Bjorn sent me the final translation this morning and while the first half drags on a bit about daily "simple" life, the second half really kicks off with a bang. It explains who Saddler is in relation to the village, where the children went, how the village came to be under the control of Saddler, Previous castellans and the Los Illuminados relationship and more.
It was quite an entertaining read and hopefully I can finish the pages properly today and get it out to you all. Though theres no promises on that as I have to move my Biohazard Gun Survivor 2 arcade cabinet to my home today. If I cannot finish today it will likely be out tommorow.
You can all thank Bjorn for this, it was all him
He did it for free as well so please thank him on this topic!
It was quite an entertaining read and hopefully I can finish the pages properly today and get it out to you all. Though theres no promises on that as I have to move my Biohazard Gun Survivor 2 arcade cabinet to my home today. If I cannot finish today it will likely be out tommorow.
You can all thank Bjorn for this, it was all him
