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Biohazard 5: Alternative Edition Direct Feed Trailer

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  • #76
    Originally posted by zomBD View Post
    The potential to explain the transition of those two Wesker personas into one. They could extend the cutscene, as it is an "alternative" edition. But it's Capcom and Mr. Jun "Wii" Takeuchi we are talking about so it's not gonna happen.
    I feel a bit disappointed how Wesker turned into the regular madman that seems to infest mostly kiddie shows ala Power Rangers or on most comic books from decades past. The bad guy that always goes into world domination mode the moment he/she gets a bit of power. It's so cliché.

    That wasn't the impression that I got from him by reading the reports and watching some of the cutscenes he's in. I guess that my expectations were that he was way beyond all that comic book stuff... and that he maybe had more sinister plans.

    That he would continue to work within the system to get others to do what he wanted without them knowing it. Not being as clumsy at it like Spencer was. Or emotionally drained like Birkin... to the point it affected his plans/work. He was always more cool and collected. A formidable foe that was more brains than brawn.

    And "Wii" Takeuchi? He's more of a "360/PS3" guy. I think you got him confused with "Wii" Kawata.
    Last edited by Pikminister; 10-02-2009, 02:22 AM.
    Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
      I feel a bit disappointed how Wesker turned into the regular madman that seems to infest mostly kiddie shows ala Power Rangers or on most comic books from decades past. The bad guy that always goes into world domination mode the moment he/she gets a bit of power. It's so cliché.

      That wasn't the impression that I got from him by reading the reports and watching some of the cutscenes he's in. I guess that my expectations were that he was way beyond all that comic book stuff... and that he maybe had more sinister plans.

      That he would continue to work within the system to get others to do what he wanted without them knowing it. Not being as clumsy at it like Spencer was. Or emotionally drained like Birkin... to the point it affected his plans/work. He was always more cool and collected. A formidable foe that was more brains than brawn.
      Yes, I completely agree with you. I almost felt he was forced out to be killed... We had this master manipulator become Lord Zedd (Power Rangers).

      Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
      And "Wii" Takeuchi? He's more of a "360/PS3" guy. I think you got him confused with "Wii" Kawata.

      "I think, while Resident Evil 4 is a great game, its appeal was limited somewhat to maniac players," Takeuchi said. "With RE5, I wanted to bring the series to a larger audience. I think its important to do the same for the next RE."
      That's why I call him "Wii" Takeuchi. He tries to appeal to the biggest audience, fuck the fanbase. Like Nintendo's strategy with Wii.

      "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


      • #78
        Originally posted by zomBD View Post
        That's why I call him "Wii" Takeuchi. He tries to appeal to the biggest audience, fuck the fanbase. Like Nintendo's strategy with Wii.
        Well, branching out to a broader audience is something every company eventually does if they wanna keep themselves profitable and out of the red.

        Even before Nintendo did it with the Wii, Sony was actually the company that did that first when it decided to cater to an audience that wasn't as finicky and picky as all those "basement dwellers" (this is how core gamers were stereotyped) that mostly populated the Ninty and SEGA fanbases back in the days. Sony knew that casual gamers were easier to convince to depart with their hard-earned cash. Not so with core gamers, since these were well informed about what products to purchase and which ones to avoid (they read magazines, visited gaming sites often, etc.). So with the Playstation brand, Sony hit the jackpot over two generations of consoles, that is until they decided to switch strategies with the PS3. Where they kicked casual gamers to the curb (initially) and started off by mostly catering to core gamers. That strategy was more of a blunder than anything else. Since not only did they limit their user base to a specific type of customer, but they had to SHARE it with the 360. Bummer.

        But these days and after 3+ years since the PS3 launched and well after said system has been trailing behind the competition, Sony has reconsidered it's strategy and they will try out the one Nintendo used on the Wii. Hello motion controls! And at the Tokio Game Show, Sony obviously made sure that the devs supported it's new strategy and it's new peripheral. And behold, here comes Capcom with it's new and improve edition of RE5 with waggle controls.

