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Dead Rising 2 Suffers 1 Month Delay

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  • Dead Rising 2 Suffers 1 Month Delay

    Capcom are sending out emails stating Dead Rising 2 is being delayed by a month and is scheduled to release September 28th in the US and October 1st in Europe now. No reason was given for the delay though one can speculate polish.

    Dead Rising 2 Delayed
    Last edited by A-J; 06-28-2010, 06:29 AM.

  • #2
    Well, gives me more time to aim for that 1000G target.


    • #3
      Sept 28th and Oct 1st are big dates in another Capcom zombie franchise...

      Probably too much to hope for an interesting ARG or promotional drive?


      • #4
        I blame Microsoft for this with their disgusting exclusive DLC! Disgraceful.


        • #5
          ^ You troll, you! (The rumor-mill says one week 'till Case Zero, supposedly. At least if Unity's Facebook countdown and the viral stuff supposedly points to its release.)

          Also, September 28, they say?

          Funny. That's the date Resident Evil 3 starts on, isn't it?


          • #6
            and October 1st is when it ends :p


            • #7
              I think an extra month in the pot for the developers to further polish the game is a good thing. Also late September seems like a better fit for the game to be released than August, I would say. Bring on Case Zero so I can get my fix!


              • #8
                Originally posted by A-J View Post
                and October 1st is when it ends :p
                Dear god! It's a conspiracy! (Someone call the local conspiracy nut!)


                • #9
                  It obviously means Dead Rising 2 will start in the US and end in Europe.



                  • #10
                    I've had this on £25 pre-order on amazon UK since summer last year, I guess I can wait some more.
                    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                    • #11
                      Oh my god. I can see it now. Exclusive Jill Valentine outfit

                      Well if its delayed, its delayed. Not much you can do about it.


                      • #12
                        What the Phantom Menace is going on here?

                        Ugh another month? Well I guess it gives me another shot at getting the "Zombie Genocide" achievement, you know the one where you have to kill like 52,000 zombies in 1 play through or something ridiculous like that.


                        • #13
                          I know its not regarding this game but seems like Jun and his friend aren't going to make the RE6 And I don't think Shinji Mikami isn't doing that one either so well apparently well I dunno I know its not regarding this Dead Rising game but hey several people don't give a rats ass.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ZodiarkEclipes View Post
                            I know its not regarding this game but seems like Jun and his friend aren't going to make the RE6 And I don't think Shinji Mikami isn't doing that one either so well apparently well I dunno I know its not regarding this Dead Rising game but hey several people don't give a rats ass.
                            Wow...that quote is quite possibly the single greatest example of grammar abuse that I have ever seen. Ever. It made my head want to duplicate a certain scene from "Scanners:"

                            Anyway...pertaining to the unfortunate delay of "Dead Rising 2" - I am quite saddened by this news, even though it is only a month-long delay. I don't own an Xbox and thus was never able to play DR1, though I've always wanted to; so I have been eagerly anticipating DR2. There's nothing like killing zombies! (and I certainly haven't been able to do so in an RE game in a very, very long time)


                            • #15
                              This news makes me sad. I was going to go buy it right after my birthday...

