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IGN Resident Evil: Afterlife Set Visit

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Andyfer_Ruu View Post
    But it's always about money. With every single movie and game we own.
    Remeber, it is a buissness after all. With out the money non of us would be getting any of our favourite movies or game series.
    You can't make them out of pure fan power. You need the money.
    So if a certain franchise is making a ton of cash, the logical choice is to keep working with it to keep getting that money.
    A prime example of that is the Halo series and the RE4 phone games and so on.

    Not that i like the idea of Alice being in a game aha, hell no. I was just saying in general.

    Also, i havn't seen so many curses in one thread before. xD
    Yes, however pushing something that wouldn't be wanted by the majority of those that are the core of the buyers (which are mostly established fans of the series) is going to cause a loss of profit.

    Pretty much around the release of RE5, the majority of the people interested in it were those who had played some if not all of the other games and knew the characters. Most new players, with the target marketing due to the evolution of the series would associate it as an action game (not a survival horror), OR would associate it with the films and quite a few of them were confused due to the use of already established characters (these would be the ones utterly uninterested in unlocking files, reading character bios), were unable to get used to the controller scheme and would return the games for full-refund.

    When a game that is considered old, is ported and pushed out repeatedly - would a new consumer want to buy something that essentially is *not* new?

    This is seen as a common issue with the majority of people on second-hand/pre-owned purchases, and in some cases re-releases.

    In other words, even people not the sort to keep up with game companies can see that with the port to iPad with RE4, that the cash cow is being overmilked and this is also common with over-marketing and use of subtext tags on things such as say... a game "JUMPER - Based on the movie", if having characters of origin and/or modification from the films would achieve the same results.

    In the end, people aren't sheep - although this type of marketing based on established series/franchise/brand-names worked in the past, it isn't working so much now which is why Indie games and developers that pay a bit more attention to those who have bought the games, merchandise and on the overall have been quite a large part of incoming profit from said releases - instead of sheer overuse to the point that "regular" people (i.e. not in-depth fans or gamers) can actually see it.

    Sure, the RE4 formula worked a bit for RE5 but it had it's pros and it's cons from a general sales/marketing perspective (considering that a couple of local game stores' had more than thirty returns by new gamers that couldn't get into it (reasons mentioned before) within the release week, I don't think it's really appealing to new target audiences all that much) I can only wonder how much of a development, marketing money void a game with the film characters such as Alice would be.

    I could continue on, but it'd most likely turn into quite a rant.

    Too long? In the end, I realize that it's about money however - if it continues in such an obvious way, then it could end up as a slippery slope type of situation.

    I mean really, they're trying to appeal to new target audiences - for the most part, that aren't interested when they can be playing a "true" action game, or another horror game. If it's not going to appeal to new audiences, to the old audience/fanbase, "outside" audience are avoiding it due to the cash-cow issue that is so blatantly obvious even to this group, then what's it going to become? Hell, it's not even a singular country, as DM brought up - the films' are too Western for Japan (I also bet that after Afterlife, that the franchise name being also attached to the films - permitted by the company will also make the Japanese audience feel a bit offended if Tokyo is actually included in it, just as those who are from and/or live in Las Vegas and other areas, were offended when they managed to screw things up there in Extinction!) - if it's not going to be appealing to new audiences, then it either needs to be changed - not necessarily the games but they're trying far too much.

    Capcom's problem is that when it targets groups, it's either too far toward one group or another. If a better compromise was available (such as optional camera angles, multi-player instead of forced styles, optional controller scheme - when we KNOW that it's possible to do), then they could probably appeal a lot better then they are now.

    For example, Square-Enix has their own cash cows. Due to the popularity of their series, and including cameos within a joint production with Disney - Kingdom Hearts, increased the fanbase. By making Dissidia a fighting game, with characters and a little bit of history on them (without having to know what's happened in the games completely) it was appealing to a fair amount of old and new target audiences with a high amount of sales and/or profit.

    Of course, in the long run I'd prefer that the films are separate from the games for a fair amount of reasons.
    Last edited by Enetirnel; 04-09-2010, 07:47 AM.
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    • #17
      I lol'd when he said 5 being set in Africa was influenced by Extinction. Yeah, sure it was.


      • #18
        Agreed with the above. Jeremy Bolt just blatantly makes stuff up and that is what is really, really annoying about him. Someone should point out to him that pre production for RE5 had started long before that shitty Extinction film.
        "I've got 100 cows."
        "Well I've got 104 friends."


