Kotakuite Brian found this suspicious looking beverage at his local comic book store. It seems that Capcom has gone into the business of promoting their Resident Evil Franchise with energy drinks. Being the devoted fan that he is, Brian bought the "T-Virus Antidote" and even went so far as to drink it. He describes the taste as being "something similar to cherry medicine and watered-down sprite". Sounds like the T-Virus itself might be preferable to this sickly concoction.
Apparently the label touts it as being "based on a game rated M for mature by the ESRB. It is not intended for use by children." So, as Brian so eloquently puts it, "If you have a kid with the T-Virus, you're fucked." Flynn De Marco
Apparently the label touts it as being "based on a game rated M for mature by the ESRB. It is not intended for use by children." So, as Brian so eloquently puts it, "If you have a kid with the T-Virus, you're fucked." Flynn De Marco

Source: Kotaku