With E3 around the corner, the release of the 4th Resident Evil live action film is drawing every so near, and various other exciting things are happening around the globe, we've been given the opportunity to present to you something a little different, but definitively relevant!

Today, Sunday the 13th of June 2010, marks the grand opening of REFanFilms.com (Resident Evil Fan Films).
This is the new website by long time Resident Evil fan and community member Jerome, known as imacwesker here on THIA. Some of you might also know him just as "Wesker" and/or "that guy who made Survivhor.com."
As he writes on REFanFilms, Jerome is currently a film student at the Art Institute of California - San Francisco, and he's decided to focus his senior project on the Resident Evil universe.
The first movie project is currently scheduled for a release on Halloween 2010, and is a Resident Evil 1.5 Trailer. Its length appears to've not been set in stone, but going by the information available on the site; the final length could be anything between 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
The second movie project is "Patient Zero." A short film of roughly 10 minutes, give or take. Apparently with focus on the creation of the very first zombie. Currently, this is scheduled for a June 2011 appearance.
Filmmaking is of course not just a one man effort, so these two projects have a cast and crew the size of more than just a handful. And if you'd like to know more, I strongly recommend poppin' by the official site and scourging through the about page, the cast & crew list, the download section and their production blog. All of which will introduce you to the basics, a couple of teaser videos and some images, a quick introduction to the cast and crew, and various other pieces of insight on the production.
The Horror Is Alive will continue to bring you news on this non-profit fan/student project.

Today, Sunday the 13th of June 2010, marks the grand opening of REFanFilms.com (Resident Evil Fan Films).
This is the new website by long time Resident Evil fan and community member Jerome, known as imacwesker here on THIA. Some of you might also know him just as "Wesker" and/or "that guy who made Survivhor.com."
As he writes on REFanFilms, Jerome is currently a film student at the Art Institute of California - San Francisco, and he's decided to focus his senior project on the Resident Evil universe.
The first movie project is currently scheduled for a release on Halloween 2010, and is a Resident Evil 1.5 Trailer. Its length appears to've not been set in stone, but going by the information available on the site; the final length could be anything between 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
The second movie project is "Patient Zero." A short film of roughly 10 minutes, give or take. Apparently with focus on the creation of the very first zombie. Currently, this is scheduled for a June 2011 appearance.
Filmmaking is of course not just a one man effort, so these two projects have a cast and crew the size of more than just a handful. And if you'd like to know more, I strongly recommend poppin' by the official site and scourging through the about page, the cast & crew list, the download section and their production blog. All of which will introduce you to the basics, a couple of teaser videos and some images, a quick introduction to the cast and crew, and various other pieces of insight on the production.
The Horror Is Alive will continue to bring you news on this non-profit fan/student project.