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Capcom wants to know how YOU want your Resident Evil 5 Alternate Edition served!

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Mr. Rod View Post
    Then go vote for DLC...
    I did lol But if they decide to come out with the Alternate edition on a disk (I'll almost guarentee that they will) I'm hoping it will be just the new senario, so maybe it will be like $15-20 bucks


    • #62
      Both formats is the way to go IMO And if there's going to be a disc, hopefully it's an expansion disc with all the new contetn inside.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Mr. Rod View Post
        if there's going to be a disc, hopefully it's an expansion disc with all the new contetn inside.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
          Let's be completely honest with ourselves, Capcom will blatantly put this out on both formats whatever happens with this vote, it's just more Capcom posturing at the end of the day to show they listen to their fans. Then when they decide to release it on both they'll say "We actually listened to BOTH and came up with this incredible solution to please you all!"

          Me? Cynical? NEVER!
          And just hours later over on Biohaze...

          Originally posted by Mr. Rod
          I talked with Chris Kramer today guys. He said given the response from fans they are considering to release it in both formats, DLC for original version owners and bundled in a brand new release for new users/collectors, etc.
          Like clockwork.


          • #65
            Big Stu 1 - Capcom 0


            • #66
              Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
              That's why you have user accounts and various migration systems.

              Take a look at the Xbox 360 Gamertags!
              The gamertag itself appeared when LIVE launched last gen. It keeps track of all your Xbox and Xbox 360 purchases, and games... it also acts as an "online handle."
              The Gamertag is a relative of Windows LIVE and MSN, which, again, are more or less, along with the gamertag, tied to Hotmail... Hotmail's from 1996 ;)

              As long as a platform doesn't go belly up and no one cares to salvage their legacy; There should be no reason to be concerned.
              Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
              Well there is, slightly. I kinda see KylieDog's point actually. I mean, what's to say that Microsoft WILL still support these downloads now in another 13 years?

              Unless i guess KylieDog is playing it on the original hardware, in which case it's a mute point, because you can still do that in 13 years.

              I actually own RE5 on PS3. It takes money to host all these games and DLC though right? If no one is buying it in 10 years time which is very likely why would they keep hosting it, is just throwing money away.

              I wouldn't want to be in a position where I needed re-download it and I could not because it is no longer hosted.

              I am not too worried either way. I am sure RE5 on PS3 (at least) will get some sort of disc + motion controller bundle. Wasn't intending to by the motion controls but if that is the only way to get this on disc then so be it. I own a Wii also so not like I hate them anyway.
              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


              • #67
                Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                I actually own RE5 on PS3. It takes money to host all these games and DLC though right? If no one is buying it in 10 years time which is very likely why would they keep hosting it, is just throwing money away.
                Well, hosting costs keep going down... Anyway... I hate to say this in public, but;

                Xbox LIVE Membership Fee > Free PlayStation Network
                Last edited by Carnivol; 10-08-2009, 10:08 PM.


                • #68
                  Xbox LIVE Membership Fee > Free PlayStation Network
                  I'm not a Sony limited guy, although I do prefer them because of the great longevity I have experienced with my products. I'm planning on getting a 360 as soon as possible but I'm curious why you say that.


                  • #69
                    I don't know if he's talking about the hosting, but as an owner of both, I can safely tell you that the online is much... I don't want to say "better", but it's kinda true. My PSN is always laggy no matter what I'm playing, whereas with my 360 wirelessly there's no issues.

                    Also, downloading stuff is ridiculously faster with the Xbox Live Marketplace. I downloaded the Batman Arkham Asylum Insane Night Map Pack, about 120-150 MB (I forget), in about 10-20 minutes. It takes the PS3 the same amount of time to download a 30MB update.

                    Again, not trying to bash the PS3 (I love mine ), it's just that you get what you pay for.


                    • #70
                      If I could buy the added content as DLC that I would be happy. I really can't see getting RE 5 again like I have with practactly all the other RE titles.
                      Last edited by Stars1356; 10-11-2009, 04:51 PM.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                        I don't know if he's talking about the hosting, but as an owner of both, I can safely tell you that the online is much... I don't want to say "better", but it's kinda true. My PSN is always laggy no matter what I'm playing, whereas with my 360 wirelessly there's no issues.

                        Also, downloading stuff is ridiculously faster with the Xbox Live Marketplace. I downloaded the Batman Arkham Asylum Insane Night Map Pack, about 120-150 MB (I forget), in about 10-20 minutes. It takes the PS3 the same amount of time to download a 30MB update.

                        Again, not trying to bash the PS3 (I love mine ), it's just that you get what you pay for.
                        While I can't speak for the 360. I've had no problems with download speeds on my ps3. I've downloaded the same pack for Batman and it went really fast in my opinion. I have a 10meg connection but I've not noticed any lag issues when playing online stuff like versus and the recent Uncharted 2 demo. But like I said I'll have to wait another week or so before I can get a 360. I was bad and bought a fat ps2 for 50 bucks today. But as soon as I can I'll do that test myself. Could it be a connection issue? Like I said I have had no problems with my psn connection.


                        • #72
                          I dunno, I'll have to test it out, maybe do a wired connection for a bit and see what happens. I played it some more, and the Uncharted 2 demo wasn't laggy, but an update still took a little while and Fat Princess was super-laggy. D:

