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  • #16
    Originally posted by xfactor View Post
    8 reviews now. Still all negative.
    Im shocked. Seriously who on earth could have predicted this one?


    • #17
      Doesn't matter how many are negative. Anderson only cares that the people in the cinema he goes in have a good time. Because it's very likely he goes in dozens of them all around the world, and not just a few full of the cast, guests and such.



      • #18
        I think they focused too much on 3D and special effects and didn't put enough focus into story and characterization.

        I give it 1/10 and I haven't even actually seen it.

        What....a 5th movie? Really? My god....stop this please...strike down paul....cut the funding....DO SOMETHING!!
        Last edited by Karui; 09-10-2010, 01:14 PM.


        • #19
          I'm still witholding my judgement, for now. The spoilers make it sound meh, the previous ones were meh, the trailers were meh...but never judge something until you've seen it yourself.


          • #20
            I'm not going to see this piece of shit movie (I'm done with these movies, which is why I sold the first three I had on Ebay). But, everyone knew that this movie would suck before it even came out.

            But I'm just curious about one thing. Can someone list all of the monsters that appeared in the movie? Was there any new ones besides the ones we have seen? Like, Hunters, Hunter Gammas, Lurkers, Giant Moths, etc? I doubt it, but I'm just curious if there were.
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            • #21
              Just got back from the movie, here is my review:


              Again this is just my personal opinion and review of this movie. If you liked the movie, I don't hate you or anything but like....come on man.
              Last edited by CRedfield98; 09-10-2010, 07:43 PM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
                I'm not going to see this piece of shit movie (I'm done with these movies, which is why I sold the first three I had on Ebay). But, everyone knew that this movie would suck before it even came out.

                But I'm just curious about one thing. Can someone list all of the monsters that appeared in the movie? Was there any new ones besides the ones we have seen? Like, Hunters, Hunter Gammas, Lurkers, Giant Moths, etc? I doubt it, but I'm just curious if there were.
                me not seeing this garbage either. saw a preview of it on g4 and i already hate.the hell with those movies.ill wait for capcom to make another cgi movie.i like those better.


                • #23
                  Lol its actually hilarious to watch people say hey I'm going to watch this movie even though I know its probably going to be trash. Now after seeing it they are saying yeah it was trash and I feel let down I hope they dont make another.....Yeah right you will just end up paying to go and see that to. Some people never learn.


                  • #24
                    I'm not going to spoil anything here, just give my personal opinion on the movie.

                    Frankly, I thought it was yet another mindlessly trashy entry in a mindlessly trashy series of movies. Okay if you're looking for a quick action flick, but leave your brain at the ticket booth, you won't be needing it.

                    There were far too many parts where I had to roll my eyes, or wonder to myself if Paul Anderson had been dropped on his head as a child. The entire film felt like it was just one action scene stitched to another, haphazardly, with the occasional (ridiculous) exposition scene sprinkled in here and there, to give the viewer some semblance of progression.

                    All in all, the movie was probably just as terrible as the others (personally, I found Apocalypse to be the best one so far, simply due to the atmosphere), but as others have said and/or implied, that really isn't saying very much.


                    • #25
                      Personally I like this movie more than the last 3. I hope there is a part 5 & even though the movie was wayy off on the game series. It was still very entertaining to watch, especially in 3-D! Also hopefully they will feature more characters in the future films. =]

