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Third Gameboy Color video

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  • #16
    This is so cool. Keep up with the vids, Dot50Cal.


    • #17
      DotCal, why aren't you releasing the rom? It's so lame to keep posting vids in an attempt to get people to come to your site. Let everyone enjoy this game.


      • #18
        DotCal, why aren't you releasing the rom? It's so lame to keep posting vids in an attempt to get people to come to your site. Let everyone enjoy this game.
        Without shedding too much light on it, let's just say that there are certain "things" that needs to be taken care of before such a thing will happen.

        Your type of attitude is unfortunately the total killer when it comes to getting the motivation to take care of said "things".

        While these "things" are taken care of, the vids are THIA, the owner of the cart and everyone somehow involved's best choice and attempt at making sure everyone can "enjoy it".

        Please try to understand the situation and sit back, enjoy the flight and please keep your seat belts on and cellphones and other electronic equipment off while we prepare for landing.


        • #19
          Its nice to want things.

          To most people here I would hope its fairly obvious why it hasn't been released "yet". A great financial burden was put upon the buyer and until they can re-coup at least some of their cost it wont see a public release (Though I doubt such money could be raised from the type of people who generally bitch about why collector X doesnt release their stuff). That doesnt mean that we dont have plans to cover it further, for that you will have to wait since building pages for it takes time. You're right that I do want to start getting more visitors here and part of that is by leaking out information about certain things. There are plans for it beyond the current video's you see. If you dont like the way the sites run then there are a lot of other sites you can go to.
          Last edited by Dot50Cal; 07-05-2007, 04:53 PM.


          • #20
            RE hasnt been released for the same reason IGN doesnt give you free copys of Rock Band, Gran Turismo 5, or some other unreleased game, and instead posts videos. Of course they are trying to get hits, thats what a website does. Do you expect IGN to post the ISO of Rock Band just because they got to play it? No, they post videos, and people come and look. Thats the nature of the Internet.


            • #21
              Who 'purchased' an undistributed game? That's absurd. Were you the buyer? If not then the game is windfall to you, and you're pathetic for keeping it hidden to get people to come to your site. You feel a need to pander to get people to come here? Why do you even care? And don't you feel bad dangling footage to all the folks here instead of allowing them to enjoy the game on their own? Who are you to have the right to play it and prevent everyone else from having the same opportunity. I just find the whole thing really sad.


              • #22
                "RE hasnt been released for the same reason IGN doesnt give you free copys of Rock Band, Gran Turismo 5, or some other unreleased game, and instead posts videos. Of course they are trying to get hits, thats what a website does. Do you expect IGN to post the ISO of Rock Band just because they got to play it? No, they post videos, and people come and look. Thats the nature of the Internet."

                That's not the same thing. IGN is given these games by the publisher, and asked to show them off. This is someone who caught a break by getting an illegal copy of the game, and is using it to tell everyone "Please, look at me look at me!" It's pathetic and selfish. Capcom didn't give you the game, you're not anymore entitled to the game than anyone else. You're just exploiting the situation and prohibiting the release of something a lot of people would be curious to try out. How does it feel to selfishly hide something that's not even yours in order to get people to visit your site who never would have otherwise?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by JakeyFace View Post
                  Who 'purchased' an undistributed game? That's absurd. Were you the buyer? If not then the game is windfall to you, and you're pathetic for keeping it hidden to get people to come to your site. You feel a need to pander to get people to come here? Why do you even care? And don't you feel bad dangling footage to all the folks here instead of allowing them to enjoy the game on their own? Who are you to have the right to play it and prevent everyone else from having the same opportunity. I just find the whole thing really sad.
                  Black Crow confirmed?
                  Last edited by Dot50Cal; 07-05-2007, 10:12 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by JakeyFace View Post
                    Who 'purchased' an undistributed game? That's absurd. Were you the buyer? If not then the game is windfall to you, and you're pathetic for keeping it hidden to get people to come to your site. You feel a need to pander to get people to come here? Why do you even care? And don't you feel bad dangling footage to all the folks here instead of allowing them to enjoy the game on their own? Who are you to have the right to play it and prevent everyone else from having the same opportunity. I just find the whole thing really sad.
                    Actually if you pay for something, generally, youre entitled to play it. I bought Diablo, you didnt, so you dont get to play. Released or not, it doesnt matter when you didnt even pay for something. Its not selfish at all. Its an issue of do you have the money? If you want it so bad, go spend hours or years searching for it, and be prepared to fork over a potential couple grand to get it. Then ask yourself if it was worth giving away for free.


                    • #25
                      That's how it usually happens, like the guy who bought the proto Mother 1 NES in English, the only copy known in existence, then allowed it to be dumped online for all to play. Because he wanted everyone to have a chance to try it out. I guess you guys would rather flaunt your possession than allow fans everywhere to enjoy another RE game.
                      Last edited by JakeyFace; 07-06-2007, 01:23 AM.


                      • #26
                        Or maybe things arent as easy as you make it out to be? Put your money where your mouth is, and go buy it yourself, then see how easy it is to release things.


                        • #27
                          Step 1. Buy a new car
                          Step 2. Give car away to stranger
                          Step 3. ???
                          Step 4. Profit!!!

                          I realize the analogy is flawed in that you could say this would be like cloning a car but the original buyer is still out that money. Like Borman said, Put your money where your mouth is. What games have you released? We've done two thus far.


                          • #28
                            That's how it usually happens, like the guy who bought the proto Mother 1 NES in English, the only copy known in existence, then allowed it to be dumped online for all to play. Because he wanted everyone to have a chance to try it out. I guess you guys would rather flaunt your possession than allow fans everywhere to enjoy another RE game.
                            And if you knew what you were talking about, instead of just pulling random stuff out of your arse, you would've known that the "buyer/owner" of the Earthbound cartridge was talked into being paid to allow the public to gain access to a dump of it. And that apparently a few more non-reproduction copies has shown up during the years.
                            (Though, "prices/costs" of oddities like this have certainly increased over the years, I guess I know kinda why. More international "investors" and the "fall" of the USD over the past few years)

                            So if that's your "best shot", I suggest you go take your bitching and stupidity over to some message board for some news site (maybe IGN?) that might've had access to the game in the past and bitch to them. As they atleast didn't have to cut off a leg and sacrifice money to baby Jesus in order to get ahold of it.

                            And oh, almost forgot; It's also worth pointing out that the initial dump of Earthbound (NES) was pretty much useless as it didn't even work thanks to "issues".


                            • #29
                              Enjoy hoarding the game. It's fun to dangle illegally-acquired, unreleased content to get people to visit your sad little site.
                              Last edited by JakeyFace; 07-06-2007, 09:51 PM.


                              • #30
                                Enjoy reading about it, free of cost to you!

