Capcom is thinking about adding new costumes and game modes as well.
The blood in the main hall of the mansion symbolizes that an incident has occurred, and gamers will understand as soon as they step in what that incident was.
The blood in the main hall of the mansion symbolizes that an incident has occurred, and gamers will understand as soon as they step in what that incident was.
The behind-the-shoulder camera will be used, although if you noticed from the screenshots, there are no enemies present…
When asked whether the enemies with be majinis or zombies, with regards to this chapter, Capcom is making preparations for the type of enemies to be included, especially since the setting is Spencer's mansion, with him actually living there.
When asked whether the enemies with be majinis or zombies, with regards to this chapter, Capcom is making preparations for the type of enemies to be included, especially since the setting is Spencer's mansion, with him actually living there.
Capcom believes the game will have the types of rooms and locations fans are expecting.
Of course, this isn't the only new content being included…
Of course, this isn't the only new content being included…

I also love the fourth scan from Famitsu. How Jill is up on the second floor and Chris is all the way down near the dining table.