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Preview of Resident Evil #3 Comic

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  • Preview of Resident Evil #3 Comic

    This exclusive preview from RESIDENT EVIL #3 (of 6) gives you superstar artist Al Barrionuevo's 2-page origin story of Special Ops Agent Holiday Sugarman. This book was written by Ricardo Sanchez, with art by Jheremy Raapack (and of course Al Barrionuevo), and cover by Kevin Sharpe.

    Click on the link for the 2 page preview.


  • #2
    The name Holiday Sugarman still cracks me up.


    • #3
      WHOA. I thought it got canceled.


      • #4
        IGN has a preview for it, as well, with a few more pages from the issue.


        • #5
          i serously hope that isn't the final cover.
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          • #6
            Seeing that this wasn't canceled *sighs* leads me to question again its canonicity. Am I correct saying that this is not canon, just as the SD Perry's books or the other WildStorm comics?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ridley W. Hayes View Post
              Seeing that this wasn't canceled *sighs* leads me to question again its canonicity. Am I correct saying that this is not canon, just as the SD Perry's books or the other WildStorm comics?
              I remember it said somewhere in the comic itself a disclaimer of it being non-canon... am I right?


              • #8
                Originally posted by ElusionM View Post
                The name Holiday Sugarman still cracks me up.
                Me too. The name is actually the first thing that pops into my mind whenever I catch the slightest glimpse of anything relating to "Resident Evil" & "comic."

                And as for this mini-series...what's with all the delays in releasing subsequent issues? I'm sure the 2-3 people in the entire world who await this are just dying for updates on the adventures of Holiday Sugarman & co.

                Usually when it comes to producing crap, the entire process doesn't usually take long at all. (Yes, I'm talking about feces. Which this comic book is.)
                Last edited by Jill's Boob; 11-09-2009, 10:19 PM.


                • #9
                  You are all underestimating the importance of these comics.

                  Come 2014, we shall get Resident Evil 6: The Awakening of Holiday Sugarman.

                  But, seriously... I read the first volume. It really was garbage. Didn't even provide me any laughs. I'm ashamed these have the Resident Evil brand name on 'em.


                  • #10
                    The handling of this comic has been an absolute disgrace!

                    The artist who did this issue was talking about it and showing scenes from it AGES ago. I'm sure the 6 issue (monthly) 'series' was finished a long, long time ago. I'd like to hear a decent excuse as to why there's been such a delay.
                    I'm mean 6 friggin comic books and there's only about 15 pages of artwork in each issue (the rest of the pages are ads).
                    Did they really think sales would be dramatically boosted if they waited for another RE game to be released?
                    We've already read the first 2 issues, so we already know the comics are shit. Just let us have the rest of the damn crappy books already, so we can all move on...

                    It would have been a LOT more worthwhile if Wildstorm had bought the rights to more of the Hong Kong comics and just translated and released those instead (that would have been AWESOME!).

                    Yes, despite originally being billed as a prequel to RE5, the comics have nothing to do with the canon or RE universe created by Capcom. It says so in tiny print inside.


                    • #11
                      Well, those Hong Kong comics weren't all that perfect either. They have decent artwork and more or less follow games story (at least CV comic books do, the rest thought... ugh), but the story itself sometimes goes really over the top and is ridiculous, what with Nemesis' hostage being some boxer that lost his family (if my memory serves me right because I've only seen few issues of BH3 comics and it was years ago) or the whole fight between Nemesis and Birkin?

                      And don't me even start on BH0 series -- the only thing that they got right there was that Rebecca and Billy were on train full of zombies and that there was a giant scorpion. Everything else was just someone's fantasies on acid trip (I remember Billy even ripped Becca's shirt...) :|. Those comics look as if the writer only knew some basic info about RE0 and REmake (there was Lisa in BH0 comic books, but her story was totally different than the one told in REmake).

                      Also, was there ever a BH2 comic books? I remember seeing few pages where Leon and Ada were working with Jill (or Carlos), but I dunno if those were parts of BH3 series or something completely different.
                      Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 11-10-2009, 04:08 PM.


                      • #12
                        No, the HK comics aren't perfect but they're easily the best RE/Bio related comics out there.

                        The first 10 issues or so of the Bio2 comics follows the story pretty close and there's some nice additions like a back story of Ada. But the other 50 issues go completely off on a different (very strange) story that dosn't really have anything to do with RE.

                        I love the Bio3 comics. Obviously a lot of it can't be considered canon but it's still great, IMO. There's a lot of extra details and behind the scenes stuff added to the story. It kinda merges RE2 & RE3 (as it should) and still follows the game story very accurately (with a lot of added over the top stuff... it is a comic book after all). I actually like the fights between Birkin and the Nemesis.

                        The Bio3 series 2 comics completely fills in the time line between Bio3 and Bio:CV. It even works Operation Mad Jackel into an issue, covers the Epilogues from RE3 and even includes Tofu. It's a made up story, piecing together the info available at the time and adding 'artistic license' but it's very cool.

                        The Bio:CV ones are the most accurate and true to the game (already translated and released as a 4 part graphic novel by Wildstorm).

                        I don't have the Bio-Zero comics but I've seen them. Yeah, it appears to be a bit of a cluster-f**k but it's only 6 issues and I'd still rate it above the American made stuff.


                        • #13
                          Totes getting this. I have the first two comics and they are just beyond hilarious.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Skunky View Post
                            The first 10 issues or so of the Bio2 comics follows the story pretty close and there's some nice additions like a back story of Ada. But the other 50 issues go completely off on a different (very strange) story that dosn't really have anything to do with RE.
                            It had about 60 issues?
                            I remember how let down I was when I saw RE2 story in those Wildstorm comic books, because how short it was, but 60 issues is a bit too much .


                            • #15
                              These comics are embarrassing.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

