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Capcom Quietly Hosting Captivate '10 This Week

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  • Capcom Quietly Hosting Captivate '10 This Week

    First off, Capcom are holding their annual Captivate event this week in Hawaii. Surprisingly there isn't much press hub hub on it other than some bloggers and journalists mentioning it on their twitters and podcasts. Full reveals and new previews on Capcom stuff shown at the event should start popping up this coming week.

    Of note there's a rumor flying around that Capcom has a new Wii Resident Evil at the show. Supposedly it plays like RE4 with some on-rail segments on there, and the news was broken by the same guy who first revealed Leon and Krauser being present in Darkside Chronicles a good while before they were officially confirmed.

    We will post more on this as it's reveled to either be true or false.

    Thanks to the chaps over at Neogaf for the heads up.
    Last edited by A-J; 04-17-2010, 11:51 AM.

  • #2
    Hmm...i would welcome a new Resident Evil game..
    But i don't know about this.
    I'd rather they worked on RE6, i want something fresh.


    • #3
      I think it should be mentioned that it was Game Informer that first revealed the new scenario set in South America, and they did it long before this person did. It was early last year, in fact.


      • #4
        Originally posted by A-J View Post
        Supposedly it plays like RE4 with some on-rail segments
        WTF? What does that even mean? Technically, RE5 'played like RE4 with some on-rails segments.' Also...

        I think this is from the same event...
        Confirming the rumors posted the other day, PlanetXbox360 reported that Marvel vs. Capcom 3 was shown at Capcom's Captivate event in Hawaii.There's an embargo on the details, so you won't be seeing screen shots, movies and ...

        All but official, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 in the works

        The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 development team said they will be blowing fans out of the water with the sheer number of characters this game includes on the disc.

        Sounds like a lot of potential for more Resident Evil characters...
        Last edited by Vector; 04-17-2010, 01:22 PM.


        • #5
          A new resident evil game? Interesting.


          • #6
            Ooo That's exciting. I hope it ends up being true.


            • #7
              I'd rather hear more information about the PSP Resident Evil title announced last year, but, eh, take what we can get right?


              • #8
                ^ Same here.

                Hopefully they're saving it up for a big reveal at E3...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by A-J View Post
                  Supposedly it plays like RE4 with some on-rail segments on there
                  Wasn't this how UC was originally supposed to be?
                  Mass production? Ridiculous!


                  • #10
                    Although I've been hoping to hear something more about the PSP game, this does intrigue me. My immediate hope is that it's a brand new storyline and not something Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles-esque. It'd be nice to get something fresh into the series' timeline.

                    Could just be a rumor, though, so I won't dwell too much on the possibilities.


                    • #11
                      Its quiet because there's an 1 week embargo on the content of the show (which ends on Monday if I am not wrong). Currently the only thing I believe was revealed at the event was Frank West's inclusive in LP2.

                      Once more, with feeling: our 4th person attending Captivate is revealed! It’s nearing time to fly people out to a secret location and show off all our upcoming titles. Like every year, we also hand select five of our most active and influential members right here on Capcom-Unity. They get treated like kings and queens, […]

                      To be frank, west and eastern aspects have come together to create a video game fan's cup of tea. Energy is so high here with all the excitement of chatting and even playing games with actual Capcom employees!

                      This place also has several other great things to do and check out: news and info, ask something as simple as "Will *insert unreleased game title* have a level cap," calm responses that aren't empty, framework of a perfect site, finding a cool Capcom ad, amazing fans to talk with, and so much more. This is a community and everyone enjoys being a part of it. If you're lost, plan it out with others. It's so
                      fun and easy!

                      Capcom realizes what is vital: suit to the requests of fans, communication, adoration, and appreciation. Saying I don't ever want to leave is not an extreme. Conditions here are perfect!
                      I suggest not to read too much into that rumor though. Its not like its hard to guess who's going to be in Darkside Chronicles when it was first announced, so its not like that guy have some insider info or something, most probably a lucky guess.


                      • #12
                        Perhaps we'll finally be getting that RE 2 remake? That would be interesting.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                          WTF? What does that even mean? Technically, RE5 'played like RE4 with some on-rails segments.'
                          It sounds like RE: Dead Aim, Where the game is totally third-person but when
                          shooting it switches into first-person a la on-rails.


                          • #14
                            RE5 Wii Edition. Now with PS2 graphics and lots more additions exclusive for the Wii.
                            Either that or a new version of RE4.


                            • #15
                              Hmm... finally (if true) I start using my Nintendo Wii again lol

