I really really hope this includes the Reunion characters
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Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3DS Announced
Originally posted by rehunk88 View PostLets be honest the merc shit is just milking it ... we dont even want it
In any case, I was never really a huge fan of Mercenaries. I enjoyed it for what it was back when RE4 initially came out, though I only really played it to unlock the Handcannon. I was really hoping Capcom would do something different for RE5, but, well, yeah. Since there was no real incentive to play it (i.e. you couldn't unlock anything for use in the main campaign) other than trying to achieve high scores, I never bothered with it much in RE5, even Gold Edition.
That being said, I think it makes perfect sense to release something like this on a handheld. As xfactor mentioned, online multiplayer handheld games are huge in Japan right now, and the ability to play a quick match in Mercs lends itself well to "on-the-go" gaming if you're just looking to kill some time on a bus ride or something like that. It doesn't require the same time investment as, say, something like Revelations will.
Though it'll be interesting to see if Revelations is structured any differently from previous games in the series to allow for short, maybe 10-15 minute, spurts of playtime, which seems to be what a lot of developers who have traditionally made console games seem to do when working on a handheld system.
I'd still prefer the Mercenaries game to be released on a console, because I liked RE5's Mercenaries a lot. It kept me playing the game for months longer than I should have. I guess this is a good marketing ploy because eventually I'll probably end up getting a 3DS, but I really really don't want to have to get ANOTHER handheld. The price scares me away when it's in the same range/more expensive than regular current-gen consoles.
Why is everyone who is unsure/crying over the "Plagas" and not "zombies" forgetting one of the most important things?
Tha fact that we saw a zombie/slash fuckin CRIMSON HEAD in the main hall of the mansion!
Rest assured people, it will have zombies too, but if thats a flashback or something, then we can lead a riot to the doors of Capcom together. : D
Edit: It's too early to complain about RE: Merceneries, people.
Remember, because of the fact that it's a stand-alone, Mercs only, and possibly have a seperate team working on it, it might be a super Merceneries, with many assorted stages and characters. If not, then...um...we do the riot again.Last edited by ElusionM; 09-29-2010, 12:57 PM.
I'm glad they are bringing 2 RE titles to a portable system. Like others, as a person who works full time, I rarely have time to stay home and play regularly. So short bursts of 15-20 minutes of gameplay is perfect for me on the go. Atmosphere for resident evil died a long time ago with RE3, so I can immerse anywhere.
I and other merc fans have always been asking for a standalone mercs title incorporating a lot of the characters, stages and monsters. I'm just bummed it's on the 3DS rather than a console. It's too early to tell but it just looks like most of it will be RE4 and RE5 inspired stages with the same gameplay. It wouldn't hurt to incorporate RE3 mercs into this title since you could kill enemies for time and rescue civilians in the mix. Certainly would expand on the rules and settings rather than just making it a shoot all and collect timers event.
Oh and I shouldn't need to say this, but we do need Claire in mercenaries.
And if they do aim for other enemies besides RE4 and RE5 ones it wouldn't be bad to include classical ones like hunters, crimson heads, chimeras, and maybe even a tyrant or Nemesis.
Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View PostI would probably be more excited for the Mercs title...if it was on a system other than the 3DS. I'll get it either way...but putting it on a portable somehow just doesnt sit well with me. Aside from the standard bunch you'd expect (Wesker, Leon, Ada), I hope Krauser returns. I hated him in mercs at first, but that fucker grew on me the more I played him.
I am excited for an all out Mercenaries game if done right. I can't really see paying $40+ for what I have in Resident Evil 4/5. It definitely needs to have more than just a few unique characters and a lot more levels. If this is done in a similar fashion to Final Fantasy's Dissidia, I think it will fair well. Dissidia had A LOT of characters to choose from, a decent array of levels, two costumes per character and unlockable features. I want similar things implemented into this Mercenaries.
And I really hope they throw some off the wall, less common characters in the mix. I mean, put someone like Alfred Ashford into the mix...Or Richard Aiken...I just want to see people aside from the typical Chris/Jill/Wesker/Leon cast. I'd even like it to where you play at a B.O.W. or Birkin's G-Virus forms.
I want Wesker, but I definitely want something different than just S.T.A.R.S. and Midnight variations.
Wow, looks GREAT!
At least I now have 2 reasons for considering getting a 3DS...
I'd still rather see these games on other consoles (PS3 please!) but I guess that's the whole point of making them exclusive. To force me to buy the damn thing.
I quite like the idea of a Mercanries only game. Infact I asked for this in one of the 'What type of game would you like to see' threads on the Capcom website. My only regret about these two games is I got to buy another fucking console!! Godamnit. I have 6 consoles now. Will have 7 after this bloody 3DS.
Well, I have about $1200 left from my Census pay, so the 3DS is a definite purchase. Revelations will be interesting. I hope the developers don't laze about and just have plaga enemies, but since this is an RE4-5 interim BSAA game (I would assume) I think we might have some pleasant surprises. Remember RE:Survivor, where it's a mishmash of nearly every enemy from the first two games? Yeah, maybe we'll get that. As an aside I learned my lesson from RE5. I didn't see this footage and NO MORE TRAILERS.
Mercenaries is an opportunity for the developers to pick up those god damned Archives books. Seriously, if they don't have each and every main character in there at least (okay, maybe not Ark and Bruce...maybe...), they're dropping the fucking ball. If Rebecca and Barry are in there Claire and Emo Fringe Ninja deserve a spot. Richard, Forest, Chief Irons, Carlos, Billy, etc are pushing it, but what exactly is stopping Capcom (beyond space) either way?Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 09-29-2010, 08:06 PM.