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TGS 2010 : Dead Rising "Case West" Announced

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  • #31
    Originally posted by A-J View Post

    This "paid demo" bullcrap needs to stop .. it's exclusive content and story (albeit small) that ISN'T going to be available anyhow else.
    I agree with you. I didn't think it was a paid demo. I see it as a stand alone "DLC", it was pretty rich for the price, sure, if you play along the story it might feel short, but if you only want some zombie killing frenzy it delivers.

    Now, that it won't be available in other platforms I wouldn't bet on that. Capcom usually doesn't keep their "promises". Remember the exclusivity deal with Nintendo for RE4, Killer 7 and those titles? I think that Case Zero will eventually go to PS3, maybe a GOTY/Gold edition of Dead Rising 2?

    I think that Multiplatform is the way to go. You get the best of all worlds...
    Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 09-15-2010, 04:10 PM.

    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


    • #32
      Dead Rising 1's demo is smaller than Case: Zero's free trial.

      Am I the only one that used "Glorified Demo" as something that was supposed to be a positive thing? (And something I hope more publishers do spins on in an equally great fashion as Case: Zero, and hopefully Case: West)

      Suddenly it's all so negative... who turned what I was hoping for to be a good thing into a negative thing? (I guess "glorified" comes with a bit of a negative thing to it... doesn't it?)

      Also, it's probably been said before, but Case: Zero would've just not fit directly into the main game of Dead Rising. Mainly 'cause of its general structure and multiple endings - the story doesn't exactly do anything of importance to DR2, beyond establishing the facts you'll probably be served at the start of DR2 anyway; Chuck's daughter's infected and she needs zombrex to stay alive.

      Wouldn't be surprised if Case: West's built in a certain way that more or less makes it not really fit in too well with the overall flow of main game too.


      • #33
        Do tell what's so exclusive about the story that won't be told in the main game.
        The only relevant thing is how Chuck's daughter was infected which will be told in the main game anyway.
        I don't see how we don't deserve the same treatment. Dead Rising is not an Xbox franchise.


        • #34
          To me this reeks of removed content ala RE5 versus mode... It's not like Capcom haven't done it before.
          I don't even care for dead rising (on any console), but I worry when game makers seem to think it's cool to publish DLC which contains the 'real' ending of a game (Fallout 3, I'm looking at you). Of course, this is based on the assumption that DR2s ending is somewhat incomplete and unresolved, and the only way for closure is the DLC. And I'm sure we all play Dead Rising for it's brilliant story anyway right...?


          • #35
            Originally posted by Alkar View Post
            Do tell what's so exclusive about the story that won't be told in the main game.

            The only relevant thing is how Chuck's daughter was infected which will be told in the main game anyway.
            Gonna assume you're yet to play Case: Zero and certainly haven't played Dead Rising 2 yet, right?

            So, what puts you in a position to judge what's exclusive, and what isn't right now? Let alone have the right to decide what parts are relevant?

            From the little i've played, i'm gonna assume the story about the bike won't be told in the main game? Or the guy on the roof helping you out? The woman in the bar? The crazy mechanic?

            All story elements after all. Try to remember, it's not just the parts that you think are important that make up a story.

            Originally posted by Alkar View Post
            I don't see how we don't deserve the same treatment. Dead Rising is not an Xbox franchise.
            Keep telling yourself that

            Dead Rising
            Dead Rising 2 - Case: Zero
            Dead Riding 2
            Dead Rising 2 - Case: West

            Dead Rising 2



            • #36
              Originally posted by DarkMemories View Post
              Yeah, I don't understand what the point of bringing Dead Rising to the PS3 was if they're going to have all this other exclusive stuff other than the the obvious incentive of extra money from Microsoft.

              Regardless, I purchased Case Zero, enjoyed it, and will likely get this too.
              So you rather they don't release the game onto the PS3?


              • #37
                glad im getting it for pc anyway lol


                • #38
                  You're glad it's 360 exclusive because you're buying it on a platform that won't get it?



