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RPD Dispatch Episode 10 - Resident Evil Zero
About why Marcus never went after Birken and Wesker, maybe it was because he thought after he got to kill Spencer that he would be able to team up with them? It's been an age since I last played 0, but did Marcus particularly mention that he hated Birken and Wesker? Since I don't remember that.
My main complaint with the game is how it convolutes the story so much. If you think about how simplistic the story was from RE1 to RE3, it's a shame what it's become. RE:CV complicated it alot, but RE0 introduces so much. If it didn't jump the shark in RE:CV, in Zero it just jumped over it on a turbo-charged monster truck with jets on the side, and fire and stripes painted on the bonnet.(Mean Gene?)
As a prequel, it disappointed. Rather than reveal a whole lot or tie things together or explain things that happen in later games, it was more like "Oh, btw, here's this all powerful Marcus dude and his pet leeches. Something we've never even bothered mentioning before..."
And we learn that before Rebecca was hiding under the stairs, waiting to hit Chris in the face with Bug Spray, she had killed hundreds of zombies, creatures and giant monsters. Also, none of which she had bothered mentioning before...
And we learn that before Rebecca was hiding under the stairs, waiting to hit Chris in the face with Bug Spray, she had killed hundreds of zombies, creatures and giant monsters. Also, none of which she had bothered mentioning before...
The REmake isn't so bad with it. She's a little bit more hardy, but then bare in mind she'll be tired, emotionally wraught due to seeing her team-mates either injured or dead (such as Edward) and on top of that having to keep her senses together to hide the fact that she is hiding Coen's fate from the authorities.http://www.projectumbrella.net The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Review and contributor for www.thexbutton.co.uk
Zero was a pain in the ass the first time I played it, backtracking to get your items and weapons, spliting your characters and overall a very long - that's what she said - game.
But after some reruns I realized that it was better than I remembered and then I started to really enjoy the game. If you know it well then you will not have a problem.Last edited by aris13; 01-17-2009, 01:45 PM.sigpic
Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View PostThe REmake isn't so bad with it. She's a little bit more hardy, but then bare in mind she'll be tired, emotionally wraught due to seeing her team-mates either injured or dead (such as Edward) and on top of that having to keep her senses together to hide the fact that she is hiding Coen's fate from the authorities.
its a game of mixed bags.
I loved the train sequence, the whole section was brilliant, the rest of the less so. Why is this, mainly because in the train u are controlling one person. Controlling 2 people at once, and more specifially 2 armed people is not what RE is about.
As NGC Magazine said in its UK review at the time. The very things that improve the gampley negate the fear.
they are of course referring to the dropping of weapons and having 2 characters. If your running out ammo, its a comfort having the other dude next to you with a fully loaded shotgun. the feeling of being alone in the dark is fundamental for the series (bak then) and this really didnt help.
for me the item dropping system was crap. I ended up always dropping my stuff in the main hall anyway, so it turned into 1 giant item box.
the story too sucked. made everything way to complicated. granted its been resolved now, but it just fucked stuff up that it didnt need to. And it created new plotholes.
How did Enrico get to the labs from the MP truck then goes down the master elevator in a fully operational umbrella lab, then point to the cargo elevator saying the mansion is that way wen he's never been there before?
the magic elevator i didnt hava problem with, and was in effect proved to be non-canon with Umbrella Chronicles and Beginnings. With Beginnings being canon if Wesker wanted to quickly get to the MTF he cud have taken that route rather than take the ropewalk way round.
I will admit, I originally made the stupid move of playing 0 before the other RE games (yes, I got into the series just recently), and found it incredibly frustrating. While I managed to beat it, I have to agree with everyone else that the whole "LOL HURR DURR NO ITEM BOXES" thing was a terrible, terrible idea. Now then, if they had still kept item boxes while ALSO allowing you to drop some items, that would have made the game MUCH better.
Plot wise..hurgh. Even when I played REMake after 0, I still found Marcus to be one of the biggest mess-ups in the whole storyline. I had already watched playthroughs of the other RE games, including the PSX version of RE 1, so I felt that, no matter how you looked at it, Marcus didn't fit. Sure, the idea that he made the t-Virus is fine by me, and so is the idea that he was assassinated, but his whole "merged-with-queen-leech-and-became-young-again" thing was BEYOND ridiculous, even for Biohazard standards.
Not to mention that, after a WHOLE DAY of finding notes and journals about Umbrella's connection to the outbreak, as well as the fact that it was one of their own founders who created the t-Virus, and despite the fact that Rebecca had almost EVERY SINGLE BIT OF PROOF that Umbrella was behind everything, she doesn't even seem to remember it when she meets up with Chris. While I can accept the real-world fact that Zero didn't come out before REMake, one would think they would have at LEAST made some small references/hints to it. I mean come on, even the N64 port of RE 2 had a police report from Rebecca which mentioned Billy (albeit, showing that she kept her promise with him, but still..), and that was to promote the canceled N64 version!
The partner zapping concept was okay, but it led to too much ammo being used it, far too early. I just replayed the game in my preparation for 5, and I found myself constantly having to switch the partner's "attack" off, just to conserve ammo. It didn't matter though, six slots with the whole "big items get two slots each" thing ruined it for me (Why in the hell was the Shotgun 2-slots? That made no sense to me..). It made a lot of boss fights impossible unless I made ABSOLUTELY sure to keep ammo until the last minute. Which usually was pretty tough with all of enemies around clogging hallways and small spaces. (But, that was also because I was terrible at the game).
Plus...the final boss....such a lame battle that it was hilarious.
Zero had SO MUCH potential, and yet practically all of it was squandered, and so far, it has been my least favorite RE game (I'm about to play CODE: Veronica, though, so I'll see how long that reputation lasts...)Last edited by L-e-W; 01-17-2009, 09:38 PM.
As much as I hate to do this, I'm going to have to postpone the podcast until further notice. As some of you may know, I recently had some dental surgery and I've encountered some problems after having the tooth extracted. So I can barely talk without upsetting things.
I'll have to see when we can reschedule this, but in the meantime, please keep playing RE0. I will be as well, so we can probably have a lot to talk about.
At least your dentist wasn't this chap:
"Is it safe?"
"What? You talking to me?"
"Is it safe?"
"Is what safe"
"Is it safe?"
"I don't know what you mean. I can't tell you something is safe or not, unless I know specifically what you're talking about."
"Is it safe?"
"Tell me what the "it" refers to."
"Is it safe?"
"Yes, it's safe, it's very safe, it's so safe you wouldn't believe it."
"Resident Evil 1.5 is safe?"
"No. It's not safe, it's... very dangerous, be careful."Last edited by Henry Spencer; 01-18-2009, 05:59 PM.