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New Resident Evil 6 Info

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  • #31
    Thank FUCKING GOD!'s takes place after RE5! Hurray!


    • #32
      I said it before and I say it again: Resident Evil fans are THE WORST videogame fans ever. Always complaining about something...OHMYGOD DAT ZOMBIEHAS A PIPE THEY FUCKIN ASSHOLES FROM CAPCOM WHAT HAVE THAE DONE?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?:!,.§,.§,..... Seriously people?! Are you really that stupid? Well I guess you are.


      • #33
        Good to hear these "zombies" are running and jumping at you. Resident Evil 6 is adapting a new control system: shooting while moving, sliding, and rolling. It would be awfully easy if the zombies were dull walkers, now wouldn't it? I for one do not mind this. I've personally always wanted a game dedicated to crimson heads as the enemies, and I think this is the closet we'll get.


        • #34
          So, zombies in RE6 are actually ganado/majini in disguise more or less. Pretty sneaky, Capcom.
          See you in hell.


          • #35
            If the blonde girl is Sherry, I wonder when/if Capcom will officially confirm it?


            • #36
              Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
              How old were you when you first played a RE game?
              I was about 12 but thats irrelevant because that game was not tailored for the youth and if it was it probably wouldnt have been such a success as it has been. Actually I gurantee you if it was an action shooter it wouldnt have got hardly any attention. It got all the attention because it was survival horror at its best. I love RE but if I was a kid again looking to get the shit scared outta me I'd be playing Dead Space and saying fuck RE its for pansy's. I can imagine being in school now in a discussion of scary games and the nerdy kid saying RE5 was scary and getting his ass kicked and laughed at. Dead Space would be the game that the cool kids will be talking about. RE is for the veterans and nerds. Harsh? Maybe but its true in my opinion.


              • #37
                I find it hard to believe that the zombies aren't infected with at least some strain of the T-Virus, even if its one somehow merged with Las Plagas.

                Still though, glad they confirmed the date and post-RE5.
                A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Grem View Post
                  Aww fuck! Another "Jill's dead" plot. *Sigh*
                  Sounds possible, if they did do that id expect maybe claire is presumed dead? then she'll turn up to be alive and under some sort of mind controll. Oh and her hair will be ginger (blonde has already been done and Capcom aren't the type to copy and paste plot points) and she wont be recognisable.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Grem View Post
                    Here we go again.

                    At least zombies are making a return in some form.
                    In some form?...

                    They might as well just say they're Ganados and/or Majini.

                    The general census today is that the traditional slow, dumb (Romero) Zombie are just too easy and not a challenge any more... Well, they could quite easily make them a challenge again without having to resort to making them 'over the top' super Zombies.

                    With the new style of controls implemented by RE4, I have been hoping Capcom would finally make use of the whole "shot them in the head" philosophy, sadly to this day, it hasn't happened. All you need is a shyte tonne of Zombies, small cramped areas, limited ammo, only being able to kill the Zombies with sufficient trauma to the head and you have the perfect scenario right there. The possibility's for other gameplay elements depending on your surroundings are virtually limitless!

                    For me personally, taking Zombies out of a Resident Evil game is like taking rings out of a Sonic game, like taking coins out of a Mario game.... You just don't do it!

                    It seems like Operation Raccoon City is my only outlet for a modern Resident Evil game with Zombies, but let's face it, that game isn't even made by dev team(s) of the original main series games and more importantly, the game looks like shyte overall, terrible AI being the worst offender.


                    • #40
                      I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say Chris' "personal trauma" is that "that bitch" leads he and his men into a trap in Eastern Europe which results in everyone except for him and Beards (I'm still holding out hope that that's not his actual name) getting killed.

                      I also find it amusing that Adam has "always valued" Leon's friendship, when it was apparently Adam who forced Leon into working for the government in the first place.


                      On second thought, is Beards even with Chris in Eastern Europe? I'll have to watch the trailer again, but I think we only see Beards in China. If that's the case, then maybe everyone on Chris' team dies in Europe.
                      Last edited by Archelon; 02-15-2012, 02:09 PM.


                      • #41
                        Chris has lost teams multiple times, I call bullshit if one finally bothers him.
                        Last edited by Dracarys; 02-15-2012, 02:28 PM.
                        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                        • #42
                          But how many of those teams has he actually led?

                          This would be the first time, as far as I can recall. That would certainly make a big difference in his feeling responsible.
                          Last edited by Archelon; 02-15-2012, 02:35 PM.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                            50% done and hoping to be out by November. Anyone still doubt there will be a delay?
                            Revelation was 70% complete last September, 4 months before the japanese release. We are 9 months away from RE6, it's not impossible.


                            • #44
                              Yikes, can you mark this and possibly future qualified news headliners as spoilers? I read a little too far without realizing it, little too much info for my tastes. (I tend to avoid stuff like that for a fresh experience)


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
                                I said it before and I say it again: Resident Evil fans are THE WORST videogame fans ever. Always complaining about something...OHMYGOD DAT ZOMBIEHAS A PIPE THEY FUCKIN ASSHOLES FROM CAPCOM WHAT HAVE THAE DONE?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?:!,.§,.§,..... Seriously people?! Are you really that stupid? Well I guess you are.
                                Why on Earth am I stupid for not automatically liking what Capcom gives me? Surely it's the other way around - that you aren't that brightaccept something is awesome and great because it has the Resident Evil logo attached to it. See - movies. I'm getting rather ticked off that people always seem to think I hate Resident Evil because I have issues with the new games, or that I'm not allowed to be a fan anymore because I prefer the old games.

                                There are some foolish people who scream the sky is falling because of change - but then there are folks, like me, who look at this stuff, think it over, and go 'Fuck'. I never asked for tank controls, I just think the new control scheme is a bad choice. I would love zombies back - but giving us Ganados in a zombie skin isn't giving us zombies back, it's giving us Ganado's in a zombie skin. I simply believe that Capcom can have horror elements in a series that started as horror games and not loose sales.

                                Apparently, Capcom disagree.

                                What interests me is the number of messages that have been direct our way the last month or so, with Capcom trying to explain why they're doing this stuff. I still think it's bullshit - at this point Resident Evil's name is big enough you could have Resident Evilcart and it would sell - but they seem to be talking to the old school fans more. Not addressing our concerns, but telling us why we're wrong to have such concerns and opinions. I wonder if we're rather less of a minority than we always assumed, and Capcom's getting worried about loosing our support (and much more importantly, our cash) to other franchises...