        In regards to Nintendo abandoning core gamers... I dunno. Nintendo has pretty much delivered the same amount of core games that they always have. You got 3 Mario games (not spin-offs) within a single generation (Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 plus a new retro version of their Super Mario Bros title), and that's something that didn't happen since the SNES days. You got Zelda (albeit a port... but then these games take ages to produce so it's understandable); You got Metroid Prime 3 (and Tecmo is producing yet another Metroid title); you got a sequel to their uber-popular Smash Bros franchise; they even resurrected an old favorite: Punch-Out. Looking at all their franchises/mascots, they brought back most of them for the Wii. Animal Crossing, Kirby, etc. except maybe for Pikmin. I dunno why the third game hasn't come out yet.

        Just to make a comparison, during the N64 years, as a Nintendo gamer you had to wait for months to play any of their games. Even years. Ocarina of Time came out at the end of the consoles life-cycle despite being announced BEFORE the N64 came out. Then you got the third party devs abandoning Nintendo to support the PS1. If it wasn't for Rare LTD and their games saving the day, Nintendo would've lost all of their loyal fanbase and not just core gamers.

        During the GameCube years, Nintendo didn't have Rare LTD anymore, so they had to fill the void themselves. So yes, they did produce more games in that generation. However, it's important to take notice of the fact that they still lacked support from core gamers.

        So I guess core gamers said fuck you to Nintendo back then... so, why would anybody complain about Ninty returning them the favor. It's only karma at work!
        Last edited by Pikminister; 10-02-2009, 04:55 AM.
        Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


        • #79
          I watch the trailer again and now I'm sure that shadow on the ground is hunter or crimson head and that "something" in the shadow is tyrant or nemesis


          • #80
            I'm working on the theory any monsters are part of Spencer's defences. It seems like the guy wouldn't be above keeping a variety of his most successful monsters in stasis in case he was attacked. He simply seals off his personal quarters, releases the T-virus into the system and opens up the stasis pods. He might have let Wesker through...if he knew it was Wesker. Maybe he did let Wesker through and was trying to kill Jill and Chris, which is why Wesker gets there first. It's not perfect but...

            As for Lisa Trevor being is possible. If anything could survive the mantion's destruction it's her. Remember...some of the monsters in Raccoon City, the place that got nuked, are still alive and kicking according to Outbreak, and there's no reason to think that's not true. Given Lisa's abilities it's not impossible she survived and was re-captured by Spencer. I doubt it, but it is possible.


            • #81
              Personal preference of course...but i'd rather Takuechi never even let the idea of Lisa Trevor pop into his head, let alone use her in a game.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                I feel a bit disappointed how Wesker turned into the regular madman that seems to infest mostly kiddie shows ala Power Rangers or on most comic books from decades past. The bad guy that always goes into world domination mode the moment he/she gets a bit of power. It's so cliché.
                You know why it is cliché? Because what else is a madman supposed to do when his ultimate plan is based around the accumulation of power? Why do people seek power? To dominate. Thus, the typical world domination scheme.

                Did you expect Wesker to just collect numerous bio-weapons, and just fade into the background...maybe purchase a little island somewhere, and spend his days on the beach, splashing in the water with a Hunter, while having a ganado butler serve him a Corona? Or maybe Wesker could have built himself a spaceship and flown to Mars to start his own colony like Vilos Cohaagen?

                At least Wesker's variation on the cliché world domination scheme revolved around (!) and the utter annihilation of the human race, compared to the standard "take over the world" plot: rule the world, pay me $1,000,000,000 or I blow up Paris, bring me your women & children, build statues of me, etc.

                ... and that he maybe had more sinister plans.
                I guess you don't think global genocide is nefarious ebough.

