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RE2 Bluray details

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  • RE2 Bluray details

    At this years CES, Sony has revealed more information on the special features for the upcoming Resident Evil Apocalypse movie release for Blu-Ray.

    After narrowly escaping the horrors of the underground Hive facility, Blu-ray beauty Milla Jovovich is thrust into a war raging above ground between the living and the undead in the nightmare sequel to the 2002 sci-fi action hit Resident Evil. Resident Evil: Apocalypse is the second Blu-ray Disc title to feature SPHE’s Blu-Wizard™, a unique playlist technology that allows users to customize special features to create a personalized “Playlist” that can be viewed as a supplement to the feature film. Special features consumers may customize on the Resident Evil: Apocalypse Blu-ray Disc include:

    • Filmmaker Commentary with director Alexander Witt, producer Jeremy Bolt and executive producer Robert Kulzer

    • Cast Commentary with Milla Jovovich, Oded Fehr and Sienna Guillory

    • Writer and producer Commentary with writer/producer Paul W.S. Anderson and producer Jeremy Bolt

    • Game Over: RESIDENT EVIL Reanimated (a six-part making-of documentary)
    o Game Plan
    o Running, Jumping, Fighting
    o Zombie Choreography
    o Building Raccoon City
    o Big Guns
    o Smoke and Mirrors

    • Featurettes
    o Game Babes
    o Symphony of Evil
    o Corporate Malfeasa

    • Deleted Scenes
    o Weather Report
    o Extended Stairway Chase
    o Extended Gate Scene
    o Terry’s Big Break
    o The Lord’s Judgment
    o Pray for Help
    o “What the hell was that?”
    o Alpha-Team Base
    o Stay Alive
    o “Save your ammo!”
    o Graveyard Melee
    o Umbrella Laboratory
    o “What are you staring at?”
    o Just Say No…
    o “You be on the weather!”
    o I Was A Ghetto Superstar
    o Point, Pull, Repeat Pt. 1
    o Point, Pull, Repeat Pt. 2
    o Dogs in the Kitchen
    o Closure

    • Poster Gallery

    • Cast Outtakes

    • Uncompressed Audio
    Thanks to the AVS Forum.
    Last edited by Dot50Cal; 01-08-2007, 08:34 PM.

  • #2
    Wait, these deleted scenes haven't been available anywhere else, have they?


    • #3
      Im not sure, I recall some of the titles from the dvd release but Im not positive :p


      • #4
        On my Region 4 release I don't remember any deleted scenes. >_> But maybe thats just me.

        Regardless it's nice to see a few awesome features on the BluRay edition.


        • #5
          Let's just hope it's edited properly (unlike SH and some of the recent stuff like Talladega Nights). I actually haven't watched either of the RE movies, but I'll watch on in HD for sure.

          Now if I can only get a 20GB before VF5's release...


          • #6
            Dont believe half the crap you hear at avsforum or other enthusiast sites. Picture quality on everything I've seen thus far is fantastic. You'd have to stop the movie and view each frame in order to see the compression artifacts.

            Its miles ahead of dvd, so if you have no complaints with dvd thus far you shouldnt have any with bluray.


            • #7
              I believe it because I've seen it :p Editing in the aforementioned movies is poor, but the vast majority of titles released from mid July and on are fantastic. I recently had the chance to watch Black Hawk Down, and it was breathtaking at even 720p.

              Anyway, as I type this, I'm keeping an eye out on a 20GB PS3 at $30 than the MSRP.


              • #8


                • #9
                  Wouldn't you know it.. my modem's adaptor gave out about half an hour before the auction ended. There was no reserve set and no one bought it.

                  I'd just like to know where exactly those "PS3 is plentiful" claims are coming from.. particularly in the Toronto area. I sure as hell haven't seen any around.


                  • #10
                    Theres quite a lot here in the US. All EB's in our area's have them readily available (60GB). Might want to call around there and see ;)


                    • #11
                      Did that after that post, and seems that most stores got a few last week, but they're sold out (all 60GB too). Both Best Buy and the CDN Future Shop online stores have taken out their listings for the 20GB version, so it seems inevitable that Sony is really trying to force 60GB units on people here. Using claims that retailers and consumers want that version alone no doubt.

                      You've got to love that. If that really happened, I'm simply going to wait it out and get a Japanese unit instead.


                      • #12
                        Every store around me has had 60gb models in stock every time ive been there so. Get a US unit, some games, whether they are the US version or not, only connect to the JP PS Network (ie Resistance.)


                        • #13
                          I managed to get a new launch 20GB (with Talladega Nights). I'm currently working for a large retail chain and one of their sectors sells electronics.

                          With all the discounts I got alongside some points I had collected, I ended up paying less for the PS3 than the PS2 6 years ago. I got RR7, and it seems that Sony patched the network so I can't get T5 for now, so I'm waiting on that and VF5 next month.

                          Been having problems with my wireless connection though. The bridge I got works just fine with the 360, yet it's incredibly slow with the PS3.

