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All Hope Is Lost - Akira Yamaoka Leaves Konami

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  • #31
    Everybody is entitled to their opinion.The last time I checked.


    • #32
      Silent Hill is a franchise that's been living on life support since after the 2nd game. Every release has been received with mixed feedback from the fans, and they've always lacked something the first two had. Although some have arguably done a few things right, the only thing fans have always agreed on is that the soundtracks for the games have always been of a somewhat redeeming quality. While the vocal tracks in SH3-4 were all amazing, the later installments have had to live with the expectation that "New SH = New Vocal Tracks." Resulting in a drop in the average quality.

      Ignoring the mixed quality in the later soundtracks, Yamaoka was certainly the last proper element of the franchise to've still existed within Konami. The games post-SH2 have all tried to do a mixture of replicating SH1-2, while at the same time also paying too much attention to what the fans supposedly want. (Though, I personally feel that SH4 did a good job at doing its own thing, with its main problem being the use of the SH name and the rather linear structure)

      Anyway, with Yamaoka now also being gone, it's safe to say that Silent Hill is now pretty much just a name. And I honestly doubt there's anyone who's currently up to the task of bringing the franchise back to its former glory (Though, I have a generally good feeling about Shattered Memories. So at least the final send-off wont be that bad... unless the movie's sequel butts in and runs whatever's left down in the ground... Too early to say if that'll be the case.)


      • #33
        Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
        While I'm saddened by the news. I'm extremely disappointed in the news post. Don't say Silent Hill is dead unless you have a crystal ball that shows you the future. Right now that is your opinion and the last time I checked this wasn't a blog for you to post your opinion.
        Yamaoka was the last of the core development team that put together this series. I view his leaving Konami the same way I'd see the last original member of a band leaving the group, it's not the same anymore.

        And sure, games are not the same as music, but every key member of the series has gone now. As Carnivol said, it's just a name now. And honestly, there isn't much weight behind that name anymore, not that there every really was. At this point I'd much rather see the guys who have been working on these titles to make a new horror IP. These guys are pretty talented, but I feel they've been held back by the name and the baggage that brings, and each title since 2 has struggled with sales both in Japan and the West.

        And just so we're clear, I'm looking forward to Shattered Memories, but I still don't think it should carry the name.Plus, I'm required to both add flavour and opinion to my news posts as well as bash the current state of the Silent Hill series whenever possible. It's in my contract.


        • #34
          Originally posted by randomwab View Post
          Yamaoka was the last of the core development team that put together this series. I view his leaving Konami the same way I'd see the last original member of a band leaving the group, it's not the same anymore.
          I agree in principal, but surely that situation arose after Silent Hill 4 though, right? Origins, Homecoming and Shattered Memories were outsourced to western developers (Climax Studios and The Collective/Double Helix) and Yamaoka's involvement was limited to the soundtrack. Whilst the soundtracks were still great, the games were notably second rate compared to earlier works, and the absence of Team Silent was very evident. The SH series was finished then for me.


          • #35
            Originally posted by BrionIrons View Post
            Everybody is entitled to their opinion.The last time I checked.
            Indeed, but I think he was referring to the news itself, they are supossed to be neutral while giving the information. His opinion on the matter should've been posted after the news.

            And yeah, the music in the SH series has always been great. A shame he'll be not around if there are more games. Although, the last 2 entries have been a real dissapointment...


            • #36
              The post both contains his signature and specifically mentions that to "him" the series is now to be considered dead. It opens bluntly, but shortly goes on to describe what the meaning of the headline and lead-in text is. Anyway, we generally don't cover news from other franchises, unless it's in wrap up posts or somehow of special interest.

              Even though some may firmly believe the series is still alive and kicking, the post is nothing to get all twitchy about.


              • #37
                Pfft, Homecoming was great.

                Needed more/harder puzzles but everything else was better than previous SH games. Visual and psychological influences on world and enemies all done great, deep story tying in with other SH games. If someone is gonna bring up Pyramid Heads appearance and try to call it stupid or 'wrong', I suggest reading up on Silent Hill lore.

                Obvious plot? Like the other games weren't?
                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                • #38
                  But there's plenty other horror games, the market is oversaturated with them. *sarcasm*


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                    If someone is gonna bring up Pyramid Heads appearance and try to call it stupid or 'wrong', I suggest reading up on Silent Hill lore.
                    Actually I think you should do that yourself.

                    Pyramid Head's apperance was a manifestation of James' internal suffering and want for self punishment for what he did to Mary (a fact that's explained in detail on the development teams own notes in some of the books released in Japan). While PH existed in Silent Hill's history as an executioner, it becomes apparent his appearances is due to something James saw/read when visiting Silent Hill previously.

                    Up until The Room the teams had taken an approach that all enemies were based on a particular individuals views. Something, from reviews, coming back and taken quite literal for Shattered Memories as well where your replies to the psych profiles will alter the look of your enemies.

