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Keiji Inafune Departing from Capcom

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  • Keiji Inafune Departing from Capcom

    Keiji Inafune announced via his blog that he's going to be leaving Capcom at the end of the month. He states that he's reached the highest point of software development at Capcom and doesn't want to settle down. He also makes it pretty clear that there's little chance of his future projects being tied to Capcom saying that Capcom and Inafune must not depend on each other in the future. Inafune's blog can be read here and an English overview of the entry can be read over at Andriasang at the link below.

    Inafune Leaving Capcom

  • #2
    Who am I supposed to worship now!?

    Wonder where he'll be working next... there are many interesting possibilities...


    • #3
      He just Brought MML3 to life...It's a little sad He's leaving..
      But At least Capcom Might Return to It's Japanese Tradition and Not Relying alot on the West.
      But The nightmare That I'm afraid of is .. Jun Taking Keji's Place


      • #4
        So first he gives DMC to Ninja Theory and now he leaves?


        • #5
          I wasn't going mad then on seeing his attitude the recent months of being a downer. Hopefully he'll be picked up and do more creative stuff he wishes to evolve (Level 5 I am looking at you!) in the gaming business over at Japan.


          • #6
            I saw this when I woke up. It really sucks to hear that he's leaving; I mean, he's like "the man" over at Capcom from what I heard.

            Oh well, maybe he can make better games if he does go to another company


            • #7
              And now Jun Takeuchi will be taking over! Link
              Last edited by Zombie Fred; 10-29-2010, 10:53 AM.


              • #8
                Now He Will scrap revelations and Force Co-op in it!
                even Legends 3 Will Have Forced Co-op


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Zero38 View Post
                  Now He Will scrap revelations and Force Co-op in it!
                  even Legends 3 Will Have Forced Co-op
                  Some of you people make such god-damned stupid comments, it really makes me want to punch your faces.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Prime Blue View Post
                    Some of you people make such god-damned stupid comments, it really makes me want to punch your faces.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Prime Blue View Post
                      Some of you people make such god-damned stupid comments, it really makes me want to punch your faces.
                      And they say I need to control my temper...

                      Are we not allowed to make fun of or insult Takeuchi now?
                      A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                      • #12
                        To put it in plain English, Capcom now is truly FUCKED. This is pretty much the last of the old school guys leaving. It really sucks he's leaving after MegaMan Leegends 3 is finally revived, though, kinda dampers any excitement I had for it if the father of MegaMan himself is leaving it. Things must really be THAT bad over at Capcom. Creativity speaking of course(I certainly wouldn't think there wallet's hurting).

                        Oh well. I wish Inafune the best. The man was responsible for producing a large amount of great and classic Capcom games. Maybe he might go to Platinum Games, and complete the circle.


                        • #13
                          I cannot say at all I'm surprised by this... it's been coming with all his outbursts about the industry in the past year. Will be interesting to see if he even stays working with Japanese developers considering he seemed fairly positive about working with a western dev for DR2.

                          It's been said already about him being one of the last left, but he got his position because everyone else who took it hated it too and quit or said/did things that upset management and they made it difficult and forced them to leave. Somehow I don't doubt that's been any different here give his recent public outbursts.


                          • #14
                            I wanted a Takeuchi and Shinji team up for a Resident Evil game. Shinji left, Takeuchi opted himself out of RE6, and now Keiji lefts.

                            The Resident Evil franchise is left to a lot of open space to new ideas or even deeper a burial.


                            • #15
                              Honestly, if Inafune were to lead the next RE it would have been less japanese and more western, at least according to his ideas regarding the japanese gaming industry.

