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Tentative US and EURO box art for Darkside Chronicles Revealed

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  • #31
    Okay, after seeing the US one, the UK one fails. The US one is so much more fitting.


    • #32
      Originally posted by DarkMemories View Post
      It's because they know CVX sucks...j/k.

      But seriously, how can you NOT notice the giant Steve head on the NA cover?
      Oh, I thought that was Leon lol. My mistake.

      He looks just like Leon anyway apart from the hardly noticeable neck band thing.


      • #33
        The U.S. box art is clearly better.
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        • #34
          Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
          Wow! I like the NA version alot better! Glad they used that picture for the cover. When are they going to reveal more info about the Krauser scenario, anyway? It's not like it's a big secret anymore.. :C
          Hopefully they wont fuck up like they did with RE5 and leave some things to be left until people actually play the game.

          I'm actually indifferent about the covers. I don't mind the PAL cover being white...and we've already seen the American cover art before, so its no big surprise.
          Are you tired, Rebecca?


          • #35
            For a tentative image, NTSC doesn't look too bad.

            NTSC-J will blow them both away, I'm sure.


            • #36
              supposedly the entire US box


              • #37
                The original US boxart, without the IGN watermark.

                TheBlackMamba, I think it's a fake. She doesn't look like the version that gives Capcom, and why the US version will give the address of the Japanese web site?


                • #38
                  hmm didn't look closely, fake then, that's why i said supposedly cus i didnt trust it


                  • #39
                    It's a fake, the Wii band up the top is to generally be pure white instead of textured and the links are wrong.

                    However, I do like the design of it - with Steve and Krauser moved over to be closer to which character they generally correspond with.

                    My main problem with the PAL one is that it's too white/bright, and absolutely unfitting for a game titled The Darkside Chronicles. I really hope that they'll put up some other boxart designs soon.
                    Last edited by Enetirnel; 07-29-2009, 07:07 PM.
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                    • #40
                      Still no word on Chris or Wesker yet, eh?


                      • #41
                        I'm not sure Chris is going to be in it, i mean he's an important enough character to warrant a spot on the box art if he were in it. Wesker might be in for some narration shit again.


                        • #42
                          I'm pretty sure that Chris won't appear in the game, he should have been announced by now.


                          • #43
                            Then again, neither was Wesker, other than for the fact that Douglas mentioned he'd be back.

                            Pretty lame if you ask me. About half of C:V was about Claire, Steve and the Ashfords, and the other half was about Chris, Wesker, and Wesker screwing with Claire because she's Chris's sister. Also, leaving Barry out of the Mansion scenario is not a valid comparison to leaving Chris out of C:V.


                            • #44
                              I don't really see what all the fuss is about Capcom not showing Chris or Wesker yet. Jumping to the conclusion that either of them will not be in DSC seems a bit premature.

                              Look at it this way. Resident Evil 5 focused on Chris and Wesker, so while it might be advantageous to advertise the fact that they're in DSC, as I'm sure their popularity has grown as a direct result of RE5, at the same time Capcom may fear fans might feel burned out on Chris and Wesker if they give the impression that DSC will focus as much on Chris and Wesker as it does on Leon and Claire, which it obviously will not.

                              Simply put, RE5 was Chris and Wesker's game. DSC is Leon and Claire's. So it makes sense for Capcom to place the focus squarely on Leon and Claire in their advertising. But that's just my two cents on the matter.


                              • #45
                                Maybe they are doing the opposite of RE 5 and not going to really everything about the game. Also they are probably waiting for GDC or TGS to reveal anything new.
                                Last edited by Stars1356; 07-30-2009, 06:28 PM.

