Laughing the canon issue is being brought up again. Is this meant to be a measure of success somehow or this a personal attack on me so worth reporting to a mod?
Besides S6 devs, Capcom US producers and Kawata all said it is canon or partly canon during the games development and running up to release day, but one single badly worded Q+A overwrites all this because haters say so. No evidence at all why all the comments from several different groups/individuals working on the game are wrong, no evidence why the Q+A trumps every other comments about the game, haters just say so, they say they know more than what people who make the game know just 'because it don't match my opinion and wants'. I'm not gonna reply to comments about this because it isn't even worth trying to argue with such baseless and blind logic. It takes liberties with things but so do other games set in RC, but haters only hating on ORC so nice double standard gets to be created. Not like it even matters, canon or not it will have no lasting effect on the series just like pretty much every other RE spin-off, they all just filler story.
1) Mike Jones said it was canon. Mike Jones has no involvement in the series. Slant Six also have zero authority over the series.
2) Kawata said it was "immersed in the chronology/mythology". Every single game and piece of material in the series (inc. comics, drama albums), canon or otherwise, has this description. Not once did Kawata ever use the word "canon", and he said twice that it was a "what-if", which puts it on the same level as the drama albums. In other words, not canon.
Nice to see you making up even more bullshit and excuses to try and debase the credibility of anything that contradicts you. As if the writers don't know what they're saying and word everything badly because they happen to say you're wrong, right?
they say they know more than what people who make the game know just 'because it don't match my opinion and wants'.
I'm not gonna reply to comments about this