                Originally posted by zomBD View Post
                That's why I call him "Wii" Takeuchi. He tries to appeal to the biggest audience, fuck the fanbase. Like Nintendo's strategy with Wii.
                I guess you missed the part where series creator Shinji Mikami completely removed 95% of the core RE experience in producing RE4. Did the new game mechanic not appeal to the biggest audience, thus "fuck[ing]" the devoted fanbase?

                I'm still trying to follow your logic (?) that Takeuchi - who actually returned to the RE storyline at least, while adhering to the game mechanic that appealed to the majority of the current RE fanbase thanks to RE4 - is comparable to a Wii. Even that Wii analogy makes no sense. Nintendo released a souped-up gamecube, and that "fuck[ed]" their fanbase? Haven't all of their core games still been the biggest and best sellers on that console? Are Super Mario Galazy, Metroid Prime, Zelda, etc still essentially the same high quality releases that they've always been? I really am failing to see what the hell you mean.


                • #83
                  ^ This.
                  The crave for power always ultimately leads to world domination, it is cliché indeed, but logical.


                  • #84
                    Well I got a theory on how the zombies could return easy really what could have happen is Wesker came to Mantion and had a sample of the T virus and he released it in the Mantion and cause an Biohazard and everyone who work there got infeacted.

                    Simple evan Capcom could come up with an idea like that.
                    Last edited by Sephiroth; 10-02-2009, 10:27 AM.


                    • #85
                      Why does it have to be no BOWs? Heck, we all know Spencer can barely walk on his own, so of course he'll need protection around the gigantic estate. Don't forget many BOWs are controllable, AND the possibility of a new Nemesis-type of monster, can be Spencer's own guard patrolling the estate.

                      When Wesker enters, the new Nemesis-type encounters him, with Wesker obviously as an intruder, the two fight, and Wesker downs the BOW (this would take place in the main hall).

                      He would let the body be there, but once Wesker leaves, the BOW gets up as well (hence the blood only in the main hall, no body, so he would have bled there, but gotten up and left).

                      Now, Chris and Jill would have to deal with the BOW, only not as easily as Wesker was able to (because he's superhuman, etc).

                      This could be the scenerio's main BOW, with zombies/CHs and Hunters as the secondary common bows that have infested the estate.

                      REMEMBER: Takeuchi said as soon as we enter the Main Hall we will understand why the blood is spilled on the carpet.
                      Last edited by ElusionM; 10-02-2009, 12:33 PM.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                        I guess you missed the part where series creator Shinji Mikami completely removed 95% of the core RE experience in producing RE4. Did the new game mechanic not appeal to the biggest audience, thus "fuck[ing]" the devoted fanbase?

                        I'm still trying to follow your logic (?) that Takeuchi - who actually returned to the RE storyline at least, while adhering to the game mechanic that appealed to the majority of the current RE fanbase thanks to RE4 - is comparable to a Wii. Even that Wii analogy makes no sense. Nintendo released a souped-up gamecube, and that "fuck[ed]" their fanbase? Haven't all of their core games still been the biggest and best sellers on that console? Are Super Mario Galazy, Metroid Prime, Zelda, etc still essentially the same high quality releases that they've always been? I really am failing to see what the hell you mean.
                        Yup, I agree that Shinji Mikami alienated the fan base with RE4, but I think it was a necessary evolution for the series. That effort revolutioned the series and gaming, like it or not. Storywise is what probably screwed the fans up, because it closed a huge chapter of the RE lore: Umbrella.

                        About the "Wii" nickname to Takeuchi is because he's going beyond Mikami, trying to reboot the franchise to "apply to the biggest audience" when there are a LOT of plot holes left. Now this is where I think it can be compared to Nintendo, that has released great games for the Wii, but it's no big brainer that MOST of the efforts are being put thru the "casual" tag, to appeal to a bigger audience. Wii Music, Fit, Sports and what not...

