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Resident Evil 5 PC Version Gameplay Footage

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  • Resident Evil 5 PC Version Gameplay Footage

    Giant Bomb has posted a 15-minute long video showcasing the PC version of Resident Evil 5, which is set to be released in a couple of weeks. The video demonstrates the new keyboard and mouse controls as well as the various performance levels at which the game can be played. There is even a brief mention of new enemies and weapons for the PC version, but no specifics were divulged.

    To watch the video, follow this link.

  • #2
    Very nice video!
    I must say, I was expecting a bit more from the mouse support.
    Look at Re4 Wii, you can move that cross air all over the damn place, on PC it's like stuck in the center of the screen, and you move around your mouse to line up a shot.

    But then again, there is a big differnce between a Wii Remote and a mouse, either way, there should no problem with allowing you to move your cross air anywhere you want on the screen using the mouse, and left click to fire.

    Either way, I'm just happy it has support at all, unlike Re4 PC


    • #3
      Originally posted by wizard View Post
      Look at Re4 Wii, you can move that cross air all over the damn place, on PC it's like stuck in the center of the screen, and you move around your mouse to line up a shot.
      There was a preview on a Polish website (unfortunately, right now you have to be a member of the site to access the preview :|) that said there are two modes when you're using a mouse to aim. From what I understand one is basically what we get in RE5 on consoles - the cross hair is always in the centre of the screen and moving it makes the character to turn around - and the second one sounded like RE4 Wii, where the cross hair is independent from character's movement.

      Also, in the video, when they've accessed Keyboard/Mouse controls there was an option for "Control Type" and it was selected as "Mouse Look". So they must be other types too.

      If anyone's interested, here are the controls for mouse+keyboard that were shown in the video above:
      WSAD - character's movement
      W + Shift - run
      S + Shift - quick turn 1
      C - quick turn 2
      Q - locate partner
      Alt - ready weapon
      Space - ready knife
      T - quick slash (I dunno what it is - maybe it's something like in RE4 Wii where you don't have to aim knife and press action button to swipe each time).
      LMB - attack
      F - contextual attack
      E - inventory menu
      M - map
      V - partner action
      Shift + Alt - Reload 1
      R - Reload 2
      1 - 9 - quick access to items in your inventory


      • #4
        Nice to see what the game would be like with the PC controls, the PC version looks great and would love to be able to play it online.


        • #5
          Mouse look is always a better choice for a FPS. Which let's not kid ourselves this game pretty much is. Myself personally if my pc could run this I would own ass at mercs hehe. Don't get me wrong I love the ps3 version as well but aiming with a mouse over a control stick is much much easier.

