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Resident Evil 6 Announcement Incoming ?

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  • #16
    Capcom loves to tease fans. I wouldn't be surprised if a teaser is shown with a release date of 2014 at the end.

    I'm too keen on RE6 though. That is years away! More interested in RE:Revelations.


    • #17
      God help us.


      • #18
        I want to return to a city atmosphere in the new Resident Evil. I'm tired of crappy villages in places that are so remote, GPS satalites don't pass overhead. I want something sort of like the game Borderlands or Left 4 Dead, where you can play as one of four players on a mission to complete an objective(s). So essentially Outbreak but with an updated engine and overhauled AI.


        • #19
          The two expansions for RE5, one being a hybrid of old and new school gameplay and one being strictly like RE 4 and RE 5. I think they are testing to see what direction RE6 should go. Hopefully they go in the hybrid version. If so they may tone down the MGS elements. They also said this would be a sort of reboot. So maybe this game will be smaller storywise. If so, then the time to make could be shorter.


          • #20
            Waiting for more info...
            I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


            • #21
              No thanks. Do not want.


              • #22
                I'll just wait and see... Then I'll bitch about it .

                "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
                  I want to return to a city atmosphere in the new Resident Evil. I'm tired of crappy villages in places that are so remote, GPS satalites don't pass overhead. I want something sort of like the game Borderlands or Left 4 Dead, where you can play as one of four players on a mission to complete an objective(s). So essentially Outbreak but with an updated engine and overhauled AI.
                  To be honest, I know Lost Planet aint a crowd favorite here, but... man... if they could make a Resident Evil game built around a similar system to the co-op setup for Lost Planet 2... (Resident Evil: UBCS) that could be pretty hot. (To be honest, I was a bit surprised by the fact that Lost Planet 2 didn't join the trend of also having a "Zombie Mode" tucked away somewhere.)

                  A lot of the general functionality and design stuff in Lost Planet 2 shows things I'd just really wish they'd try to cram into a Resident Evil game.


                  • #24
                    Im not evan going to build my hopes up on it been RE6 for all we knowanother game.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
                      Im not evan going to build my hopes up on it been RE6 for all we knowanother game.
                      The dude specifically SAID Resident Evil 6 ..


                      • #26
                        RE6 could mean "sequel" to RE5 which could mean Revelations as Inafune is the one whi is developing it
                        I don't know >.>


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                          To be honest, I know Lost Planet aint a crowd favorite here, but... man... if they could make a Resident Evil game built around a similar system to the co-op setup for Lost Planet 2... (Resident Evil: UBCS) that could be pretty hot. (To be honest, I was a bit surprised by the fact that Lost Planet 2 didn't join the trend of also having a "Zombie Mode" tucked away somewhere.)

                          A lot of the general functionality and design stuff in Lost Planet 2 shows things I'd just really wish they'd try to cram into a Resident Evil game.
                          I never gave Lost Planet a fair enough chance. I got stuck early on at this large worm boss that came out through the ground, and kind of just stopped playing at that point. The same thing happened with Bionic Commando, Devil May Cry 4 (or was it 5? Is there a 5?), Dark Sector, Alone in the Dark, Deadly Premonition, Jericho, Dead Rising (I still haven't beaten the story mode since I find it way more fun to just kill zombies with random items, plus time always runs out and such), Jumper, Ninja Gaiden 2, Halo 3:ODST, Halo Wars : I'd get stuck some where, but they would have the misfortune of coming out while another game I really wanted to play came out so I would play the other game to completion and so forth and these would get stuck on "waiting to be played" list of games I own but haven't completed.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Zero38 View Post
                            RE6 could mean "sequel" to RE5 which could mean Revelations as Inafune is the one whi is developing it
                            I don't know >.>
                            It's not Revelations. He refers to Resident Evil 6 and Revelations as two entirely separate titles.

                            And PO, it was Devil May Cry 4. There is no 5 yet.
                            Last edited by Archelon; 09-01-2010, 04:06 PM.


                            • #29
                              I learned long ago not to set myself up for disappointment which is why I found RE5 to be a pretty average game as opposed to "the worst RE EVAH!!!!"

                              That said, I can still share my impressions for where I'd like the series to go.

                              1. Leave co-op out. Save that for future Online Outbreak titles. I want my horror experience to be solo......

                              2. Go back to their roots somewhat. Doesn't have to be umbrella and zombies all over again but bring back the horrific atmosphere and give us some viral enemies. I actually did rather enjoy the crimson heads more than the ganados/majini so there's some ideas to spin in terms of what enemies would be great to return.

                              3. More puzzles, and progressively make them challenging as opposed to keeping the standard set of dumbed down ones.

                              4. But the biggest one of all is an emphasis on horror>action. The stakes being raised usually means sequels tend to add a lot more action each time around...but then you lose sight of the horror. Very few RE games actually scared the piss out of me, but our aim should be to find new ways to scare the consumer...not throw mindless action their way.


                              • #30
                                Replace Majini (or whatever they`re called) with zombies, Uroboros with Tyrants, African Villages with Urban/Indoor setting and you got my 50$ Capcom. I know i`m not asking for much.

