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Extended Paul Anderson Interview & Unofficial RE5 PC Requirements

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  • #16
    The movies made money, thats all its about.


    • #17
      I think people are misunderstanding what 3D means here. He's not talking about cg. He's talking about using the 3D camera that was used for RE5's cutscenes and James Cameron's Avatar.

      Also, just because he said he sees it as a reboot doesn't automatically mean he's going to scrap the storyline/s from the previous three movies. Reboot can mean many different things. From what it sounds like, in this case it will be more of a stylistic change.
      Last edited by Archelon; 07-26-2009, 12:48 PM.


      • #18
        Awesome... This is sweet. Can't wait to see what Paul does with the series now! If he's taking inspiration from RE5, then I can only wonder what he has up his sleeve. Naturally, there will be blood. So that's good. XD


        • #19
          Run Milla! He's insane!

          She's too good for Anderson. What a waste.


          • #20
            Good? Oh yes... she's a great actress.... great actress indeed.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
              Good? Oh yes... she's a great actress.... great actress indeed.
              My favorite movie that stars her is The Fifth Element. if i rather see her in a sci-fi film, i rather see her in something similar to that.
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              • #22
                Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                Good? Oh yes... she's a great actress.... great actress indeed.
                Let's no start to be sarcastic with Milla, she's pretty good at what she's given to act. I'm not fan of hers, but it's not her fault that she was given a bad adaptation script, you can blame her for acting something bad as good as she can. The only problem I have with her is she showing her boobies on a lot of films.

                As for the reboot, I think it will keep up with the storyline Anderson already had planned, but with a stylistic change, as Archelon said. If the script doesn't take Alices powers away... hell, that's no reboot at all.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                  I think people are misunderstanding what 3D means here. He's not talking about cg. He's talking about using the 3D camera that was used for RE5's cutscenes and James Cameron's Avatar.

                  Exactly! It's far from "uncreative". I think some were confused that he told the CG artists "oh hai gais, make me some cg creatures plz and animate them in kool ways, kthxbai".

                  Shooting in 3D isn't a trivial task.
                  Last edited by doomed; 07-26-2009, 03:30 PM.


                  • #24
                    Does she even have boobies? I want evidence! (sarcasm mode: off)
                    I don't need to be sarcastic, you know. I personally think she's not a good actress.
                    Does that make me guilty?

                    I simply don't like her at all and the RE movies have nothing to do with my opinion. I respect yours, though.
                    Last edited by Jill Lover; 07-26-2009, 03:34 PM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                      I think people are misunderstanding what 3D means here. He's not talking about cg. He's talking about using the 3D camera that was used for RE5's cutscenes and James Cameron's Avatar.

                      Also, just because he said he sees it as a reboot doesn't automatically mean he's going to scrap the storyline/s from the previous three movies. Reboot can mean many different things. From what it sounds like, in this case it will be more of a stylistic change.
                      I didn't misunderstand anything, I was just raising an extra point.
                      If he thinks that shooting the movie in 3d is going to stop the movie being a turd he's sorely mistaken like I said he's uncreative and is just jumping on the whole imax / 3d bandwagon because they've proven to be popular.
                      If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                      • #26
                        If he thinks that shooting the movie in 3d is going to stop the movie being a turd he's sorely mistaken
                        I'm pretty sure he thinks his movies are good enough. Although it doesn't matter at all as long as his movies make money, and the RE movies are very profitable.

                        just jumping on the whole imax / 3d bandwagon because they've proven to be popular.
                        Isn't that a good reason to use the technology? I mean if it wasn't popular why would he or the other producers would want to invest in such an expensive technology?

                        I really can't see how shooting in 3D is either because he's uncreative or is proving he's uncreative. (Though I'm not saying he isn't, just can't see any connection with his announcement to shoot in 3D!)


                        • #27
                          Milla may not be the best actress in the world, but she's okay. I just want her to stray away from Anderson, who has given her an even worse rep. She should renew her music again. Now that was great.


                          • #28
                            Anderson both looks and presents himself like an incompetent frat boy. The mind baffles.


                            • #29
                              Mediocrity, anyone?

                              They'll be serving tons of it when this movie opens.

                              Not particularly hungry for it myself, but others can go try it (if you DARE).


                              • #30
                                Ugh... I'd love to believe this will be the last but if it makes more money for Constantine and Sony then it wont be.

                                The even more sad thing was I actually enjoyed the last film Anderson directed, the Death Race 2000 remake with Jason Statham in it... it was loud and dumb but it never pretended to be anything but. And it did well. So one would hope he would take that as a clue to make more one off's like this and Event Horizon because they seem to be better than a series.

