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Resident Evil Afterlife 3D Trailer Leaked !

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  • Resident Evil Afterlife 3D Trailer Leaked !

    The trailer from the WonderCon event has leaked and can be viewed here. A proper trailer is expected to be released via MySpace later as well. Watch the trailer here.

    Afterlife 3D Trailer Leaked thanks to aris13

    *** Update ***

    The direct-feed version of the trailer is now available, thanks to nemesiscv for the mirror.

    Watch the direct feed trailer here

    *** End Update ***

    *** Update 2***

    Forget everything else, here's the 1080p direct-feed version of the trailer. Enjoy.

    Afterlife 1080p Trailer, thanks to revil5.

    *** End Update ***
    Last edited by A-J; 04-04-2010, 03:03 AM.

  • #2
    Also some key points from the Q&A session



    • #3
      Doesn't look bad. A little dark (well it is leaked and Im also on my phone).

      Bring on the hates who are gonna bash this trailer.


      • #4
        It might be fun, but it hardly looked like a "Resident Evil" title. All I saw was lot of slow-motions, butt-kicking, explosions and guns. And no "evil residents"


        • #5
          All I saw was a thousand different shots of Milla.

          I feel bad that it looks so lame but then again its nice that I dont have to swallow my own words because I was right in thinking this movie is going to be more trash.

          Sorry if your a fan and your looking forward to it but dont trailers usually show the best parts? All I saw was Milla. No Chris? Litterally like 2 shots of Wesker, No Jill? No Claire?

          I was more entertained by the idiots watching the trailer, WOOOOO YEAH!!! WOOOOO YEAH!!! WOOOOOOOOO!! YEEEEEAAAAHHHHHH!!! SHOW IT AGAIN! LMFAO. WOOOOOO!!!


          • #6
            Really, I think the films are a lot like the games. Slowly heading in the 'action' direction, rather then the 'horror' direction. It's sad, really. They could have done great things with these films. And taking scenes directly from the games doesn't make things cooler, it just means they're less creative. Especially considering the story is completely original. Now, if these films were even remotely based on the game events, that might be acceptable.

            I also cringe at the notion of future Resident Evil titles. With each new Resident Evil title, comes a new Resident Evil character to be ruined. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before they start bringing in more of the Umbrella side...


            • #7
              It's too dark and you can't see a damn thing. Guess we'll just have to wait until the trailer is officially released.
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              • #8
                wow this actualy looks like a pretty entertaining film. So i gues they are using the las plagas now then or maybe theyve mixed that up and the majini/ganados are just advanced zombies?


                • #9
                  im pleased its actually shot in 3D and not done post production. it makes a difference


                  • #10

                    I like. I like so much.

                    Can't wait for the actual trailer to come out.


                    • #11
                      I didn't see a single zombie in that trailer but I did see Las Plagas coming out of a mouth (RE5 style). Unless said Plagas was from the Executioner (probably not but who knows) I wonder what's going on... doesn't look that great so far.
                      After all they managed to turn 90% of the population on Earth in zombies between the second and third... maybe now they're all gone and replaced by Las Plagas.
                      Wasn't this supposed to be the last movie? They're hinting at more ><


                      • #12
                        Just wondering what's Wesker desires in a zombie populated world... Or what worse could he do in a world already fucked up.


                        • #13
                          The actors and Anderson believe the series is so successful because they're all passionate about the source material,

                          How absurd, especially when followed by:

                          - Ali Larter gave the audience a little hint of what's in store with the fourth film, saying, "This one is almost the closest to the video game." There's even a fight scene of Larter's in Afterlife that's literally from the game.

                          Since when does Ali know what the games are like? She didn't even know what Capcom was after finishing filming on Extinction.


                          • #14
                            Where's Sienna?, for god's sake!


                            • #15
                              Direct Feed trailer! Enjoy!
                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

