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Excella confirmed for Mercenaries Reunion

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  • #76
    edit: Saw the better scans and it was not a boss on the first page.
    Last edited by Stars1356; 01-21-2010, 05:53 PM.


    • #77
      Originally posted by SamuraiEdge View Post
      Ok do my eye's decive me or is this the dumbest shit Capcom has ever pulled off in the Resident Evil series, Ok so of the two pictures posted go to page one, at the bottom of the screen does Excella actually have the black majini in the yellow shirt by the ear? I'm sure she is piniching him by the ear and he look's to be in excruciating pain!
      Your eyes aren't deceiving you. I thought virus injection sounded awesome until I saw that screenshot. I'm not judging yet as I've yet to see it in motion, but that definitely looks... interesting.


      • #78
        Originally posted by xdeadpan View Post
        This is both hilarious and mind-bending. Predictable that Excella can’t even defend herself without submitting to indecency (i.e., the screenshot on the bottom left-hand corner of the first link). Vagina flashing melee move. It’s super effective!
        Oh my God, I just noticed that shit. What the hell is she even doing in that shot? It almost looks like she's facing the opposite direction of the Majini and lifting her leg all the way backwards to kick it in the face. What in the actual fuck.


        • #79
          i hope that krauser is one of them! if u think why not cuz they dont have enough villians in the mercy's, all they have is wesker and now Excella and personally it would be awesome using his arm!


          • #80
            ^ 'Cause Krauser has nothing to do with any of these people in any way, shape or form.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
              Your eyes aren't deceiving you. I thought virus injection sounded awesome until I saw that screenshot. I'm not judging yet as I've yet to see it in motion, but that definitely looks... interesting.
              Well in anestesy you inject people behing the ear when you are going to do cirgury in the face, my mother told me


              • #82
                Doesn't mean it looks cool. And Mercs is all about the flashy melees. And a lot less about realism to begin with.
                Last edited by Canas Renvall; 01-20-2010, 06:16 PM.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                  Doesn't mean it looks cool. And Mercs is all about the flashy melees. And a lot less about realism to begin with.
                  I think that is pretty cool and it fits her character. the weird kick that could be something like a ballerina move or whatever looks good too


                  • #84
                    so it would still be cool for later dlc or this dlc


                    • #85
                      This is an insult to the fans; am I the only one who is offended? Out of all the great, classic characters Capcom could have given us (HUNK, Ada, Leon, Carlos, Krauser, secret agent Wesker, etc.) they choose the character least likely to have combat/weapons training. Seriously, I would trust Ashley with firearms over Excella - her boobs would throw off her aim.
                      Mass production? Ridiculous!


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                        Your eyes aren't deceiving you. I thought virus injection sounded awesome until I saw that screenshot. I'm not judging yet as I've yet to see it in motion, but that definitely looks... interesting.
                        Thanks for confirming that for me, I was hoping that I would be wrong on that :-( That's really sad, what's next a nipple crippler?


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
                          This is an insult to the fans; am I the only one who is offended? Out of all the great, classic characters Capcom could have given us (HUNK, Ada, Leon, Carlos, Krauser, secret agent Wesker, etc.) they choose the character least likely to have combat/weapons training. Seriously, I would trust Ashley with firearms over Excella - her boobs would throw off her aim.
                 you, a big-tittied, dumbo-eared teenager is more trusted than a big-tittied woman. For combat expertise. In what is basically just a mini-game with no real story implication. Hilarious, indeed.

                          Is it that "offensive" for Excella - a character that at least appears in RE5 (as opposed to Leon, Ada, HUNK, Krauser [all readily available to be played on the RE4 disc], and douche-nugget Carlos) - to be playable in Mercs Reunion? Have you actually used her yet?! Do you know for certain that she is the worst Mercs character "insult" to the fans?

                          I'm a fan, and her inclusion is not offensive at all to me. Mercs is just a mindless shoot-em up. Does the character you use in Mercs actually mean that much to you? Jesus Christ. You're acting as if this is the worst thing that Capcom has ever done in the RE-verse. (FACT: The RE4 storyline is the biggest offense, ha ha.)

                          Who knows...Excella may be a riot to use. Perhaps her signature moves/comments are side-splittingly funny. Or she may just suck. Then you can choose 1 of the other 7 selectable characters, or just go back to regular Mercs and pick from 10 others.

                          RE fans are a tad bit excessive with their whinging. Excella has been named and shown in a handful of still captures - all within a timeframe of less than 24 hours - and already people are acting as if it's the end of the world. Ha ha.
                          Last edited by Jill's Boob; 01-20-2010, 06:37 PM.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
                            This is an insult to the fans; am I the only one who is offended?
                            You really feel "insulted" or "offended" by this? I mean, REALLY?
                            It's a friggin battle mode where you just shoot monsters in the face (or leg, or whenever), kick them, punch them, do suplex, backhands, saltos etc to gain points. It's not meant to be realistic (hence characters don't need to have combat training), because there's nothing realistic in it, it's meant to be pure fun.

                            And why Capcom hasn't put "HUNK, Ada, Leon, Carlos, Krauser"? Because they do not belong to this game, it's simple. And we already have two Weskers in the normal Mercenaries.

                            I really don't understand why people prefer new costumes for old characters (Jill, Wesker) over a completely new characters :/


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
                              This is an insult to the fans; am I the only one who is offended? Out of all the great, classic characters Capcom could have given us (HUNK, Ada, Leon, Carlos, Krauser, secret agent Wesker, etc.) they choose the character least likely to have combat/weapons training. Seriously, I would trust Ashley with firearms over Excella - her boobs would throw off her aim.
                              Interesting point, but in Capcom's defense the content they're adding onto is in fact Resident Evil *5*. It's not like Tekken Tag Tournament where we'll get all the characters of the series into one game. Though I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom makes something like that in the future.

                              Obviously adding Leon/Claire/Ash/Sherry/etc would be huge fan service, but they are also a business- which leads me to believe they are milking the fans/consumer base (again, just smart business). I don't think Capcom wants to give away too much fan service, especially in an "already" hit like RE5. That's for another time in another game- perhaps when the series itself dies down, or possibly never.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
                                I really don't understand why people prefer new costumes for old characters (Jill, Wesker) over a completely new characters :/
                                Anyone but Excella. Irving, Kirk, DeChant, Brad Vickers. I realize she's 'more important' to RE5 itself than any of these other characters(except maybe for Irving), but Excella was a piece of shit character, in my opinion. There was not one likable quality about her. I just wish we saw the end of her, and I'm 'miffed' or 'disappointed' that she's one of the 3 remaining skins.

                                Having said that, she probably will be kind of fun to use in, whatever.
                                Last edited by Vector; 01-20-2010, 06:49 PM.

