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Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3DS Announced

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  • #16
    The screenshots show off Chris/Jill/Hunk. The screenshots show off the villagers and axe man in the village area from RE5.


    • #17
      The link that LVL100 Merchant posted has the video of both Revelations and Mercenaries. Revelations shows Jill on a boat(motherfucker, don't you ever forget) in RE4/RE5 over-the-shoulder gameplay style and shooting(in first person, check the pic I posted above) at what resembles a Regenerator(RE4) in its actions and appearance.

      The Mercenaries footage showed HUNK in RE5 Mercenaries maps, basically. Shooting at Majini in the Mines and Public Assembly, and shooting at a red barrel and lighting an Executioner on fire.


      • #18

        Last edited by xfactor; 09-29-2010, 02:53 AM.


        • #19
          I hope that the 1st person aiming view for Revelations is optional. The fact that Mercs uses a 3rd person view gives me hope that I can do the same for Rev. Otherwise, Revelations is looking pretty boss. I wonder if the multiplayer focus of Mercs will keep Revelations a single player only game though? I know a lot of people hated the co-op nature of RE5, but I'll be pumped for either direction that Revelations is taking.


          • #20
            I really want a 3DS. The lineup is solid and RE is getting a lot of play...but at $250-300, in March? That's really rough.


            • #21
              Wow, that looks better than I expected. Hopefully the 3DS allows online/wifi local play with some of your friends. The system is getting some nice software coming for sure.
              EDIT: Just saw the last part of the pres release on the wifi play. That's got me satisfied.
              Last edited by Zombie Fred; 09-29-2010, 03:05 AM.


              • #22

                Last edited by xfactor; 09-29-2010, 03:12 AM.


                • #23
                  Thanks for the screens Xfactor! Cool to see Jill in the RE4 castle. Hopefully there are some new characters/stages though.


                  • #24
                    ...umm, so now there is 2 games, one of which might as well been the extra mode in the other. Sorry, I'm not convinced. Revelations looks nice. But I'm still not keen Capcom, sorry.


                    • #25
                      Wow, I've been wanting a Mercenaries-only type of game for a really long time! I'm really happy, because I never thought it was possible. I just hope some of my faves are playable, notably Ada and Claire. If there's a large assortment of characters and stages, it could be absolutely great.

                      The Revelations gameplay looks nice, too. But, as some others mentioned, I hope the the first-person shooting is only optional. I'd be terribly disappointed, otherwise...


                      • #26
                        The 1st person view looks to be optional, since one of the screens shows Jill in RE4 3rd person perspective.
                        Last edited by xfactor; 09-29-2010, 03:30 AM.


                        • #27
                          Revelations looks vaguely interesting, but I'm rather hoping for zombies over Plagas stuff, and the Regenerator suggests Plagas. Which makes me sad.

                          Even if I was planning to buy a 3DS, I wouldn't bother with the Mercs game. Just not my thing. I like a little plot to game.


                          • #28
                            That Merc title looks to be a game aims for the multiplayer handheld fun kind of title rather than a full RE title. Its meant to be those short-burst 5~10 minutes type of game.


                            • #29
                              Oh, yes. It's just not the kinda game I like. I'm not huge into mutiplayer (I have a low tolerance for idiocy and having fuck ups yelling racial slurs because they got there ass kicked quicly goes over the top of it) and I was never fond of Mercs since RE3. The RE4 and RE5 versions just don't do it for me, so this doesn't look like the game for me.

                              I'm sure for you guys still playing RE5 mercs this'll be great.


                              • #30
                                I think saving up $250 by March of 2011 is doable. Heck, I may even pay the $300 bucks.

                                The games are just too damn tempting. Plus the 3D capabilities (pictures, movies) and other neat features are a big plus.
                                Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.

