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Did you know? #4 - The 1st of April that never was edition!

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  • Did you know? #4 - The 1st of April that never was edition!

    I promised you these wouldn't happen too frequently! Didn't I? Well, E3 is now over and people are feasting on the delicious news and trailer for the new portable Resident Evil Revelation, which was announced for the 3DS. Many are also probably wondering if we'll ever get to know what the fate of Resident Evil Portable for PSP is, some of you are probably keeping an eye on the upcoming 4th Resident Evil live-action film too and there are probably some of you who're also keeping an eye on the fan-film project directed by none other than forum member imacwesker, of fame.

    With that out of the way; here's the deal, as you all know, Dot50Cal's still busy with life and I'm pretty much playing the role of anything from webmaster/admin to "watch me care"-minister. Personally, I'm in the middle of establishing a steady/reliable income source + also in the middle of peak of my profession for the past 5 years (as a professional videogame translator and localization editor), but that doesn't entirely prevent me from setting aside a few minutes here, pulling a few strings there and just generally getting a few things done around the site.

    Do you remember that cheap April fools we had this year? Yeah... neither do I. It wasn't exactly as memorable as the ones from the years before that, now was it? What did we do this year anyway? I seem to recall us challenging people to fool us... or something... I think.

    Either way! Did you know that we actually did have an April fools planned for this year? I even partly finished it, but 'cause of a few internal matters, it never went public and it was put on hold up until the very last minute and it never went public. It was basically meant to tie into our WIP Resident Evil 1 section and the plan was to get some of our friends to help us just spread this viral-link thing around various communities.

    The whole thing consists of various Resident Evil 1 pictures, at various stages of development, heavily blurred out and with weird text written over each picture. It was intended to have an audio clip to play with each page too. The text and audio was entirely inspired by the fantastic English voice-overs for the Robogeisha Trailer.

    So, do you wanna see it? If you do, here's the link;
    Beta is... unreleased game!
    Once you've clicked through it, see if you can find the secret pages! It shouldn't be too hard (it's all in the numbers, I tell ya!).

    So, what do you think? Shame we didn't spread this "viral site" or for the better?

    Speaking of the Resident Evil 1 section! I've been hard at work, trying to wrap together stuff I could post online, and to speed things up (totally not promoting my own laziness) I've been recruiting some external help. Dot50Cal recently sent me the data for the True Story Behind Biohazard too, so once I find some time, I'll hopefully be able to wrap up things there too.

    One of the key things I want you to know about the Resident Evil 1 section is that over the years we --both we here at The Horror Is Alive, and a set of long time community members/webmasters of a few other sites-- have put down a tremendous amount of time and effort into acquiring content we feel would interest the public, to then put a lot of thought into how to best present this content to the public. Some of this stuff are things we've been sitting on for many years now... with absolute minimum to no public exposure, at all. Why so secretive? Well, we of course wanted the RE1 section to be extensive and in-depth, that's for sure! However, at least some of you probably realize that there are lots of DOs and DON'Ts out there for certain types of things and content, some with more than for others. This means that we sometimes just have to settle with the next best thing... or at least come up with an alternative that hopefully still does the trick.

    This is where one of our recent additions to the team of contributors come in. Enrico Marini, of Resident Evil modding fame, kindly accepted (on our begging-like request) to do some minor favors for us... and boy did he deliver. Giving us a short list of what he'd need to work his magic, we provided anything he asked for and... well... I'd say he's over-delivering and going way beyond what we ever expected to get in return from anyone who's just being blindly confronted with some time consuming requests.

    You ask a man for directions, but you don't expect him to give you the tour. Well, Enrico didn't just give us the tour, he's pretty much become our private chauffeur .

    So --if a look into our canned April Fools-joke and a reminder that the TSBB is hopefully wrapping up soon wasn't enough-- to go give you another tease of what's in store for our upcoming Resident Evil 1 section (whenever it starts going online), I present to you one of the things Enrico's kindly been tinkering with for us recently (bet you Jill fans will get a kick out of this!);

    Chris has got some cool facial expressions going there...
    Able to guess which is which?

