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RE5: Flowers

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  • RE5: Flowers

    In the extended trailer, they some what tried to emphasize the flowers in the cave where Chris found that old Umbrella logo. In some way, they might be connected to the origin's of either a parasite or even the Progenitor Virus. I remember seeing some vials with the flowers in a scene with Excella as she quickly turns around as to hide something she was working on, so they have to have some relation with the story. At this point we can only guess what role they will play, if any, but if a virus was found in these flowers, it could explain why the T-Virus seemingly gives plants the ability to move about all willy-nilly as if they were an part of a conscious entity.

    Think back to the first plant monster we faced which was totally invulnerable to weapon's however was extremely sensitive to an herbicide. It could sense your presence either detecting light changes in it's photoreceptor cells (being a plant of course, almost every epidermal cell has a photoreceptor) or by detecting the increase in CO2 concentration as you get nearer to it and exhaled. It would then flail around violently and to possibly try and defend itself in some weird way or it could have been trying to learn to ensnare you but had no actual control over itself. Then we meet Plant 42 and it's ever-so-friendly vines/tendrils, roots, and other planty parts. It seemingly had a mind of it's own and had a concept of self preservation as if it was a conscious being. It fed on humans and probably whatever else it managed to ensnare, undoubtedly other T-Virus infected creatures. It had a central core, which although seemed to act like a brain, it looked more like a flower given the petals we saw. This plant monster had the unique ability to control it's movement to try and attack you although it had some trouble keeping still.

    We see the next plant monsters in Resident Evil 2 with the introduction of the Ivies in Underground Laboratories. It was a sized down version of Plant 42 and since it wasn't attached to the ceiling of an old building, it was also given the ability to move around in search of prey. It's adapted itself to eat zombies quite nicely and quite quickly. You can tell this by it's feeding habits when it tries to eat either Leon or Claire. It tries to engulf your head and then spits hyper-active digestive enzymes onto you. Naturally since you fight back you can escape the digestion process with little to no damage, however, if a zombie were placed in the situation, I could see it being a very easy meal for the Ivy.

    Then we have other plant creatures in the Outbreak series, some like that parasitic stinking corpse lily (the Rafflesia which had all those flies around it which would then attack you continuously throughout that room once you destroy the plant), or the ones which would constantly spray out pollen or spores or whatever the hell they were pumping out, then of course we had the Plant 42 twin (the one that matched the original concept art for Plant 42 back from 1995, that also had a surprise inside ) that was able to almost consciously do things such as block doors to prevent escape of possible food by wrapping doors with it's tendrils preventing it from opening... The plants in the Flashback scenario had the ability to parasitically infect zombies so instead of searching constantly for food, they'd absorb nutrients straight from the zombie and use it to do the hunting.

    Ok, I've gotten way off topic, but getting back to the original thought: What do the flowers in the trailers have to do with anything?

  • #2
    i think your right, they are the orchidias from were the virus came from, the progenitor. They must be rare, like the ones form anaconda 2
    Last edited by Guest; 10-11-2008, 01:11 PM.


    • #3
      "The cradle of the Progenitor Virus"


      • #4
        Wow PO you put a lot of thought into this. My guess is that area is where Spencer and Ashford found the virus.


        • #5
          Imagine a flashback to that garden, with three figures walking up those steps - Ashford, Marcus and Spencer.
          See you in hell.


          • #6
            Could the Progenitor be a reovirus? I must admit, I hadn't considered the possibility that the original host organism might be a plant. Very interesting.


            • #7
              The flowers are significant! I hadn't realized it before but there HAS been flowers floating around RE5.
              I think each segment of that RE5 feature on QORE, had flower petals blowing across the screen at the end (or am I imagining things? I'll have to watch it again).

              Good job PO, I'm a believer.


              • #8
                The flowers might just be healing herbs. You never know.


                • #9
                  Oh cmon, they place much more emphasis on them in the trailer than just herbs. Like PO said, in the one scene they are shown inside a sealed glass capsule, with lighting (presumably to make them grow).

                  Its obvious they are central to the plot. I wonder if the Leechamn's "bulbs" of yellow would be related to them.

                  This is why I always love your in depth posts, PO


                  • #10
                    I agree. The flower garden reminds me of the movie and book, "The ruins". In the book, a hill filled with man-eating vines has been protected by generations of an ancient civilization. The natives fear the vines, but feel the need to protect them for religious reasons. They salt the surrounding area to limit movement and kill anyone who sets foot on the hill to prevent spreading beyond the designated boundary.

                    The flowers from Bio 5 seems to be confined to one specific area as well. It seems fitting for Spencer to return to the place where it all began. Only he, Ashford and Marcus would know the location, and the later two are deceased.

                    I wonder how Wesker found Spencer?
                    Last edited by Colvin; 10-12-2008, 09:44 PM.


                    • #11
                      "The Flowers"

                      What role do they play? Theories...


                      • #12
               - There's already a topic, I'm afraid.


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                            Imagine a flashback to that garden, with three figures walking up those steps - Ashford, Marcus and Spencer.
                            According to CV only Ashford and Spencer found the virus but I think they added Marcus in RE 0. Does any one remember?

                            Anyway my guess is this area is going to be similar to the area in 4 when Leon goes to in the mines and there are the las plagas fossils.


                            • #15
                              I'm not sure why but after playing REØ and then playing RECVX this week, I get the feeling that Marcus' and Edward's deaths were executed/ordered by Spencer for a specific purpose and that purpose might have something to do with the Flowers and thier location within Africa... Obtaining the T-Virus research from Marcus may have been a cover story, to get him killed. The circumstances surrounding Edwards death are also a little mysterious and IIRC were only described as being caused by an "accident". Spencer was getting rid of the only other people that knew of that location in Africa with the flowers...

