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Gamespot's "Lost in Nightmares" Hands On Impressions

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  • #31
    remember at one point they lose all there weapons


    • #32
      ^ Yeah, I guess that's during the sewage part.


      • #33
        Has that ever happened before?


        • #34
          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
          My dream is that they were limited to only handguns, but all the videos and screens prove otherwise. We've seen Chris using an M3 and a PSG-1 in images before, and that shit just downright pisses me off. They were on a stealth recon mission to find Wesker, pistols should've been the only weapons they brought. They either brought a full armament, or Spencer had shotguns and sniper rifles sitting around his house.
          Considering that Chris and Jill ability to get caught in BH situations whenever they go, I dont find it that ridicuolus


          • #35
            meh im not too bothered about the weapons to be honest. Id get bored if you could only have hand guns.


            • #36
              Good news, really excited to get this.


              • #37
                honestly i just care more bout the hill josh chapter but this look interesting now


                • #38
                  No one should ever complain about the weapons in 4 and 5 considering YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARRY/USE/UPGRADE THEM IF YOU DON'T WANT TO.

                  That shit isn't mandatory so those bitching about it ruining the game are just too weak-willed to bar themselves from the larger, more powerful weapons and upgrades.


                  • #39
                    My impression was that Chris was pissed Capcom expect you to go through with all these powerful weapons as default and that he will just use the handgun.
                    I have to say, personally I would just prefer my Handgun, which is why I will to, stick to that.
                    I love the feeling of being so helpless or with but my handgun, it's why I play as Sherry or Ada in RE2, and Rebecca in RE and REmake.
                    I actually fully cleared RE4 with Ada once, that was one amazing playthrough.
                    Last edited by Gradon; 01-23-2010, 09:28 PM.


                    • #40
                      I wouldn't be surprised if these are betas for ideas for RE 6


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                        My dream is that they were limited to only handguns, but all the videos and screens prove otherwise. We've seen Chris using an M3 and a PSG-1 in images before, and that shit just downright pisses me off. They were on a stealth recon mission to find Wesker, pistols should've been the only weapons they brought. They either brought a full armament, or Spencer had shotguns and sniper rifles sitting around his house.
                        If you want to just use handgun only then do it, Not everyone is like you. Alot of people just want to blast that big bastard in the face with a shotgun :-)


                        • #42
                          I hope they go back to the roots of what Resident Evil was about... The Horror!


                          • #43
                            Wait... So there are multiple "anchor" monsters, and they all look exactly the same? Ugh. That's really disappointing. I was hoping it was going to be this relentless enemy which pursues you throughout the scenario like Nemesis or Lisa Trevor.


                            • #44
                              Most probably its the only type of monster in this scenario if you ask me..


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Chimera View Post
                                Wait... So there are multiple "anchor" monsters, and they all look exactly the same? Ugh. That's really disappointing. I was hoping it was going to be this relentless enemy which pursues you throughout the scenario like Nemesis or Lisa Trevor.
                                Personally, i think it's a mistake on the journos part. I don't think we'll be having multiple Keepers Of The Madnesses!

