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Biohazard: Archives 2 Announced, On Sales At Tokyo Game Show

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  • #31
    The first book covers the canonical games from Resident Evil 0 to Resident Evil Code: Veronica.
    This is something I've been meaning to bring up for a while and I may as well do it here...
    I finally got the Archives book when they released the reprint. It's a fantastic book, filled with great screen shots, artwork etc. and comprehensively covers 'all the games included'. Every fan and collector should own a copy. Obviously it's in Japanese, so I can't read it but it didn't take me long to notice something.

    For years now I frequently see fans referring to the Archives like it's the Resident Evil Bible. Like some sort of Holy Scriptures who's words overrule all else. If it's not in Archives it's not canon. If it's not in Archives it's not important, it's irrelevant, it's not real Resident Evil, pretend it dosn't exist.

    Without the Original game, there would be no series or franchise. I understand REmake is the bigger and better version and tells the same story but it is still a remake. The original game is the birth of Biohazard but not a single chapter, page, piece of art, screen shot or mention of it, is in the book.
    Likewise, Director's Cut, Gun Survivor, Gun Survivor 2 (the arcade machine nor the console port), Gun Survivor 4, Outbreak file 1, Outbreak file 2 and poor little Gaiden are all COMPLETELY ignored too.
    Despite many of these games having stories, characters and creatures that in no way contradict the canon of the other games, they are not included in any way... Some people probably hate all the above mentioned games and see it as evidence that Capcom feels the same way. However I have a much simpler explanation.
    None of the other games I mentioned were released on the Game Cube.

    They only acknowledge that the series exists on a platform other than the GC on page 346, where they include a chart showing the chronological list of games released.
    The final and conclusive evidence, is on the very last page, where they show the staff involved in making the book. At the bottom of the page is the Nintendo Game Cube logo. No other logos, just the GC one.

    So basically, when it was decided to re-release RE2, RE3 and RECV on the GC, they decided to compile the book to promote and celebrate that all these games were now on GC. That is the reason other games are not included. It has nothing to do with what's canon and what's not.

    So, anyway... I'm looking forward to this new book!!!
    But it's a shame that it looks like it will be leaping ahead and still not including some of the older games, not covered in the first book.


    • #32
      What matters regarding the older games has already been covered. The spinoffs are not included simply because Capcom doesn't recognises them as the true canonical RE games, that's all.

      btw thanks Mr. Rod. It now got me pretty excited now that they are covering titles outside of RE4 and 5.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Skunky View Post
        This is something I've been meaning to bring up for a while and I may as well do it here...
        I finally got the Archives book when they released the reprint. It's a fantastic book, filled with great screen shots, artwork etc. and comprehensively covers 'all the games included'. Every fan and collector should own a copy. Obviously it's in Japanese, so I can't read it but it didn't take me long to notice something.

        For years now I frequently see fans referring to the Archives like it's the Resident Evil Bible. Like some sort of Holy Scriptures who's words overrule all else. If it's not in Archives it's not canon. If it's not in Archives it's not important, it's irrelevant, it's not real Resident Evil, pretend it dosn't exist.

        Without the Original game, there would be no series or franchise. I understand REmake is the bigger and better version and tells the same story but it is still a remake. The original game is the birth of Biohazard but not a single chapter, page, piece of art, screen shot or mention of it, is in the book.
        Likewise, Director's Cut, Gun Survivor, Gun Survivor 2 (the arcade machine nor the console port), Gun Survivor 4, Outbreak file 1, Outbreak file 2 and poor little Gaiden are all COMPLETELY ignored too.
        Despite many of these games having stories, characters and creatures that in no way contradict the canon of the other games, they are not included in any way... Some people probably hate all the above mentioned games and see it as evidence that Capcom feels the same way. However I have a much simpler explanation.
        None of the other games I mentioned were released on the Game Cube.

        They only acknowledge that the series exists on a platform other than the GC on page 346, where they include a chart showing the chronological list of games released.
        The final and conclusive evidence, is on the very last page, where they show the staff involved in making the book. At the bottom of the page is the Nintendo Game Cube logo. No other logos, just the GC one.

