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Direct Feed Merc Reunion Shots Featuring Excella

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  • #61
    Originally posted by 2bullet1pistol View Post
    are they gonna be the same for the xbox 360?

    Yes. Why would they change them?


    • #62
      Why do costumes matter so much? Just stfu and play the damn game.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Stu View Post
        Aaaw! Are we back to turning this into Jill v Sheva?

        Regardless, do you think it would have gone down well if Capcom had released costumes for the PC and then not on the consoles?

        Well PC hasn't even had the DLC chapters announced to be released for it or mercs reunion or versus release for it. I'm not sure console owners would have a leg to stand on there.
        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


        • #64
          haha predictable. You think it won't happen eventually? Get a grip.


          • #65
            wow this is the 1st time i actually been excited for a game release lol cant wait really i just dunno if you can play with old mercenary characters as well


            • #66
              Originally posted by Mr. Rod View Post
              There are 2 spots left.
              Yeah my bad I kinda messed up my post abit. Thanks for the correction.


              • #67
                Official site updated
                Excella is there now
                + New screenshots for DE & new section added in DE (ACTION) shows some melee moves

                It looks like The information for Both Scenarios LIN & DE is there now
                What is unknown : The last 2 Merc.characters + Extra figures section(which will open when they reveal Barry & Rebecca) & one more trailer


                • #68
                  I won't mind Excella if Mr. Burton and Miss. Chambers are the remaining two Mercs. If they aren't ah what the hell, RE5 is all about breaking my heart (WESKERRRRRRRRRRR NOOOOOOOOOOOO! )

                  "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                  • #69
                    Y'know, some folks really need to learn more tolerance about others opinions. The conversation I just read was sorta like this;

                    Person 1 - Sweet, they're selling a giant twenty inch pizza for only £7! Gonna get that!

                    Person 2 - Nah, they're not doing it with Pepperoni. Don't want it really.

                    Person 1 - Dude, you're being a muppet. Giant cheep pizza!

                    Person 2 - So? It isn't the kind of giant pizza I want it to be! Sure, it may have everything else I love and adore about pizza, such as stuffed crusts and spicy beef. But without Pepperoni? NEVER!

                    Everyone has an opinion. Can't change it. Especially not by a slightly silly argument.

                    Also, now I want pizza. Damnit.


                    • #70
                      The costumes for Mercenaries (the pepperoni) don't impact on the scenario (pizza) though, so that's a rubbish comparison.

                      Not to mention no one was name calling either.


                      • #71
                        Eh, I'm sleepy. And the story was mostly to amuse myself. But yes, no one was name calling. Which was, honestly, a pleasant surprise. The point was more that everyone's entitled to there opinion, and that telling them they're wrong isn't very likely to change that opinion. Some people play RE for different reasons to others.


                        • #72
                          Am I the only one who doesn't find any aspect of the pizza appealing?
                          Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 01-22-2010, 07:01 AM.


                          • #73
                            You don't like pepperoni, spicy beef and stuffed crusts? I delcare you clinically insane.


                            • #74
                              i cant wait to get it.. i wonder if there going to have a collectors edition for it?

                              i forget did they have a collectors edition for resident evil 5 as soon as it came out?


                              • #75
                                Ya know, I'm from New York so it's kinda like an unwritten rule that I have to like pizza, but I'm really not crazy about it. There's literally 8 pizza places in my town, and each one of them I could live without. One place is better than the other, sure, but if my mom says we're getting pizza for dinner, I protest 9/10 times. Just not a fan.

                                I've put my TMNT heritage to shame, I know, but what can I say...

