Originally posted by Mr. Spencer
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Casting Update for Silent Hill: Revelations
Originally posted by aris13 View PostAkira Yamaoka has left Konami a couple of years ago.
So wait, Radha Mitchell's character was dead at the end of the first one, wasn't she? That's what I gathered. I haven't seen it in a while but I always thought that her and her daughter died in Silent Hill and were stuck in purgatory, and that's why they were seperate from Sean Bean at the end.
Wow...I had hopes for this film too.*sigh*
I really do like Sean Bean, but I cannot stand Radha Mitchell. In fact the first Silent Hill film is the reason I cant stand her, primarily because of how stupid her character was, but as an actress she just personified it.
This films story sounds about as convoluted as they could make it in an effort to appeal to the widest fan demographic. Well done Hollywood, but you still fail on the story harder than Oprah on a scale.
We can at least infur a few elements of the plot from the cast. Given that it seems to be based on Silent Hill 3, Randomly Not Named Cheryl must have somehow gotten out the limbo state she and her mother were stuck in at the end of the last movie. Which was a stupid, pointless downer ending that they now need to fix.
Sorry, ranty tangent there. My guess would be this - the main character of the first movie somehow manages to send the daughter, in infant form or otherwise, back into the real world minus memories. Sean Bean takes her and runs, possibly changing his name to Harry Mason given the number of times the name has come up. Then we get a movie version of Silent Hill 3, but the mother will occasionally be seen and Heather will be trying to save her.
If they do go that route it wouldn't be too awful. For me, at least.