    I can assure you that I'm not really trying to waste your time with this!

    Jill is a woman whose face clearly has changed many times!

    Did any of these per chance look familiar to you? I think it should;

    Aah! So that's where you've seen those!
    Well, that's about it... or wait... no!
    I almost forgot! One more tiny thing for you all!
    It's much more fun when it's interactive! Right?

    ----> Download Models <---

    All thanks goes to Enrico Marini for his help with this. As I said before, we only really reached out to him to ask if he could give us a few pointers on how to do something and he ended up building us an entire house full of material worthy of a king. So look forward to his (massively impressive) contribution to our upcoming Resident Evil 1 section (and I can assure you that the presentation wont be nearly as messy as this news item was.)

  • #2
    Great models, this would be a great April Fools joke! *_*
    *downloading them*
    Follow us on Twitter: @residentevildb


    • #3
      I am always amazed by the level of quality people like Markgrass, Dominion and Enrico Marini put into their work... specially because I have absolutely no idea how they achieve their results I mean, I know that computers and video games are about bits and zeros, but how does these wizards transform the numbers into playable characters? I have no clue
      Anyway, thanks a lot for your hard work, Enrico And you too Carn
      Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


      • #4
        Funny how Chris looked more buff back in the PS1 days. He got skinny in the CV and REmake games.

        Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


        • #5
          ^nice!! Do you have that picture in the highest res possible? I've always REALLY loved the character models for REmake.


          • #6
            Originally posted by djepic112 View Post
            ^nice!! Do you have that picture in the highest res possible? I've always REALLY loved the character models for REmake.
            No sorry. I don't have a high-res version. I just saw them somewhere and thought they were cool.

            Here are some more that were in the same folder on my PC:

            Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


            • #7
              Truly amazing job!

              BIG THANKS to Enrico and...
              keep it up! ;)


              • #8

                What ? lol


                • #9
                  ^That's quite possibly the most random thing I've seen in a while


                  • #10
                    A slight problem with the Chris alternative face model the rocket launcher and colt python is mapped to the wrong place so it covers the back of his gloves, Jill looks the business but her skin is somewhat pale
                    Can the ones with different badges be uppped too?

                    If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                    • #11
                      Jill's skin is pale. You can see that in the video too (in the middle of all the washed outness and stuff). We're probably not gonna tan her for you. Good catch on the Chris hand.

                      The models used are the ones from an old alpha build, but the textures and stuff were in a different standard than the retail's. The badges were thrown out (only temporarily), as we're just on the watch for fakers these days; after several claimers of various things have been using people's custom models to produce questionable fake shots of various things they don't really have - to then try to do trades with them or sell them.

                      Good news is; the untouched (or, well, they'll be touched, as the models and textures don't quite match up with the formats of the final game) will be available when the RE1 section goes live, however.

                      Enrico can probably better explain the technical jazz.
                      Last edited by Carnivol; 06-24-2010, 07:48 AM.


                      • #12
                        Jill is that pale. Probably why they scrapped her. Everyone thinking she is a zombie and shoot her.

                        Chris was just a reskin of the Alpha model with a few tweaks. Jill was originally the Alpha Jill before I "Customised" her. Instead of retexturing Alpha Jill, I remodelled Alpha Jill to fit the left over texture. Though for whatever reason, RE1 doesn't like smoothing the model. A bug I'll iron out once I have time and realise what is wrong.


                        • #13
                          The "fixed" Chris is now in the archive. Feel free to redownload (thanks, Enrico)


                          • #14
                            How long we'll have to wait for the RE 1 section? Stop teasing us...


                            • #15
                              Now you at least have an idea of how far we're going with some stuff
                              (Some of you probably also remember Dot50Cal's Replaying Resident Evil 1 thread, where he played like every version a billion times while capturing them and capturing plenty of cutscene variations and stuff. Not exactly all in a day's work )

                              Hardest part has been to stay quiet about some of the stuff... not to mention how long we've been sitting on some of it
                              Last edited by Carnivol; 06-24-2010, 08:24 AM.

