Originally posted by Smiley
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I met a guy a few years ago who had cut trailers for Fox, and most of the time he was given mearly guidelines on how they want the trailer to look and sound from the marketing team, and other than that he had free reign on how it's put together. Sometimes it was editing to an existing script or voice track, or selected music track. Occassionally there might be some directors notes on what they wanted or didn't want put in there too, but in general that wasn't too frequent apparently. I've was told this was fairly standard for the industry as whole.
In this case I would suspect the "Cameron/Pace 3D" thing was fed from Sony Pictures marketing department. But it's not subjective enough to know how much Anderson had involvement in this teaser trailer. The fact he displayed it at the event the other day at least tells me he's happy with that being the preview of the movie at the very least.