        So basically, when it was decided to re-release RE2, RE3 and RECV on the GC, they decided to compile the book to promote and celebrate that all these games were now on GC. That is the reason other games are not included. It has nothing to do with what's canon and what's not.

        So, anyway... I'm looking forward to this new book!!!
        But it's a shame that it looks like it will be leaping ahead and still not including some of the older games, not covered in the first book.
        Nice observations. But the part about fans arguing over canon... well, I know some fans that would claim to know more about canon than the creators of RE themselves. And will even bring up elaborate fanfiction to back up their claims. Some other fans don't care much about the plot-hole infested storyline and instead will focus on the gameplay a bit more (Does it play like a survival-horror game? or Does it play like a "real" RE game? etc.). And those fans will argue more about that. The thing is, fans will always argue about RE with or without a book like this one here. I don't think they need an excuse to argue.

        And the REmake of RE1 is the definite version, man. It's the RE1 experience Mikami wanted to deliver since day one. When I played it for the first time, it was fucking obvious to me. So it makes sense to have that version in the book.

        BTW, the Cube was a perfect fit for the remake project. If the console had been more powerful than it was, then Mikami could've given us a totally different game. One that made use of all it's glorious 3D/HD capabilities. And not the one that used old school pre-rendered BG's, fixed camera angles and a less flashy way to portray action on the screen (with none of that Matrix bullshit we saw in later games).

        So yeah... hurray for the lil' purple cube for making these books and the REmake happen.

        Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


        • #34
          I just hope info won't get lost in translation this time.

          Otherwise, fairly excited. Hope they clear up some canonicity issues with Outbreak and Darkside (just for the sake of clearing up, pleaaaasus).


          • #35
            Originally posted by xfactor View Post
            The spinoffs are not included simply because Capcom doesn't recognises them as the true canonical RE games, that's all.
            Or are they not included because they aren't on Gamecube...
            Skunky raises an excellent point, which I'd never even considered.

            Which raises alot of questions about what this second book is trying to achieve. I think News Bot is right in that this book will probably not contain anything new, and just be a condensation of information made in the official Japanese guides. That's all the first book was. The book has been reveered as a bible for years, but that's only because alot of us saw all this great content for the first time in it, when infact alot of the info in it is very very old, and was never before released in the west.


            • #36
              Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
              Or are they not included because they aren't on Gamecube...
              Skunky raises an excellent point, which I'd never even considered.
              Probably, but I doubt this is the main reason even if it is. You can argue that RE Survivor wasn't in the first book due to this reason, but its weird how it didn't appear in the 2nd book when Degeneration is...I just feel that Capcom is not treating RE Survivor as a non-canon game or something now since no mention of it was made in RE5, and it is not in Archives II.


              • #37
                Survivor did get a brief mention in the first Archives book though. Sheena Island was in the index section as was the Tyrant factory I believe. I guess it just wasn't included as unless you count yourself in the key fan base that must religiously buy and play through every title with RE in it, people just are not that familiar with it. Not all casual RE fans or fans that enjoy the first few titles would shell out 30-40 quid {back in 2000} for a poorly received spin-off title. They are happy to wait for the next true sequel in the series.

                The game cube argument is a logical one though, I suppose the second Archives book was written when Capcom didn't have any exclusivity agreement. Each title covered is available on a different platform after all.

                As for content, sure 80% of it will be recycled info we already know, but I'm sure there will be plenty of new discoveries to discuss. Lost In Nightmares for example, has only the bare bones covered in the revised Kaitaishinsho guide. Same with both UC and DC books. All they cover is game play aspects with very little story and character discussion.
                Last edited by TheBatMan; 09-10-2010, 04:31 AM.
                "I've got 100 cows."
                "Well I've got 104 friends."


                • #38
                  So, errr, I know this is unlikely, but is there any way to get an English copy of the original book anywhere? I am fairly certain that they are all going for ridiculous prices!

                  Anyone want to sell me theirs? =D


                  • #39
                    £40 and you can have mine haha


                    • #40
                      Anyone going to TGS and want to pick me up a copy of this and I'll pay for it? What's the price in $$ transferred? I can make it happen if someone can swing me one.

                      Edit: It's about 35$ in US currency. So 45 in total for shipping and whatnot.
                      Last edited by TheAces; 09-11-2010, 10:52 PM.

