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New Resident Evil game: Resident Evil Revelations for Nintendo's new 3DS!

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  • #91
    Well if you google Rosetta's name correctly you get....

    Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


    • #92


      • #93
        Sorry Rossetta Mist I feel guilty now. You can see all my misspellings though, that's becuase i tend to write quickly without checking before posting.

        I would like to watch a trailer aswell!.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
          How about the secret costumes for the RE gals that made them look like fugitives from a victoria's secret photoshoot?
          Those were bonus costumes. They were meant to be silly. And, you can't even claim the designers were overly sexualizing the female characters, because the same treatment has been given to the male characters over the years. Look at Chris' Warrior outfit.

          Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
          I agree about the looks. Barring the fact that you cant really call the STARS outfit a uniform (since uniform would denote some sort of similarity to all the other units), it was more...meh...likable.
          I'd call 'em uniforms. Or, at least, video game uniforms. In the magical world of video games, everyone must have their own unique color scheme! JUST LIKE IN REAL LIFE! :p Not that there's anything wrong with designers purposely making their characters recognizable (it's a long-lived tradition and maybe a necessary one, systemically), but when it comes to aspects that are supposed to be realistic, I can't help but nitpick. Not that it really matters, but you know.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
            Sorry Rossetta Mist I feel guilty now. You can see all my misspellings though, that's becuase i tend to write quickly without checking before posting.

            I would like to watch a trailer aswell!.
            You know what...its cool. Rossita = llamas...shit is so cash.

            Originally posted by xdeadpan View Post
            Those were bonus costumes. They were meant to be silly. And, you can't even claim the designers were overly sexualizing the female characters, because the same treatment has been given to the male characters over the years. Look at Chris' Warrior outfit.

            I'd call 'em uniforms. Or, at least, video game uniforms. In the magical world of video games, everyone must have their own unique color scheme! JUST LIKE IN REAL LIFE! :p Not that there's anything wrong with designers purposely making their characters recognizable (it's a long-lived tradition and maybe a necessary one, systemically), but when it comes to aspects that are supposed to be realistic, I can't help but nitpick. Not that it really matters, but you know.
            Oh you. XD Maybe I'm simply a closet fashion nut, but I can't help but think that a unified looking STARS outfit might have been awesome. I'm fine with the color schemes. Like you said...the different outfits make the individual characters stand out a bit more. But back to my fashion fetish...seeing Chris and Sheva in actual BSAA uniforms like what Josh was in could have been cool too.

            I'll let Santino take it from here.
            Are you tired, Rebecca?


            • #96

              Anyway as we all seem to be forgetting the handheld isnt out till 2011 So thats still a while away for some changes and such. There will be alot more coming on the RE Should be a great rest of year. Yikes tho I hate to think of the price that 3DS will cost eeeeep. -_-


              • #97
                Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                Yikes tho I hate to think of the price that 3DS will cost eeeeep. -_-
                It can't be more than what a Wii goes for.

                If it goes for $250 or less I'll buy it.
                Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                  It can't be more than what a Wii goes for.

                  If it goes for $250 or less I'll buy it.
                  Yikes, here in Aus dollars they are alot the Wii was untill recently $399AUD, and is now $299AUD. I dont think I can drop another $299AUD on a DS. I have way to many DS's. Thank god I did'nt buy a DSIXL tho! Oh well Ill wait till 2011 anyway..


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                    Yikes, here in Aus dollars they are alot the Wii was untill recently $399AUD, and is now $299AUD. I dont think I can drop another $299AUD on a DS. I have way to many DS's. Thank god I did'nt buy a DSIXL tho! Oh well Ill wait till 2011 anyway..
                    If you start saving now...say, putting 25-50 aside, by the time it comes out you should have enough for the system and the game.
                    Are you tired, Rebecca?


                    • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                      If you start saving now...say, putting 25-50 aside, by the time it comes out you should have enough for the system and the game.
                      You sound like my parents. -_- lol


                      • The day I see people make a big deal out of a minor name typo is the day I want to cash in my years worth of missing os and extra as.

                        Also, the 3DS' graphical capabilities appears to be easily comparable (and probably beyond) that of the PSP.

                        The currently released shots of games are easily comparable to top of the line PSP releases (and this is apparently the 3DS launch line up we're dealing with). The current storage capacity of a 3DS cart appears to be 2gb (which is a barrier I'm sure will be smashed down "when" necessary. Unlike the UMD, which forever will be 1.5gb. Bu-bye to massive amounts of loading?)


                        • Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                          You sound like my parents. -_- lol
                          Well, she does have a very good point. I know it sounds cheesy, but saving up your extra cash and change really does add up. Once I have some free time, I am definitely going to budget my spending money, so I'll be able to purchase this new console. The money may sit there for a long while, depending on the release date of the 3DS, but, at least when the time comes, I won't have to whine about not having the money.


                          • I wounder how the game will go we got Hunk,Jill and Chis I wounder if this game will do what the Chronicles series has done were we get one chapter split into parts and we play as Jill and Chris and the next chapter we as Hunk and other charater.


                            • Originally posted by xdeadpan View Post
                              Well, she does have a very good point. I know it sounds cheesy, but saving up your extra cash and change really does add up. Once I have some free time, I am definitely going to budget my spending money, so I'll be able to purchase this new console. The money may sit there for a long while, depending on the release date of the 3DS, but, at least when the time comes, I won't have to whine about not having the money.
                              Oh the money is no issue, I'm just saying it seemed alot for a handheld.


                              • I like it but I definitely don't love it. First because it is for a portable console, I don't like portables and I don't want to buy one just to play one game. I am not a gamer, I don't have much time to dedicate to video games so when I have some free time I play RE games only. Second, I really don't believe this game is gonna be canon. If so, they must release to other platforms too, I don't think they would include a canon game in a portable console but well, we're talking about Capcom, we never know what they are thinking.
                                IF it is canon, it'll probably be a spin-off. I personally think it's the best option for this game, they should keep the main titles for main platforms.

                                Chris' clones, Jill pointing guns to them both... It's all very weird. I want to believe this guy is someone else. It could be Steve! It would be soooo nice... *_*
                                Follow us on Twitter: @residentevildb

