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Wentworth Miller is Chris Redfield in Resident Evil Afterlife

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  • #46
    Ironically, the authour of the books really does try to improve what they're given try to make them as good as possible. In the first and third book they include a good chunk of additional storyline that complements the small amount you get in the story. Amusingly, they don't really try in the second one...just repeats the end of ther first book and launches into the story. I guess the authour watched it and decided you can only polish a turd so much. And there was no mention of the T-Virus killing of all plant life in the books, either. All told they generaly improve the movies to a point where I read them and didn't feel the absoloute need to rip each page out as I read and eat it, but I did anyway. It's the princible.


    • #47
      Anyone else thinks that Chris will be Alices new love interest?


      • #48
        i always thought matt mullins was a dead ringer for chris; there was this one other picture that looked like chris, i thought they modeled him after mullins for a second there

        no comment on his acting though...


        • #49
          Originally posted by aris13 View Post
          Anyone else thinks that Chris will be Alices new love interest?
          You mean she dumped Nemesis from Apocalypse?
          Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
            You mean she dumped Nemesis from Apocalypse?
            No she's just playing the field.


            • #51
              I think Justin bruening from knight rider2k8 would fit better on a chris redfield role with all this military training etc..
              He looks like chris in re5.

              Last edited by Neoblast; 10-01-2009, 06:21 PM.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                Eh, doesn't matter anyway, since the lame ass Milla character is still there. "Alice" will probably end up killing Wesker while also uppercutting SIX boulders and 20 Nemesises (Nemesi?).
                at Nemesi!

                I guarantee you that if Wesker has a significant role in the new film, the final battle will be Alice vs. Wesker, as opposed to Chris vs. Wesker (the way it should be). The film will culminate in an X-Men-style battle between the two superpower-infused characters with Milla "I can't act worth a shit but got this role because I'm fucking the director" Jovovich killing Wesker and everyone rejoicing, while another antagonist makes an appearance in the final scene, hinting at yet another drudging sequel. What character haven't they butchered yet? James Marcus? Is it even possible to butcher his character?!

                I actually semi-enjoyed the original Resident Evil film, since Anderson didn't really butcher any of the games' character's roles. But after that the movies became ridiculous. I will admit that the actress who portrayed Jill in the second film was good, although her character was taken completely out of context. I have yet to see Extinction, and it really isn't high on my "to do" list.

                Also, kudos to those who think David Boreanaz should portray Chris (they look so similar!), as opposed to the girly-looking guy that will play him.
                Last edited by Det. Beauregard; 10-03-2009, 05:09 PM.
                Mass production? Ridiculous!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
                  Milla "I can't act worth a shit but got this role because I'm fucking the director" Jovovich
                  Was this totally necessary? Putting my love for the movies aside, she can still act. Fifth Element... Kuffs, she was really funny in Zoolander, she was great in .45...


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
                    at Nemesi!

                    I guarantee you that if Wesker has a significant role in the new film, the final battle will be Alice vs. Wesker, as opposed to Chris vs. Wesker (the way it should be). The film will culminate in an X-Men-style battle between the two superpower-infused characters with Milla "I can't act worth a shit but got this role because I'm fucking the director" Jovovich killing Wesker and everyone rejoicing, while another antagonist makes an appearance in the final scene, hinting at yet another drudging sequel. What character haven't they butchered yet? James Marcus? Is it even possible to butcher his character?!
                    This made my day, it then also made me sad because that's exactly what will happen. Hmm...


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                      Was this totally necessary? Putting my love for the movies aside, she can still act. Fifth Element... Kuffs, she was really funny in Zoolander, she was great in .45...
                      A little over-the-top on my part? Perhaps. I have seen her act quite decently (but not great) in several movies. However, in the RE movies I think she's awful.
                      Last edited by Det. Beauregard; 10-03-2009, 07:44 PM.
                      Mass production? Ridiculous!


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
                        at Nemesi!

                        I guarantee you that if Wesker has a significant role in the new film, the final battle will be Alice vs. Wesker, as opposed to Chris vs. Wesker (the way it should be). The film will culminate in an X-Men-style battle between the two superpower-infused characters with Milla "I can't act worth a shit but got this role because I'm fucking the director" Jovovich killing Wesker and everyone rejoicing, while another antagonist makes an appearance in the final scene, hinting at yet another drudging sequel. What character haven't they butchered yet? James Marcus? Is it even possible to butcher his character?!

                        I actually semi-enjoyed the original Resident Evil film, since Anderson didn't really butcher any of the games' character's roles. But after that the movies became ridiculous. I will admit that the actress who portrayed Jill in the second film was good, although her character was taken completely out of context. I have yet to see Extinction, and it really isn't high on my "to do" list.
                        Your probably right and agree with much of what you said. With all the Re news going around lately, I guess it is easy to forget that another movie is coming out.

