The following comes from a Nintendo Power interview with Capcom's Masachika Kawata, series producer...
- decision to make The Mercenaries came after Revelations was underway, in order to provide a more conventional experience
- the experience the team had creating large multi-dimensional maps and displaying many characters on screen at once helped to positively influence Revelations
- characters chosen based on popularity with fans
- some old music from the series in addition to new stuff
- if Mercenaries establishes itself as a franchise, DLC is possible, though they'd have to consult Nintendo regarding the specifics
- didn't have to hold back on graphics, developed it as a full-calibur title as they would for an HD console (anti-aliasing in 2D mode)
- was a challenge to balance the level of 3D so that it wasn't too taxing on players over long periods of time
- feels Nintendo is more aware of third parties and each of their specialties with 3DS, which has led to a wider respresentation of genres
- skill system features progression - 3 grades per skill
- medal system
- hints at something else in the game to enhance replayability
- Revelations coming along nicely, game is 'huge,' will be full of new ideas and characters
Also, a couple more details has been revealed/leaked on Amazon listing for the title.
- 8 playable characters with at least 1 change of costume
- 2 different game modes (Scene Attack & Survival)
- 30 missions over 12 stages
- decision to make The Mercenaries came after Revelations was underway, in order to provide a more conventional experience
- the experience the team had creating large multi-dimensional maps and displaying many characters on screen at once helped to positively influence Revelations
- characters chosen based on popularity with fans
- some old music from the series in addition to new stuff
- if Mercenaries establishes itself as a franchise, DLC is possible, though they'd have to consult Nintendo regarding the specifics
- didn't have to hold back on graphics, developed it as a full-calibur title as they would for an HD console (anti-aliasing in 2D mode)
- was a challenge to balance the level of 3D so that it wasn't too taxing on players over long periods of time
- feels Nintendo is more aware of third parties and each of their specialties with 3DS, which has led to a wider respresentation of genres
- skill system features progression - 3 grades per skill
- medal system
- hints at something else in the game to enhance replayability
- Revelations coming along nicely, game is 'huge,' will be full of new ideas and characters
Also, a couple more details has been revealed/leaked on Amazon listing for the title.
- 8 playable characters with at least 1 change of costume
- 2 different game modes (Scene Attack & Survival)
- 30 missions over 12 stages