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RE5 Gold Edition Gets Website and Boxart

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  • #31
    Jill is hawt.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
      I'm sick of Capcom trying to phase Wesker out of existence.
      I'm super curious as to what you mean by this. XD Like the point made above, RE5's ending was more an ending to the "main" storyline that we've been invested in since the very first game. Regardless of how it happened, I boggle at people who are surprised it ended in the general manner than it did, considering the type of character Wesker was.

      If you didn't mean that though, I still don't really get it. :? Wesker is a very popular and easily notable villain in the video game industry, given RE's popularity. And they certainly haven't been skipping on him any, considering how many of the RE titles he's in. He's usually in the background/not all around or very prominent. I'll level with you on DSC since I think that was a total fail on his end, but I wouldn't call that Capcom trying to phase him out. I'd call it more needing the CV scenario to be around the same length as the other scenarios so cutting and changing things to the point where ... well, they decided to only throw him in there the couple of times that they did to make people go "oh a whole game without Wesker OH MY GOD 4 SECOND SCENE WITH HIM NERDGASM!!"


      • #33

        If the puzzle pieces falls correctly imo, both Barry/Rebecca will not only be the unlockables in the missing slot for Lost in Nightmare in The Mercenaries Reunion, but they will be appearing in the LIN episode itself in flashback form.


        • #34
          it does make sense as to why they would suddenly recall these obscure characters as skins.


          • #35
            Can we say Brad for Desperate Escape?
            You know... just to account for all the survivors of the Mansion Incident + tie in with "ZOMG HELICOPTER BAIL OUT!" in Desperate Escape. (Since we're assuming Barry/Rebecca are being brought in 'cause of their presence in the RE1 mansion)


            • #36
              I don't think we are going to see Brad "chicken-hearted" Vickers, I believe they put Rebecca and Barry because they are the remaining STARS agents starring the mansion incident who then survived the RC nuke explosion, in other words still alive... "sadly" Brad wasn't one of them.

              anyway, nice find Xfactor, I hope you're right!


              • #37
                Originally posted by Yzak View Post
                I'm super curious as to what you mean by this. XD Like the point made above, RE5's ending was more an ending to the "main" storyline that we've been invested in since the very first game. Regardless of how it happened, I boggle at people who are surprised it ended in the general manner than it did, considering the type of character Wesker was.

                If you didn't mean that though, I still don't really get it. :? Wesker is a very popular and easily notable villain in the video game industry, given RE's popularity. And they certainly haven't been skipping on him any, considering how many of the RE titles he's in. He's usually in the background/not all around or very prominent. I'll level with you on DSC since I think that was a total fail on his end, but I wouldn't call that Capcom trying to phase him out. I'd call it more needing the CV scenario to be around the same length as the other scenarios so cutting and changing things to the point where ... well, they decided to only throw him in there the couple of times that they did to make people go "oh a whole game without Wesker OH MY GOD 4 SECOND SCENE WITH HIM NERDGASM!!"
                His limited role in DSC was part of it, but his death in RE5 was the main thing. Now I'm sure we all agree that Wesker has to die, but to me his death came too soon and marks the end of the series. He's the primary antagonist of the series, so his death naturally should mark the end of it. To me, this guy is Resident Evil - he's had his sly, stealthy hands in every important RE game. I just have to wonder if Mikami (were he still involved with RE) would have taken RE5 in a different direction.

                The lack of one extra Wesker costume annoys me, especially since we have all these "fun" costumes (which in my opinion are incredibly stupid) for Chris and Sheva. Sure, they're the playable characters in the main game, I understand that. But things are out of control when you've got Sheva in a poofy-bottomed red dress and Chris in homosexual wrestling garb. Given the likelihood that the other three unrevealed costumes will be Barry, Rebecca, and some new costume for Jill, there is no room for Wesker because it was wasted on ridiculous alternate costumes. Of course, nothing about these three mystery characters has been revealed yet, so I could just be talking out of my ass (like usual). But I'm not getting my hopes up for a Wesker.