                        I know that gaming is a business, and your target should ALWAYS be most of the market. But the problem, at least for me, is when you "force" something to do this... There is this fantastic oportunity to expand RE5 and what you add and focus? Motion controls... The extra scenario becomes just an added value insted of becoming the main interest of development. At least that it seems at the moment. I really, really hope and want that they prove me wrong.

                        "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by ElusionM View Post
                          [COLOR="Green"]Why does it have to be no BOWs? Heck, we all know Spencer can barely walk on his own, so of course he'll need protection around the gigantic estate. Don't forget many BOWs are controllable, AND the possibility of a new Nemesis-type of monster, can be Spencer's own guard patrolling the estate.
                          To be honest, it would be more logical for him to just have human guards (along with some nurses and servants) instead of huge walking monsters. But, it's Resident Evil world - a world where an old fragile man that can barely walk lives in a great castle-like mansion full of traps. I'm sure he doesn't mind "jogging" between rooms, using cranks and fetching crests, when he wants to go to library ;).


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by zomBD View Post
                            Yup, I agree that Shinji Mikami alienated the fan base with RE4, but I think it was a necessary evolution for the series. That effort revolutioned the series and gaming, like it or not. Storywise is what probably screwed the fans up, because it closed a huge chapter of the RE lore: Umbrella.
                            Sure, the gameplay revitalized the series and was revolutionary to the industry, but it didn't necessarily do anything to appease the established fanbase that enjoyed static camera angles, tank controls, limited ammo, and puzzles....which is what you seem to be chastising Takeuchi for: alienating the fanbase.

                            About the "Wii" nickname to Takeuchi is because he's going beyond Mikami, trying to reboot the franchise to "apply to the biggest audience" when there are a LOT of plot holes left.
                            The same plot holes that were mostly created BY Mikami in RE1, RE2, RE3, and RECV. And remained somewhat unfilled by REmake (he even had a complete second chance here). And were even made worse by RE0. And completely ignored in RE4. Wow, good point that Mikami is so awesome at tying up things nicely!

                            RE5 at least attempted to make some sort of semblance out of all the wayward storylines created by the previous titles. Yet it still gets blamed? In case you didn't notice, the convoluted RE mythology has always been a complete mess!

                            And the Umbrella/Wesker/Spencer storyline has been tied up nicely (or at least to the best that it could be). What else is there left to do? Thus it is the perfect time for a reboot, or at least a fresh new story with new protagonists and antagonists. Unless you are holding out hope for the mysterious "S" organization? Yeah right, like that was ever given any real thought. Or another Ada the super-ninja-spy adventure? Again...she was a simple character who all the sudden became this Matrix-esque-super-sleuth at the whim of Mikami, but I doubt she was supposed to have some grand motive other than to appear when Leon did and be an agent of Wesker's.

                            Now this is where I think it can be compared to Nintendo, that has released great games for the Wii, but it's no big brainer that MOST of the efforts are being put thru the "casual" tag, to appeal to a bigger audience. Wii Music, Fit, Sports and what not...
                            Wii Sports, Wii Music, Wii Fit...all of those titles go hand-in-hand with the new generation of Nintendo fans, since those new titles all came out specifically for the Wii generation. When you talk about "fuck[ing]" the Nintendo fanbase, I think you mean the Nintendo fans in general, e.g. fans of Nintendo franchises like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. It's not like Nintendo took their breadwinners and dumbed them down so much that the core gameplay and core experience was tossed out in favor of some sort of casual appeal where you just waved the control and mashed 1 button in order to get from point A to point B. Mario, Zelda, Punch-Out, etc are all still the same titles that they've always been, and their core elements remain largely unchanged. So your analogy still doesn't tread water.

                            Now if you're saying Nintendo sucks because they allow hundreds of shovelware titles to be released, without any sort of quality control, then you have a valid point.

                            There is this fantastic oportunity to expand RE5 and what you add and focus? Motion controls... The extra scenario becomes just an added value insted of becoming the main interest of development.
                            Aren't they expanding RE5? Giving you more information about what happened with Chris and Jill at the Spencer Estate? Expanding the overall game experience by 2 hours?