        • #19
          He's kind of a cross between a Terminator and Keanu in The Matrix," says Bolt. "It's a real worthy opponent for Alice. Actually, the most popular character in all of the games is Wesker, so who knows… he might be around for another movie if we ever did one."

          for the wesker fans; although he's dead in the games, you may see it in other movies besides Afterlife


          • #20
            Originally posted by TheBatMan View Post
            Agreed with the above. Jeremy Bolt just blatantly makes stuff up and that is what is really, really annoying about him. Someone should point out to him that pre production for RE5 had started long before that shitty Extinction film.
            Exactly. That was one of the first questions asked about RE5 and Capcom denied saying it was influenced by the last RE film.

            We all knew for a while now the virus originated in Africa anyways, but you can't expect a boasting idiot like Bolt to know that. Still, he should take his head out of his ass for ten minutes and give an interview that actually shows he did some research.

            But hey, at least they're calling Wesker by his proper name again. I remember a while back on an Extinction interview he was being called Albert Wexler.


            • #21
              Really....Albert Wexler...
              Aha...sounds like his deranged brother.


              • #22
                xD Yeah for a running joke during Extinction's hype a lot of my friends and I were calling him Wexler.

                If I recall correctly it was a spike interview or something to that effect. In that same interview they talk about how well they captured Claire by giving Ali Larter red hair, and contradict when the movie actually takes place after Apocalypse. I believe it was either Anderson or a producer saying five years and then Milla in a separate one says it was three years later. It might be vice versa, but we all thought it was hilarious.


                • #23
                  Bolt now seems worse than Anderson, in my opinion.

                  Run, Milla! They're insane!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by chris_survivor View Post
                    for the wesker fans; although he's dead in the games, you may see it in other movies besides Afterlife
                    Sigh... More Wesker is good I guess, but I bet my ass that he'll get a lamer role than RE5's. Probably will end killed by super godlike Alice and her army of clones and not by Chris.

                    I would accept Alice as a game character ONLY IF she gets a smaller role that won't shadow the game's protagonists. Hell, if you like, give her a game for her own, but tone it down to make it Resident Evil (game) plausible. No super virus powers a la Wesker, no goddamned psychokinesis. Take RE: Gun Survivor for example of how a normal character can develop an interesting story...
                    Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 04-12-2010, 02:23 AM.

                    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                    • #25
                      ^ But wasn't Ark an agent? Or are you talking about the other characters? Though, I agree Survivor had a very dark, macabre story (which was unfortunately shadowed by horrible graphics and game-play). The REverse (movies and games) need to improve on their story-lines. Survivor was a (in my opinion) good example of a decent, slightly more realistic story (not counting the Tyrant's ridiculous death).
                      Last edited by Ray; 04-12-2010, 02:28 AM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Ray View Post
                        ^ But wasn't Ark an agent? Or are you talking about the other characters? Though, I agree Survivor had a very dark, macabre story (which was unfortunately shadowed by horrible graphics and game-play). The REverse (movies and games) need to improve on their story-lines. Survivor was a (in my opinion) good example of a decent, slightly more realistic story (not counting the Tyrant's ridiculous death).
                        Yes, he was an agent, but didn't need to super kick dogs or enter a church with a flying motorcycle stunt to kill a licker . What I'm trying to say is that it's possible to develop a nice narrative without the need of super blockbuster action, just normal RE action (which involves some stunts here and there, but not all is over the top).

                        "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                        • #27
                          Normal RE action:

                          1.Always kills the tyrant with a RPG
                          2.Have a stupid 1 liner before killing the tyrant
                          3.the place blows up.


                          • #28
                            ^ Hell, even the movies didn't have that.

                            It had worse. As much as I love the movies, it's way too cheesy to even be processed correctly within my head. Who knew it was possible to turn such a franchise (such as RE) even cheesier?


                            • #29
                              But cheesey can be a good thing!
                              The acting in the first RE game was cheesey, but that's what made it brilliant, aha.

                              Anyways, i like the Resident Evil movies.
                              I remember going to the cinima with my brother and enjoying RE:Extinction.
                              The reason why i enjoy the movies is because i dont make comparisons to the game as i'm watching it. I just see the film for what it is, just another action / zombie movie. (I love zombie movies)
                              Dude, im totaly going to watch the new one in 3-D.

                              Now of course if it's for a debate on here i'll make the comparison, because to me the games are better.
                              Fair does to anyone who sees it the other way around.
                              It would of been funny (in a good way) if the movies had something self destructing at the end of it like the games do, game fans will probebly be trying to guess what's going to blow up at the end of the movie.
                              Last edited by Andyfer_Ruu; 04-16-2010, 06:02 AM.

