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New RE Afterlife Images On IGN

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  • New RE Afterlife Images On IGN

    IGN have 3 new still photos (which is exclusive to IGN, according to themselves) for the upcoming RE movie.

    IGN RE Afterlife Gallery

    Some short clips of the movie can be seen here.

    Official web site for RE Afterlife has been launched:
    RE Afterlife Official Site

    2 RE Afterlife photos at SDCC.
    Promotion Still
    Last edited by xfactor; 07-22-2010, 12:11 PM.

  • #2
    So three screen caps that have been around for a while are suddenly exclusive? Damnit IGN, get your shit together.
    Are you tired, Rebecca?


    • #3
      That's IGN alright.

      It's been ages since I've been there just for anything news related.

      BTW this "Wesker" is probably a serious pot user. Nice roots, Wesky.

      Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


      • #4

        Dude! Wesker got some serious red eye man!

        Sorry I just can't be bothered with the films anymore and yet here I am commenting on them again . . . ugh I hate the slow RE news season . . .
        Last edited by Rancid Cheese; 07-21-2010, 07:34 AM.


        • #5
          Is it me or does anyone else notice how awful Chris's costume looks. Sony's budget for the film can't be that small that that's what Chris is going to wear throughout the whole film.


          • #6
            1) They fucked up Wesker's eyes
            2) They made alice ugly
            3) They already fucked up Chris' look and outfit. He looks more like REmake Chris than RE5 Chris.


            • #7
              They've already fucked EVERYTHING up in ALL of the movies.
              Why do people continue to point out inaccuracies? The movies are separate entities made for PROFIT because Paul Anderson is a cock fuck who doesn't give a shit.

              Watch the movie because it's Resident Evil and will stimulate the visual pleasure centers of your brain.
              Don't watch them if you hate it.

              It's as simple as that.

              To me, the films are nothing but alternate universes that some fans filmed, they're based on the games I love, NOT the games I love.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ZOMBIE_FETUS View Post
                They've already fucked EVERYTHING up in ALL of the movies.
                Why do people continue to point out inaccuracies? The movies are separate entities made for PROFIT because Paul Anderson is a cock fuck who doesn't give a shit.
                THANK YOU!

                And also why the f**k did they get that guy from Prisonbreak?? He looks nothing like Chris and just looks like a moody wanker. God damn it
                Last edited by DONNIemo; 07-21-2010, 07:46 PM.


                • #9
                  lol I forgot this is coming out ... smh


                  • #10

                    Clip from the Wesker fight scene. Eh, it looks a bit cheap. Although I'm not going to lie, I found the "You should of brought more" line kind of bad ass >_>


                    • #11
                      Wow, even the dogs are swiped from RE5. Maybe we'll see reapers and plaga spawns. Maybe.

                      Then again, the Adjules are a design that I'd like to see reproduced on film. Very Thing-like, I enjoy it.


                      • #12
                        I'm trying to figure out why the actor who plays Wesker is putting so much emphasis on his lines and therefore making his mouth move very oddly. It's not natural, whatsoever.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Karui View Post
                          1) They fucked up Wesker's eyes
                          How so? They glow for a second in the actual scene. His entire eyes are not red, his pupils are just like they are in the game.

                          And if its because they glow, blame Code Veronica. (at 1:50)

                          Part 8 of my A rank run.WESKEEEEERRRRRR!I love how Wesker laughs. So hilarious. How in the world does Claire survive that beating? If I got trashed like that...

                          So whats wrong with them exactly?

                          Anyways, looks pretty good so far.

                          - Love the shot of the Executioner walking down the street, he looks heaps ton better than Nemesis......which saddens me a bit.

                          - Alice shows a little personality now with that scene where she video blogs

                          - The fight clip looks ok, it can't look exactly like it did in RE 5, as the camera work seems to be impossible for live action. So as is, its cool. Will probably look better in 3D and when the whole scene actually plays out.

                          Right now its already better than Apocalypse IMO and if its on par with the first movie I will be content.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ~Alfred Ashford View Post

                            Clip from the Wesker fight scene. Eh, it looks a bit cheap. Although I'm not going to lie, I found the "You should of brought more" line kind of bad ass >_>
                            Actually I really liked the way this went ok so it ripped right out of RE5 but the way Wesker took his glasses back from Chris was quite amusing to me . . .


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by xdeadpan View Post
                              I'm trying to figure out why the actor who plays Wesker is putting so much emphasis on his lines and therefore making his mouth move very oddly.
                              I thought the same thing.

                              It's not natural, whatsoever.
                              Nothing in this clip looked natural. I've seen better acting and better choreographed fights in some of those horrible SyFy channel films.

                              *Sigh* If they're gonna steal straight from the games, why not make another CGI film ala "Degeneration?" (Only this time with 200% less C-3EMO.)

                              Last edited by Jill's Boob; 07-22-2010, 01:14 AM. Reason: picture upgrade