                            And the motion controls is an "alternative" way to play the game. You don't even HAVE to use them. Nobody used your logic toward RE4 fact, almost everyone I've encountered have said that it makes the game more fun.
                            Last edited by Jill's Boob; 10-02-2009, 12:51 PM.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                              You know why it is cliché? Because what else is a madman supposed to do when his ultimate plan is based around the accumulation of power? Why do people seek power? To dominate. Thus, the typical world domination scheme.

                              Yeah... it seems that with most super-villains (the ones that obtain super-powers) they have a character arc that seems to end in a similar way. It's inevitable, I guess. My prob with that is the predictability factor. Super-villain gets super-powers=super-villain tries to dominate/destroy planet. And once they embark on that goal for real, it's only a matter of time until they bite the big one. Because there is this unwritten "law" that says that they cannot get away with it. So they must die (horribly if possible).

                              Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                              Did you expect Wesker to just collect numerous bio-weapons, and just fade into the background...maybe purchase a little island somewhere, and spend his days on the beach, splashing in the water with a Hunter, while having a ganado butler serve him a Corona? Or maybe Wesker could have built himself a spaceship and flown to Mars to start his own colony like Vilos Cohaagen?
                              Well that sure beats taking a dive into a pool of lava (ala T-1000 in Terminator 2, no less). That scenario you painted there sure looks appealing. Only thing missing was Jill Valentine rubbin' Wesker's feet while he drank a pint of vodka.

                              Originally posted by zomBD View Post
                              About the "Wii" nickname to Takeuchi is because he's going beyond Mikami, trying to reboot the franchise to "apply to the biggest audience" when there are a LOT of plot holes left. Now this is where I think it can be compared to Nintendo, that has released great games for the Wii, but it's no big brainer that MOST of the efforts are being put thru the "casual" tag, to appeal to a bigger audience. Wii Music, Fit, Sports and what not...
                              It's called branching out.

                              What did you expected Nintendo to do? Adopt the same failed strategy that they used on the Cube? The one were most core gamers pretty much ignored all their efforts that catered to them? If they had used that strategy with the Wii, they wouldn't be presently at the top nor swimming in money as they currently do. Instead they would be BROKE, in the red and probably out of the gaming business since Nintendo themselves said that they would rather go into oblivion than to start to make games for other companies such as SEGA.

                              I really don't see the problem with branching out to other demographics. More so as was in the case of Nintendo, when they are STILL delivering top quality games to their fanbase. Sure they take their sweet time to deliver the goods but since when have they done differently? They have always been known for having delays and whatnot.

                              Catering to casuals was actually a master move. Considering that Sony ditched that demographic this generation (as I explained in a previous post), thus there was a big segment of the population that could be harvested and gain profit from. Still is, considering that analyst claim that only 50% of that demographic has actually been tapped. And that's why Sony and MS are moving in on it full-force starting next year.
                              Last edited by Pikminister; 10-02-2009, 01:11 PM.
                              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                              • #90
                                I'd rather RE5 have motion controls than add an extra Separate Ways scenario. Separate Ways in RE4 was really needed because the original GameCube version we got didn't explain hardly anything, and there were GAPING plotholes to the extent where the game didn't make sense, and the motion controls made the game MUCH more fun for me. I think the motion controls were a great idea. I liked RE4 at first, bugged me a bit and played it now and then. Played it much more with the Wii and liked it much more. This Separate Ways scenario isn't a necessity, but a fan demand and it will sell like hotcakes. It's not a plothole to wonder what happened to Jill, it isn't necessary as it was to know where the hell Ada was through the whole of RE4, what her plans were or knowing how the Plagas worked. Biiiig plotholes. The Jill scenario is something people are just interested in, but even so, this extra tidbit and (much more importantly) motion controls will probably make the RE5 experience more fun for me.
                                Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 10-02-2009, 12:57 PM.

