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RE5 Director's Cut TGS Gameplay Demo and Trailer Leaked

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
    I meant, they can add a new chapter with Jill with the device on her chest and Wesker being her partner.
    That's not what you said, though.

    Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
    So I didn't say Jill survived from that fall... if that's what you thought.
    I'm quoting...

    How can you be that sure that the chapter will end in that scene?... I have the feeling we are going to play with Jill/Wesker after they fall... it will not be all about the Spencer Estate. We all know it's about marketing... it's Capcom guys, they sell games, we buy them or not.


    • #77
      After they fall, not in that moment. After all the things we know. Wesker took Jill's body... etc.

      Is Rosetta using chris29 account? I'm just curious.

      Why do you all need to nitpicking?


      • #78
        No, believe it or not, more than one person thinks you're chatting rubbish, that's all.

        No one's nit picking, they're just making you see your theories can't come to fruition, that's all it is.


        • #79
          chatting rubbish for just giving my thoughts about something?.

          Well, I'm sorry you perfect gentlemen.


          • #80
            Why're you apologising to me? I'm not the one who's thinking it


            • #81
              i hope this isnt the only new scenario, dont get me wrong this is awesome but i also want to know how the hell jill found josh and escape with him.


              • #82
                I can't believe people are expecting a REPLICA of the mansion based on it JUST BEING a mansion from what we've seen so far! We know full well the room where Wesker kills Spencer and where Jill takes her tumble, did that look identical to any of the rooms from the other mansions?
                Uhh it doesn't have to be a complete replica for some parts to bear a resemblence to the Arklay Research Facility. Judging from the shot of it in RE5, the whole thing looks huge.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #83
                  Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  Uhh it doesn't have to be a complete replica for some parts to bear a resemblence to the Arklay Research Facility.
                  Well...yeah. Thanks for backing my point up.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
                    I think there are possibility for only three types of BOW:
                    1. Ivans - they could be simply use as guards
                    2. Hunters - they could be use same as Wesker used them in cVX
                    3. Nemesis - this "monster" could be programmed to attack every insiders except Wesker
                    I WANT NEMESIS IN THIS SCENARIO!!!!!!!!!! lol seriously though i would like to see a nemesis in the game as long as they do him well, i dont want another UC nemesis. It would be cool if the Nemesis wansnt a carbon copy of the first though as that would seem a bit lazy. So i like all of them except maybe the Ivans as i didnt like them so much. It would be nice to see some zombies but i dont see how that can be worked into the story. not yet anyway


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                      Is Rosetta using chris29 account? I'm just curious.

                      Why do you all need to nitpicking?
                      Yeah...that was me. The mods can totally check the IP and tell that I logged into CR29's account with my mind (since I was at work at the time), read all the posts, and posted under his name. it was pointed out...people do share some ideas.

                      And we're not nitpicking. Some people would like logical reasons for things. Some things simply don't make sense. A fine example would be when people thought Wesker's line about "We last met at the Spencer Estate" was to someone other than Chris. People started coming up with these outrageous theories like he was speaking to Excella and that she was in the Arklay labs when she was a child. I was one of the very few people that actually said early on it was Chris, because that was what seemed logical to me.

                      No one is trying to gang up on you, and I'm sorry if it feels like that. If you have a theory that makes sense, people won't mind thinking about it. And I know there is the language barrier that often causes some confusion. When you said after the fall, I took that literally, but I also did include some time after Jill went under experimentation.
                      Last edited by Bertha; 09-25-2009, 08:21 PM.
                      Are you tired, Rebecca?


                      • #86
                        I see your point. It's ok. I don't really like arguing. I just don't want to be underestimated just for being a Jill fan... I'm a big fan of Chris aswell.. and I do really like resident evil, so the fanboyish thing should be avoided, it always brings troubles like this one.

                        I apologise for the misunderstanding.

                        the language barrier that often causes some confusion
                        I have to agree.


                        • #87
                          I am BLOWN AWAY by this news!
                          I had no f**king idea this was coming!
                          I didn't even know the PS3 was getting motion controls (I heard a rumor a while back)... I HATE motion controls!
                          But I'm still very excited. Earlier in the year I played through Fatal Frame a few times on the Wii and I got used to the controls (though I would have changed over to a regular controller in a second, had it given me the option).
                          I wonder if there will be an option to use the Dual Shock?
                          I think I'll finally grab the RE4 Wii version too. I've played the crap out of RE4 on GC and PS2 but I need to try it with the motion controls. Could this open the door for 'RE4 HD on PS3 with motion controls'?

                          Will the game have other differences besides the extra scenario? (like RE1 vs RE-Director's Cut)
                          So, if this is packaged as a retail game, does that mean I can play through it again and earn another Platinum Trophy?
                          I'm wondering if only the 360 will get the DLC scenario and PS3 users will have to shell out for the full game with motion control bundle..?


                          • #88
                            After that trailer I'm looking forward to this so bad it's my new most anticipated game. Why? Because of the music they used, a new mansion to explore, the environment's look amazing, story sounds great and YES BECAUSE JILL IS IN IT!!!

                            Is that fanboy garbage still going on,

                            Yeah I'm a fanboy and so is EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this forum otherwise you wouldn't have joined. If you wanna go ahead and deny that then your more full of shit than I thought. You tell me you join a Resident Evil Forum and your not a fanboy then I say your a sad human being who like's to waste his/her life doing things that you don't even enjoy! Mental.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by P Anderson DIE View Post
                              Yeah I'm a fanboy and so is EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this forum otherwise you wouldn't have joined. If you wanna go ahead and deny that then your more full of shit than I thought. You tell me you join a Resident Evil Forum and your not a fanboy then I say your a sad human being who like's to waste his/her life doing things that you don't even enjoy! Mental.
                              Wrong. You're confusing what a fanboy is. You can be a hardcore fan of something, and not be a fanboy. A fanboy is someone who is obsessed and in love with something so much so that they throw logic and common sense out the window, or just plain exalt what they love over everything else/bring it up in unrelated topics/sound like a broken record with what they post about. They defend their obsessions blindly and to no end.

                              I don't discriminate -- I dislike all fanboys. It just so happens that on this site, Jill fanboys are most prevalent. Other places, Leon fanboys might dominate. Other sites, Chris fanboys might be frequent. Bottom line is...logic and reasoning should win out, and with fanboys, it usually never does.

                              I love a lot of things, but I can honestly say that I am not a fanboy of anything. I can see what is wrong with the things I love. When they suck, I say they suck. If there's something wrong with them, I admit it. I accept it. This is what fanboys can't do.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                                Wrong. You're confusing what a fanboy is. You can be a hardcore fan of something, and not be a fanboy. A fanboy is someone who is obsessed and in love with something so much so that they throw logic and common sense out the window, or just plain exalt what they love over everything else/bring it up in unrelated topics/sound like a broken record with what they post about. They defend their obsessions blindly and to no end.

                                I don't discriminate -- I dislike all fanboys. It just so happens that on this site, Jill fanboys are most prevalent. Other places, Leon fanboys might dominate. Other sites, Chris fanboys might be frequent. Bottom line is...logic and reasoning should win out, and with fanboys, it usually never does.

                                I love a lot of things, but I can honestly say that I am not a fanboy of anything. I can see what is wrong with the things I love. When they suck, I say they suck. If there's something wrong with them, I admit it. I accept it. This is what fanboys can't do.

                                this is true.

