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Capcom Explains Why Only Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition Works With PS Move

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  • Capcom Explains Why Only Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition Works With PS Move

    PlayStation Move support is coming to Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition via a free, downloadable patch. So, is Capcom going to release the same patch for regular copies of Resident Evil 5? No. Why? It won’t work.

    A representative from Capcom explained, while I was mowing down Majini, that PlayStation Move controls require a memory resource. When Capcom developed the original version of Resident Evil 5 the team didn’t know about Move and used the memory resource for another feature. After Capcom saw PlayStation Move, they freed up a memory slot for PlayStation Move controls.

    So, how does Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition play with a glowing wand?

    The analog stick on the navigation controller makes Chris move while the wand is used to aim. Pressing the trigger button shifts into target mode where you can point at Majini and shoot with the move button. Shaking the wand in target mode makes Chris reload his weapon. If you’re not aiming, shaking makes Chris pull out his knife and slash. It’s possible to waggle a way through a small group of Majini since knifing is easier to do.

    Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition does not require a navigation controller. You can use a regular Dualshock 3 pad instead. Gripping a regular controller in one hand and the PlayStation Move wand in the other sounds pretty cumbersome, though.
    Source: Siliconera

  • #2
    It doesn't exactly explain it. If there is something embedded code wise, realistically a patch should still be able to tell the game to make the required changes. Maybe the file size for a patch to do it would just be too big however.


    • #3
      Exactly Rombie I mean surely a patch would tell the console to change the access route so instead of going to A it goes to B and how much space could it take that the PS3 couldn't accommodate it. I mean sure in the past generations this would be an issue but with HDD so common in consoles now it would very easy to patch, and even so if a feature was "lost" I mean depending on the feature would you miss it? This just sounds like a cop off to me but I've not made many videogames these days so I don't suppose I can really say . . .


      • #4
        We'll know if it's a cop out 6-12 months after Move comes out. If the Gold version's sale drop off and they announce they've listened to the fans and are patching the older versions, after much hard work and great effort and cost, then we'll know this was all bullshit and they jut want to push more copies of Gold.


        • #5
          They just want to swindle the people that already bought the DLC and decided not buy the
          Gold Edition so they have to buy it anyway in order to wii-ify their experience with the new
          motion controllers.

          I call this all a hoax made by the marketing side of Capcom, IMO.


          • #6
            Pretty sure that's just an excuse.

            A patched boot.bin could've just as well sorted that out.

            I still stand by what I said before about the "real" reason being the annoyances of PSN and the costs of managing (and testing) multiple patches. (Since you'd technically need to have one patch that needs to be able to take into consideration all the variations of the DLC and stuff with the vanilla version of the game, and you need a second one for the Gold Edition + you need to do the pre-patched re-print of the Gold Edition too.)

            So we're getting 2/3, basically. Still wonder how this will affect multiplayer and whether or not vanilla will be discontinued and/or incompatible with Gold...


            • #7
              is this really an issue? If you are like me you have several copys of each version of the game anyways no?? I can't wait to give it a whirl.


              • #8
                What a complete load of bollocks.


                • #9
                  There is no reason a patch can't fix this.
                  What a pile of crap to try and get people to sucker into Gold Edition...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                    is this really an issue? If you are like me you have several copys of each version of the game anyways no?? I can't wait to give it a whirl.
                    The only reason I even kept my first copy of RE5 is completion's sake. I own all the others, after all. And my wife likes playing it with me. I certainly don't like it enough to go out and buy another new copy. I might pick up the DLC if it comes out on a separate disc. But even though I have no intention of getting move, I don't appreciate having the option removed because I dared to buy there game when it came out new.

                    And I really, really don't like being lied to. If they ever do manage to patch this I'm gonna be royally pissed off.


                    • #11
                      As Vito Said in Biohaze , PS Move Was always Exclusive for AE anyways , Even Capcom US said GE will not be compatible with Move , Even The new content was not meant to be DLC. And people is still not happy ...
                      Most people didn't even Want the move fuctionality When Capcom US asked if we want this DLC or Physical/Disc..


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                        is this really an issue? If you are like me you have several copys of each version of the game anyways no?? I can't wait to give it a whirl.
                        Not everyone has a pot of gold, lol.

                        Some people would like to use the money to buy a completely different game.
                        I really have no issues since I own both copies for collecting purposes...didn't
                        even bother with the DLC. I still don't know if I'll get the PS who

                        Now that I'm thinking about it, the game would be so much easier just like
                        RE4Wii...Versus is going to be really interesting with PS Move since it's so
                        easier and faster to shoot with it.


                        • #13
                          With all the patching required lag will probably get in the way of VS mode being any good not to mention all the moaning about "damn control lag" etc

                          Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                          . . . And my wife likes playing it with me. . .
                          So jealous right now my more delicate half won't even entertain the idea of RE5 . . .

                          Anyway I assume Carnivol is more learned on these things than me but that was my opinion on the matter. Incidentally is there a 100% confirmed price for Move cause I've seen a few numbers thrown around and Kinect is rumoured at £130 or there about so I wouldn't bother if it's on that level anyway to expect you to buy Move AND a new no doubt full price reissue of RE5 . . .
                          Last edited by Rancid Cheese; 07-30-2010, 03:07 AM. Reason: <Parp>


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rancid Cheese View Post
                            Incidentally is there a 100% confirmed price for Move cause I've seen a few numbers thrown around and Kinect is rumoured at £130 or there about so I wouldn't bother if it's on that level anyway to expect you to buy Move AND a new no doubt full price reissue of RE5 . . .
                            GAME are the cheapest I've seen it.

                            Move Controller + Eye bundle = £50
                            Move Controller alone = £35
                            Navigation (nunchuck) Controller = £25.

                            So you are looking at £35-£75 depending on if you own a PS Eye camera already and if you want the nunchuck (you can use a regular controller to replace this).

                            Kinect is £130 confirmed also.
                            Last edited by Dracarys; 07-30-2010, 04:55 AM.
                            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                            • #15
                              Personally, I don't quite see the big deal of this...From many perspectives actually. For starters, Capcom is a multinational corporation whose primary goal is to make money. Surely if they wanted to develop a patch to make the original Resident Evil 5's work, they would; however, is this profitable? Not really. Instead, force those interested in playing with this Wii-similar technology to go out and buy yet another copy of a game they've already played.

                              Secondly, if you REALLY don't like Capcom's practices (which I agree are quite messed up and not really good business practices for keeping consumers happy), they do not buy it. I can tell you right now that yes, this does sound interesting, but I will not be buying Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition just so that I can point at the screen and make Chris shoot. It just isn't that interesting or financially beneficial for a game I've already played.

                              I don't know, I guess I'm just speaking out of buyer's remorse. I own both Star Wars: Unleased and Star Wars: Unleashed (Sith Edition), and the only real difference is three bonus levels and a little bit of bonus content. It was an absolute waste of money because now I basically have two versions of a game that I will probably not play for many years.

                              Anyway, my point being: Capcom, do whatever the hell you choose with your Resident Evil 5 with glowing wands and such. I will not be buying another version of a game I already have just for a mere technological upgrade.



