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RE5 Director's Cut TGS Gameplay Demo and Trailer Leaked

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  • #16
    Looks good. I hope this will be a much different experiance compared to the rest of the game.


    • #17
      I think there are possibility for only three types of BOW:
      1. Ivans - they could be simply use as guards
      2. Hunters - they could be use same as Wesker used them in cVX
      3. Nemesis - this "monster" could be programmed to attack every insiders except Wesker


      • #18
        Spencer could also possibly have a small lab like thing in his estate as well. Zombies may very well return if Capcom want them to one way or another.


        • #19
          yeah of course there could be a lab, but this never was mentioned yet .....until then I will hold my options


          • #20
            Holy shit, beautiful. Moonlight Sonata! Puzzles! This looks amazing. I'd love to be bombarded with puzzles, but I do hope we have some enemies to fight off.

            Also, anyone notice Jill, THE MASTER OF UNLOCKING, was lock-picking the front door of the mansion? Very nice touch.

            Can't wait to get this trailer in HD. It looks really amazing.

            That motion controller still looks like a sex toy to me.


            • #21
              Ow please for the love of god Capcom just for this one episode BRING BACK THE ZOMBIES is it so hard to gives us that.


              • #22
                Holy shit, I never thought they'd try this when doing a Spencer Estate scenario.

                Looks like a trip down nostalgia lane, I'm all for that.

                I do wonder who the enemies will be though. Its unlikely Spencer, a wheelchair bound, frail old man would just unleash monsters around the place he lives.

                Hopefully it has a whole host of story additions and files too, Spencer is still shrouded in quite a bit of mystery.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #23
                  Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  I do wonder who the enemies will be though. Its unlikely Spencer, a wheelchair bound, frail old man would just unleash monsters around the place he lives.
                  No more unlikely than them being unleashed on previous mansions in the game. Just means there might be labs there that's all.


                  • #24
                    Lol I didn't know Sony's ripoff required you to hold the uncomfortable (for me, anyway) PS3 controller in your left hand.

                    Anyway, look forward to the Spencer Estate DLC (assuming it really is coming to XBox).
                    A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                    • #25
                      This really looks like the mansion... interesting. Kinda weird though that Spencer lives in a mansion with boobytraps around every corner.. can't imagine anyone can live like that. How does he go to the toilet without activating one of these traps?

                      Like many of you I wonder what the enemies will be. Because Spencer is still there, I can't imagine an outbreak has occured... because he is just sitting there in his wheelchair like nothing is going on (until Wesker arrives of course). So that probably means no zombies. Controlled BOWs (like Hunter and Tyrants) could be a possibility here. Although I don't like it, security guard could also be an option.. RE 5 used enemies with guns, would be easy for Capcom to use them again.

                      Is it corfirmed that this will be released as DLC btw? Because I don't feel like buying RE5 again, like I had to do with RE4. I felt pretty screwed because I had to buy the game two times to play the entire game.


                      • #26

                        So nostalgic! So we are going to be able to play the fight with Wesker aswell?


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            LOL. I laughed so hard at how they just walk right through the front door at the beginning of the video.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                              LOL. I laughed so hard at how they just walk right through the front door at the beginning of the video.
                              Why?! If there were guards, Wesker kill them he arrive , so it's free for Chris and Jill...


                              • #30
                                I know. That's my point. Chris and Jill are all Solid Snake and stealthy trying to infiltrate this big castle, and they might as well have just rung the doorbell, wiped their feet on a doormat and walked inside screaming "HELLO?! Anyone HOME?!"

                                I still don't see this scenario making much sense, though. I'm all for nostalgia, trust me, and it looks cool so far, but...meh...
                                Last edited by Vector; 09-25-2009, 08:56 AM.

