Originally posted by Darkmoon
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Preorder RE The Mercenaries From Capcom & Get Free 3DS Case
No, its the principle of saying something is limited to x many copies, then going and doubling that. Is it a lot? No. If they were going to make up more, just call it Limited Edition and dont put a number on it, like they do with Halo games , so at least we KNOW it is not truly limited, because who doesn't see boat loads of Halo LE laying around? But putting a number on something, taking orders for it, then doubling it is false advertising, simple as that.
Less limited or not, is it really worth complaining about? 500 extra copies are going to make you cancel a preorder or make you feel you were "cheated"? It's just an extra for buying their game, chill out people. RE fans just take things like this way too seriously.
Is it worth complaining about you ask? My answer: About as much as making multiple posts defending it.
But hey, I only think it's more along the lines of "Typical Capcom". I know some people can buy this game anywhere and save the money it takes to get it off the Capcom store. If they're getting it there with the hopes of having that limited case and they discover it's hardly limited afterward.....well I get where they're coming from. I'm just looking forward to when the DLC/super version comes out. Not because that's the version I'll buy, but because the shower of tears from upset gamers makes for a good thirst quencher.