                Would anyone on here seriously not like Wesker RE4/UC-style in RE5, with his silenced handgun? Just curious.
                Mass production? Ridiculous!


                • #38
                  like everyone has been saying, the two Mercenaries characters from Lost in Nightmares has to be Barry Burton and Rebecca Chambers.

                  1. They were involved in the original Mansion just like Chris and Jill.
                  2. They are the only other two surviving STARS members from the original team.
                  3. They have action figures in the RE5 EXTRAS menu. That has to mean something because all the action figures appear in the game in some way.

                  Now as for Desperate Escape we already know Josh Stone is one of the new playable Mercenaries characters, but not the second one. However, I think it has to be Jill in her RE3 outfit (blue top & skirt), and here is why

                  1. The first scenario entitled "Lost in Nightmares" is suppose to resemble the mansion incident in the first game. They were "lost" in a mansion of nightmares

                  2. Which leads to the second scenario entitled "Desperate Escape" to resemble Resident Evil 3, and Jill & Carlos trying to escape Raccoon City before the nuke goes off.

                  3. RE1, RE3, RE5 has always been focused on the STARS storyline where RE2, RECV, RE4 were more focused on the Leon/Clarie stories with a little Chris involved in RECV. So it would make sense Capcom is bringing back themes for the STARS storyline in these two DLC scenarios that would resemble the mansion incident and Jill's escape out of Racoon City.

                  4. So with Josh already a playable character he is to resemble the "Carlos" of RE3 where Jill retains her role fro RE3 as herself trying to escape before something goes bad.


                  • #39
                    Would anyone on here seriously not like Wesker RE4/UC-style in RE5, with his silenced handgun? Just curious.
                    No not really he was available to play in RE 4 and think 2 customes he has already are fine. Yes some of the extra customes for Chris and Sheva are ridiculous but you don't have to buy them. As far as Barry I glad to see him back and Rebecca well maybe they can kill her off for once.
                    Last edited by Stars1356; 01-16-2010, 09:43 PM.


                    • #40
                      I enjoyed that post, Tenzor. While I'd rather see STARS Jill than RE3 Jill, that seems like a possibility.


                      • #41
                        I was expecting there being a new Wesker skin. Wasn't he a member of S.T.A.R.S. before he betrayed them all?


                        • #42
                          Wesker already has S.T.A.R.S. costume


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by tenzor View Post
                            like everyone has been saying, the two Mercenaries characters from Lost in Nightmares has to be Barry Burton and Rebecca Chambers.

                            1. They were involved in the original Mansion just like Chris and Jill.
                            2. They are the only other two surviving STARS members from the original team.
                            3. They have action figures in the RE5 EXTRAS menu. That has to mean something because all the action figures appear in the game in some way.

                            Now as for Desperate Escape we already know Josh Stone is one of the new playable Mercenaries characters, but not the second one. However, I think it has to be Jill in her RE3 outfit (blue top & skirt), and here is why

                            1. The first scenario entitled "Lost in Nightmares" is suppose to resemble the mansion incident in the first game. They were "lost" in a mansion of nightmares

                            2. Which leads to the second scenario entitled "Desperate Escape" to resemble Resident Evil 3, and Jill & Carlos trying to escape Raccoon City before the nuke goes off.

                            3. RE1, RE3, RE5 has always been focused on the STARS storyline where RE2, RECV, RE4 were more focused on the Leon/Clarie stories with a little Chris involved in RECV. So it would make sense Capcom is bringing back themes for the STARS storyline in these two DLC scenarios that would resemble the mansion incident and Jill's escape out of Racoon City.

                            4. So with Josh already a playable character he is to resemble the "Carlos" of RE3 where Jill retains her role fro RE3 as herself trying to escape before something goes bad.
                            Pretty logical explanation. While STARS Jill would complete the "Reunion", RE3 outfit is welcomed too.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
                              Wesker already has S.T.A.R.S. costume
                              lol, right . I forgot.


                              • #45
                                So there'll be only one costume for Jill.

