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Man!ac Magazine Retrospective

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  • #16
    Germany is very strict. If I recall correctly, Dead Rising wasn't even allowed to be released there until they took out most body mutilation (like decapitatoin) and even then it was very strictly sold.


    • #17
      If you notice the video skips RE2, which was released on the market in Germany but pulled from the shelves shortly after. Its become sort of a collectors item from what some German people have told me ;)


      • #18
        2) Why didn't you include RECV into RE UC?
        RE UC is about Umbrella and Umbrella story's goes only in RE1, Zero, 2 and 3.
        So, the Umbrella Corp. assuredly "crumbled" in the short months between RE2/3 and CV? I've read speculation on this before and i'm assuming UC prooves this theory.

        If you notice the video skips RE2, which was released on the market in Germany but pulled from the shelves shortly after. Its become sort of a collectors item from what some German people have told me ;)
        I'm a blackstar.


        • #19
          Ah hell your right Mark. I gotta get the timelines straight in my head. Wheres Dead Aim fit into all this? Was that Umbrella's last hurah or something?


          • #20
            That's a good question. I can't seem to remember any dates from any of the files in Dead Aim atm...

            I believe UC will somehow be both a blessing and a cursing. It will answer lot's of questions that have remained unanswered, but I have a feeling it will add more plotholes, much like OutBreak did.
            Last edited by MeganGrass; 05-23-2007, 09:01 PM.
            I'm a blackstar.


            • #21
              Dead Aim happens in 2002, so no it isn't proof that Umbrella crumbled during that couple month period. Really, there isn't proof that Umbrella crumbled at all. All that research and government subsidized laboraties dont just disapear because their company front stocks plumeted. But then again, I am thinking in real world terms, not Capcom world terms.

              I believe UC will somehow be both a blessing and a cursing. It will answer lot's of questions that have remained unanswered, but I have a feeling it will add more plotholes, much like OutBreak did.
              What plotholes did Outbreak create that didn't already exist? And I agree on the apprehension... I am afraid they will try to say 1967 was the date the Progenitor was discovered depsite all in game files pointing to otherwise.
              Last edited by Krispy; 05-23-2007, 11:43 PM.


              • #22
                Good shit, thanks for the ups, Dot50Cal.


                • #23
                  Prime, can you re-do them? Wesker did say his German was off


                  • #24
                    Ahh excellent. Thanks Prime! Ill toss that up on the main page


                    • #25
                      That Learn English video is hilarious.

                      What part of the timeline do the Survivor games fit in to, anyway? I think I have most of it pegged, except for those, handheld titles (RE Gaiden, etc.) and the Outbreak games.


                      • #26
                        Well, Code Veronica mentions Survivor 1; so that's canon. 2 is definitely not canon, and I've heard rumors that its what Claire dreams when shes poisoned and "tied up" by Alexia.

                        Survivor 3 is a Dino Crisis game, and Survivor 4 also fits into the canon supposedly. Gaiden doesnt, for obvious reasons (Leon isnt a clone with green blood in RE4 ). The Outbreaks are more of a "What if someone was here at this point in time" deal, so while they are probably canon there are a lot of plot holes they introduced.


                        • #27
                          Well, Code Veronica mentions Survivor 1; so that's canon. 2 is definitely not canon, and I've heard rumors that its what Claire dreams when shes poisoned and "tied up" by Alexia.
                          no no, correct me if im wrong but im PRETTY sure its a dream claire has after escaping with chris on the jet at the end ..

                          the last para of claire's monologue

                          Was it just a dream? I don't know.. I'm in a while blanket.

                          I wonder why he doesn't turn around. Is what I believe to be
                          reality real? The steady sound of the engine of the V-Tol has
                          become louder and louder like the noise from a swinging axe,
                          and I realize that I'm waking up.
                          Last edited by A-J; 05-30-2007, 03:54 PM.


                          • #28
                            Ah, fair enough then. Would make sense with her seeing area's past what she had seen at that point in the game anyway.


                            • #29
                              o.O There's Survivor 3 and 4 now? Damn I'm out of the loop... Also I've never actually completed a Resi game, apart from Nemesis, so that has something to do with it.
                              Last edited by Summoner; 05-31-2007, 05:20 AM.

