly over for him like I've said before it's time for a new villan to take his place.
                Last edited by Sephiroth; 07-24-2009, 04:29 AM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
                  If it is the same characters, it will suck.

                  You want to use a new character, one who has never been in a biohazard outbreak before. That is how you can effectively use the fear element.
                  I totally agree! The saga needs a new starting point with new characters and (maybe) a different timeline, also new gameplay features have to be introduced. obviously the main characteristics of the brand have to be kept to not have a total transformation. This could be the opportunity for a change of direction to a more dark and "classic" survival horror archetype but keeping in mind all the new gameplay results obtained by the last two generations

                  OT sorry for my english, i do my best


                  • #24
                    I am very happy at Kawata comment, I don't want any more Wesker, he should of stayed dead in the mansion IMO.

                    But Takeuchi's comment bothers me, I really do not want a Reboot at all. I think that would be the worst thing, especially if there are new characters involved.

                    If the reboot still had old character I may consider trying it, if it is a complete reboot with nothing from any of the previous games I wont go near it with a 10 foot poll. I have had it with the RE series.

                    Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
                    I disagree. If it is the same characters, it will suck. What reason do they have to bring back Billy, Rebecca, Barry, Chris, Jill, Leon, Ada, or Claire, if they are doing a reboot? They are all played out. It's time to bring in all new characters, which I think they're going to do. Especially if they are going for the horror type instead of the action. All of the old characters can't possibly get scared since they have already been through these kinds of situations before. If they are rebooting the series then they need a new cast. Think about it, don't you think it would be a little ridiculous if Leon or Jill re-appeared as the main character of RE6? They have both been in 2 games, just as Chris and Rebecca have.

                    You want to use a new character, one who has never been in a biohazard outbreak before. That is how you can effectively use the fear element.
                    That is a load of BS.

                    If you have ever seen the show Supernatural on TV before you would know that. The show follows two brothers who work together hunting the supernatural, and they were trained by there dad from childhood and have been hunting monsters since they were children. And Guess what, it's still scary, they still show signs of fear. So what your saying is BS.

                    All the RE characters can be written back into the story quite easily and made to fit well by anyone with decent writing skills.

                    Have you seen Alien before? In Aliens, Ripely is terrified of having a second encounter with an Alien, absolutely terrified. Do you think that people go, Oh Ive seen a zombie before, all it did was kill all my friend and wipe an entire city out, I'm not scared of them anymore. That is just stupid and is the product of bad writing, a realistic response is that you could possibly be even more scared of the creature on your second encounter since you know what they can do to you know. Even in Alien 3 Ripley starts freaking out when she realizes the Alien survived and is on the planet. Because she is scared shitless, cause she knows there is a chance she may have to relive the horrors and nightmares she went through once before.

                    I think all the RE characters could come back and fit nicely, just tone down Chris's muscles and he'll be fine too.
                    Last edited by missvalentine; 07-24-2009, 09:49 AM.


                    • #25
                      if they make a reboot with diferent caracters ill honestly wont care.


                      • #26
                        RE6 will be Resident Evil's Dino Crisis 3.
                        If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                        • #27
                          RE was about zombies and Chris/Jill/Wesker/leon etc etc...

                          Now the risk is: RE without zombies and any of the old characters. So, why call this new game RE?
                          It's like "Terminator" whitout a Connor and terminators...


                          • #28
                            I'd like to see someone else take up the mantel. Just have a scene with some other dude entering Wesker's control room place... thing with all those magic monitors.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
                              RE6 will be Resident Evil's Dino Crisis 3.
                              i don't think capcom is going to risk with its main brand, if there will be changes i wish these can be balanced with old-school revivals, maybe zombies or a more classic Survival Horror attitude... after all Capcom knows very well that RE5 had many critics about atmosphere and about the missing of standard horror cliché

                              personally i was never deluded by RE main chapters so I trust in Capcom and in the sixth episode whose details we still don't know anything


                              • #30
                                I think the "new direction" the series will head up will be around BSAA's 11 original members and global bioterrorist along with expanding the plot by introducing a new Wesker children. No way they will be so stupid to revive Wesker again. My two cents there.

