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Gamespot's "Lost in Nightmares" Hands On Impressions

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  • #16
    While not as massive as, say, the executioner you meet early on in RE5, these guys were every bit as intimidating due to the fact that their anchors could kill us with a single hit. It was a tense scene made even tenser by the relatively scarce amount of ammo and green herbs scattered around.


    • #17
      Me Wantee!

      I agree with Gareth about the files. Maybe we'll get to hear Spencer taunt Jill and Chris over the PA, I mean someone had to release the anchor-dude, right?


      • #18
        Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
        While not as massive as, say, the executioner you meet early on in RE5, these guys were every bit as intimidating due to the fact that their anchors could kill us with a single hit. It was a tense scene made even tenser by the relatively scarce amount of ammo and green herbs scattered around.

        OH MY GOD YES.



        • #19
          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
          While not as massive as, say, the executioner you meet early on in RE5, these guys were every bit as intimidating due to the fact that their anchors could kill us with a single hit. It was a tense scene made even tenser by the relatively scarce amount of ammo and green herbs scattered around.

          I think my heart started to beat again
          Last edited by Sephiroth; 01-23-2010, 02:47 PM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
            While not as massive as, say, the executioner you meet early on in RE5, these guys were every bit as intimidating due to the fact that their anchors could kill us with a single hit. It was a tense scene made even tenser by the relatively scarce amount of ammo and green herbs scattered around.

            Sounds interesting...but wasn't the original game supposed to be scarce on ammo and healing? Now if they limit the weapons to solely the handguns, and you cannot upgrade them, then yes...that may prove to be entertaining. Our handgun only run with no upgrades was pretty damn enjoyable.
            Are you tired, Rebecca?


            • #21
              My dream is that they were limited to only handguns, but all the videos and screens prove otherwise. We've seen Chris using an M3 and a PSG-1 in images before, and that shit just downright pisses me off. They were on a stealth recon mission to find Wesker, pistols should've been the only weapons they brought. They either brought a full armament, or Spencer had shotguns and sniper rifles sitting around his house.


              • #22
                I won't upgrade , Just like my Vet Run in Africa's scenario


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                  Sounds interesting...but wasn't the original game supposed to be scarce on ammo and healing? Now if they limit the weapons to solely the handguns, and you cannot upgrade them, then yes...that may prove to be entertaining. Our handgun only run with no upgrades was pretty damn enjoyable.
                  To late, there's already heavier weapons.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                    My dream is that they were limited to only handguns, but all the videos and screens prove otherwise. We've seen Chris using an M3 and a PSG-1 in images before, and that shit just downright pisses me off. They were on a stealth recon mission to find Wesker, pistols should've been the only weapons they brought. They either brought a full armament, or Spencer had shotguns and sniper rifles sitting around his house.
                    More than likely, Spencer has them just chilling around the house. And another thing...why would Spencer be taunting Chris and Jill? Wouldn't he be entertaining Wesker at this point? What...are Spencer and Wesker going to have some dinner first before Wesker decides its time for him to shove his hand through Spencer's body? I think people are confusing Spencer with Saddler...
                    Are you tired, Rebecca?


                    • #25
                      I read somewhere Chris and Jill arrived at the Spencer mansion only with handguns, so they will find every other weapons in the mansion. I could imagine dead Spencer's guards (killed by Wesker) with weapons around them or Jill and Chris could find something like guard room with weapons.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                        More than likely, Spencer has them just chilling around the house. And another thing...why would Spencer be taunting Chris and Jill? Wouldn't he be entertaining Wesker at this point? What...are Spencer and Wesker going to have some dinner first before Wesker decides its time for him to shove his hand through Spencer's body? I think people are confusing Spencer with Saddler...
                        Either way, their amount of weaponry is ridiculous.

                        Good thing we set our expectations low for these two scenarios. Mercs should be fun, though, as always.
                        Last edited by Vector; 01-23-2010, 03:48 PM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                          More than likely, Spencer has them just chilling around the house. And another thing...why would Spencer be taunting Chris and Jill? Wouldn't he be entertaining Wesker at this point? What...are Spencer and Wesker going to have some dinner first before Wesker decides its time for him to shove his hand through Spencer's body? I think people are confusing Spencer with Saddler...
                          Well, there's only so much we know about the circumstances surrounding Wesker confronting Spencer and there's only so much we know about Spencer himself. I suggested that as a possibility for a scene between Spencer and his opposition, no matter how distant, which we never get, and I wouldn't mind seeing. Perhaps I should have used the word "address" instead of "taunt." No need for the snark.


                          • #28
                            The weapons always did get kind of ridiculous


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                              Either way, their amount of weaponry is ridiculous.

                              Good thing we set our expectations low for these two scenarios. Mercs should be fun, though, as always.
                              You are annoying. Would you just stfu and play the game for once? Then you can bitch all you want and keep that "hey i'm so nagative that i'm cool" attitude


                              • #30
                                Never had a stalker before. I'm pretty flattered.