                    As I find it highly unlikely based on his reaction Alex has no idea what he sees, the reason Pyramid Head appears in Homecoming is pure fan appreciation, and much like big chunks of Homecoming are (the cult enemies, razor wire appearances, the look of the hotel, church, etc. etc.) all more to do so with the film release and an attempt to get get public recognition/sales only.

                    Personally my issues with Homecoming were the puzzles (or lack there of differing puzzles for different difficulties), a more clunkier combat than even the earlier titles due to the changed control movement, the fluro-colored enemies which stopped them from appearing without you knowing it (thus making the whole radio/light thing pointless), the audio production (while the music and some of the effects noise was Akira, the placement and cutoffs was horrible) and sadly the most non-compelling straight-forward story that didn't allow itself wiggle room for open and different endings or interpretation. It was by far the most disappointing Silent Hill title I've played through the series.


                    • #40
                      I kinda lost interest in SH after the second game and was looking to pick up Shattered Memories. The atmosphere and music of SH was on Par with RE and hate to see an original member of the team leave.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                        Actually I think you should do that yourself.

                        Pyramid Head's apperance was a manifestation of James' internal suffering and want for self punishment for what he did to Mary (a fact that's explained in detail on the development teams own notes in some of the books released in Japan). While PH existed in Silent Hill's history as an executioner, it becomes apparent his appearances is due to something James saw/read when visiting Silent Hill previously.

                        Up until The Room the teams had taken an approach that all enemies were based on a particular individuals views. Something, from reviews, coming back and taken quite literal for Shattered Memories as well where your replies to the psych profiles will alter the look of your enemies.

                        As I find it highly unlikely based on his reaction Alex has no idea what he sees, the reason Pyramid Head appears in Homecoming is pure fan appreciation, and much like big chunks of Homecoming are (the cult enemies, razor wire appearances, the look of the hotel, church, etc. etc.) all more to do so with the film release and an attempt to get get public recognition/sales only.

                        Personally my issues with Homecoming were the puzzles (or lack there of differing puzzles for different difficulties), a more clunkier combat than even the earlier titles due to the changed control movement, the fluro-colored enemies which stopped them from appearing without you knowing it (thus making the whole radio/light thing pointless), the audio production (while the music and some of the effects noise was Akira, the placement and cutoffs was horrible) and sadly the most non-compelling straight-forward story that didn't allow itself wiggle room for open and different endings or interpretation. It was by far the most disappointing Silent Hill title I've played through the series.

                        Pyramid Head visualisation is from the cult of SH attempting to honour/copy their vision of Valtiel. James got the image of Pyramid Head from the executioner image he saw, which was the cults copying in days past.

                        Adam Shepard, being a very important figure in the sect of the cult that left SH knows the full history and thus the honouring of Valtiel, this is where he gets his source of imagery from.

                        Looking at the notes and stuff from both games to James Pyramid Head is 'The Executioner' but the Adam Shepard he is 'The Boogeyman'. The both look similar but have entirely different sources of visualisation. Both however are there as punishment for guilt, James and Adam. Is why Pyramid Head has no aggression towards Alex, he isn't there for him, just his father.

                        I totally agree with you he was put in for fan service but they didn't just drop him in with no meaning. They wrote his apparance in to so to make sense. Homecoming does a really good job with enemy visualisation and representations and 'The Boogeyman' Pyramid Head is included.
                        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                        • #42
                          Pyramid Head is a James only deal. Yes, James was subconsciously inspired by the executioners of the towns past, but they only wore triangle hoods, the metal helmet style first seen in Silent Hill 2 which both the film and Homecoming used albeit in an altered form is still based on James' personal judgement. Saying that Pyramid Head is the cult executioner isn’t right at all because by that merit, he really should be appearing as a guy in a hood.

                          It’s the same reason why every otherworld in the first four games are visually different, they’re personal to each person who sees them. I’m generally under the belief that the Vincent line in Silent Hill 3 “They look like monsters to you?” is true of the series in general.

                          The biggest problem with Homecoming for me was that it felt like a game for people who saw the film. It didn't feel like it had any fresh ideas and in general felt very dumbed down. The reason I'm looking forward to Shattered Memories is because it's a fresh start. It's not for the old fans and it's not for the film fans, it's something new.
                          Last edited by randomwab; 12-10-2009, 01:26 PM.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by randomwab View Post
                            It’s the same reason why every otherworld in the first four games are visually different, they’re personal to each person who sees them. I’m generally under the belief that the Vincent line in Silent Hill 3 “They look like monsters to you?” is true of the series in general.
                            "Relax, it's... just a joke..." *shudder* Why don't I believe him... >_>;


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                              "Relax, it's... just a joke..." *shudder* Why don't I believe him... >_>;
                              It's frightening how much subtle character they gave Vincent. I need to replay Silent Hill 3.

