Nikkolas - The story for the original Silent Hill, prior to 3 and Origins' screwing with it, was actually better than 4's. Mostly because, and as they kept with Silent Hill 2, it was multi-ended and open to interpretation of the pieces, additionally while AJ's card enhanced screens fail to show, on the original console the enviroments and monsters had a very unique and original design that just was it's own (much like the original MGS on the PlayStation). On top of that it's the first game I can think of that got and deserved an indepth plot analysis and debate because of the possibilities of what was going on, not what wasn't going on. Of course if you've never played it, especially when it came out, then you missed this point and as 3 and Origins now set their own new version of events then it seems a little irrelevant. Still I strongly suggest playing the other two titles if you get the chance... you're missing out on more of the series, and better titles than the last two games especially.
Additionally Silent Hill 4's problem was that the game actually had far more backstory than the actual game showed... there was numerous detailed files on the official Japanese website, which were thankfully translated eventually.
Additionally Silent Hill 4's problem was that the game actually had far more backstory than the actual game showed... there was numerous detailed files on the official Japanese website, which were thankfully translated eventually.
And yeah I know all about the stuff you get outside the game. After I beat The Room I learned as much as I could about the story. That doesn't diminish the game IMO. The game still had plenty of intriguing plot points and everything you needed to understand the characters' and their motivations were in the game. The sheer number of files, the things you read on those tombstones and in the all adds up to make a grand puzzle detailing both the main plot and various sideplots that happened in the other apartments.
Plus I just really liked Walter's character. it's a shame so few understood the plot and believe he thought Room 302 was his mother. I mean he comments on his real mother in writing and there's that part before the final boss where he has you hear his real mother's voice as she and his father abandoned him. Amazing how people miss that.