Carn - Most of what I would have replied has been mentioned by others, but I'll just pop in a few comments.
PSN costs are higher I am aware, but I think Capcom takes risks on most what it releases as far as profits go and Case Zero on PSN wouldn't have been any different. And again, as I said, I think the point chance of promoting a game to more people on the console to potentially boost sales is still also a good idea. It's the main reason demos, paid for or not, exist.
As for the platform content, I agree with comments here - it's probably because the PS3 and 360 generally have games on par with each other. It's funny to make that point too in a DR thread, considering we know what DR on something else looks like... with the Wii Chop Till You Drop. Excluding the PSP, there isn't the infrastructure in place for DLC and demos like there is with the 360 and PS3, and that's really the main point. We just can't even expect it if there is no ability to support it.
PSN costs are higher I am aware, but I think Capcom takes risks on most what it releases as far as profits go and Case Zero on PSN wouldn't have been any different. And again, as I said, I think the point chance of promoting a game to more people on the console to potentially boost sales is still also a good idea. It's the main reason demos, paid for or not, exist.
As for the platform content, I agree with comments here - it's probably because the PS3 and 360 generally have games on par with each other. It's funny to make that point too in a DR thread, considering we know what DR on something else looks like... with the Wii Chop Till You Drop. Excluding the PSP, there isn't the infrastructure in place for DLC and demos like there is with the 360 and PS3, and that's really the main point. We just can't even expect it if there is no ability to support it.