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by xfactor View Post
                    So you rather they don't release the game onto the PS3?
                    No, just saying it seemed odd for DR2 to be multiplatform yet the 360 gets extra stuff. Then again, it never made sense to me for any franchise to start releasing games on a new system without re-releasing the original(s) on that system beforehand.
                    A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                    • #40
                      Alrite! Multiplayer. Bluecastle Studio is one step closer to making RESIDENT EVIL OUTBREAK FILE 3.


                      • #41
                        The story "ending" thing is pretty brutal, if it's actually ever happened.

                        I know people were bitchin' about Prince of Persia (2008), but upon playing through it, I felt the game had a perfect ending and the DLC was more like some unwelcome "Direct-to-DVD" sequel mixed with some new challenge levels.


                        Damn! Forcefully forgettin' CHOP TILL YOU DROP, are we!?


                        • #42
                 this really exclusive? The website makes me think otherwise. It has the PS3 logo, plus
                          ゾンビパラダイスアクション | CERO:Z(18才以上のみ対象)|プレイ人数:1~4人
                          発売日:[PS3/Xbox 360]2010年9月30日 発売予定[PC]2010年10月28日発売予定
                          希望小売価格:[PS3/Xbox 360]7,990円(税込)[PC]6,990円(税込)
                          開発:Blue Castle Games
                          It looks like that has a PS3 release date as well. Not too sure though. Exclusive or not...its funny how people complain about a system getting special stuff. With the amount of money people spend on games, just save up and buy a new/used system? Oh well.
                          edit- Hm...perhaps its simply a comment on the main game, not the extra content.
                          Last edited by Bertha; 09-15-2010, 09:53 PM.
                          Are you tired, Rebecca?


                          • #43
                            That looks to be the information for the main game itself.
                            It lists 1-4 players. I didn't know the game had more than 2 player multiplayer.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Stu View Post
                              Gonna assume you're yet to play Case: Zero and certainly haven't played Dead Rising 2 yet, right?

                              So, what puts you in a position to judge what's exclusive, and what isn't right now? Let alone have the right to decide what parts are relevant?

                              From the little i've played, i'm gonna assume the story about the bike won't be told in the main game? Or the guy on the roof helping you out? The woman in the bar? The crazy mechanic?

                              All story elements after all. Try to remember, it's not just the parts that you think are important that make up a story.

                              Keep telling yourself that

                              Dead Rising
                              Dead Rising 2 - Case: Zero
                              Dead Riding 2
                              Dead Rising 2 - Case: West

                              Dead Rising 2

                              First of all I have seen everything in Case 0 and other than the information about Chuck's daughter nothing is really relevant. If you think those 2-3 survivors actually are story material lol at you.

                              Second, I like how you conveniently forget about Chop 'Till You Drop every single time. Your fanboysm is probably preventing you from seeing the truth.
                              I wouldn't say "ouch" more like "lol". Capcom is trying to push this franchise over RE yet they keep making stupid decisions.
                              Enjoy your DR2, you surely deserve it.

                              Also yeah, let's all buy a 360 because 1 game has exclusive DLC for it.
                              That sounds like an amazing solution to the issue here.
                              Why spend 9$ when you can spend 299$? Right?


                              • #45
                                I've been looking forward to the DR2 release (for PS3). I still am, but this exclusive content business is souring my enthusiasm a little... (like someone's just pooped in my cornflakes)
                                The exclusive prologue didn't faze me (kinda like a loyalty reward for 360 users, since the first game was exclusive). But now there's an exclusive epilogue too?!

                                It will hurt PS3 sales of the game and probably put some people off all together but I'm not gonna go buy a 360.

                                I agree with Gene's earlier comment that all this extra stuff is already done and could have easily been included in the retail game. But instead they can earn extra $ from it as DLC (and even more $$$ from MS for making it exclusive).

                                I've been meaning to pick up Chop 'Till You Drop on Wii, just for the hell of it (waiting till I see it dirt cheap).

